The ABC Homeopathy Forum
ADHD 8 years old boy
Hi everyone, I will be glad if anyone can help.My nephew 8 years old has bad ADHD. He is hyperactive, restless. He doesn ´t know how to be happy, he is always grumpy, sad, on the move, always moves his leg or some parts of his body, he has got a lot of anger in him. It takes him very long time to get to sleep. He has got planty of energy, loves IT and everything about computers mobils etc, music, dancing. He seeks attention. He even hurts him self to get it e. g. he falls on the ground. He is a magnet to falling down. Also he makes himself cry to get attention. He is deceitful to other children, jealous. He likes showing himself naked. He likes sweet foods.
When he does something bad then he cries and regrets it.
He is a pretty blue eyed blond hair boy. He often had problems with coryza and coughs out hard balls of phlegm.
I tried to give him coffea 30c, helped him little bit with his sleep, then I gave him tarentula hispanica 30c but didnt help much. (maybe little bit)
Then I realised that his birth was very difficult. His mum was in labour pain for 2 days, she had almost no amniotic fluid left, giving birth was painful for her, she was very dry and he did not want to come out, when doctors pulled him out, they broke his bone.
He didnt sleep much since he was a baby. He slept 8-10 hrs a day as a newborn.
IvanaZan on 2024-07-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
As there is history of injury during birth you may give him Arnica 30 three doses at three hours interval in one day. Do not give any more medicine. Observe for a few days if there is any change in his behavior and sleep.
Not a doc1 8 months ago
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