The ABC Homeopathy Forum
LM potency- does increasing dilutions (0/1, 0/2, 0/3) have an increasing or cumulative effect?
Hi, I was wondering how the LM potency works. Why do we increase the dilutions and what effect does it have?[Edited by mihikaagarwal on 2024-07-12 11:26:57]
mihikaagarwal on 2024-07-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
They dont have cumulative effect.
The answer is more complicated, just how some medicines work for you better in lower potencies 6ch or 30ch and some in higher potencies 200ch, 1m the same way Lm potency can work in lower potencies or in higher Lm potencies. For Example they can work in lm1 Lm 2 lm3 and stop working after lm3, or they might work better in higher Lm potencies.
But it can be the case when going up the scale lm1 Lm 3 Lm 6 Lm 12 eventually you can reach the one that works best for your case an actually heal if the right remedy is chosen.
The answer is more complicated, just how some medicines work for you better in lower potencies 6ch or 30ch and some in higher potencies 200ch, 1m the same way Lm potency can work in lower potencies or in higher Lm potencies. For Example they can work in lm1 Lm 2 lm3 and stop working after lm3, or they might work better in higher Lm potencies.
But it can be the case when going up the scale lm1 Lm 3 Lm 6 Lm 12 eventually you can reach the one that works best for your case an actually heal if the right remedy is chosen.
Poirot 8 months ago
Thankyou for your response. I was under the impression that Hahnemann created LM1 LM2 so that there wouldn’t be any confusion about potencies and he gave each LM, LM1 for one month then LM2 for second month and so on till full cure was reached.
mihikaagarwal 8 months ago
Dosing is determined by the individual response to the dosing. Everyone will be different. I have seen LM 1,2, 3 be given with good response, some issues were healed but others remained and patient needed a different remedy.
♡ simone717 7 months ago
Thankyou Simone for your response. This is exactly what I wanted to know. Also while I taking LM1 the response was slow- with LM2 it’s still slow but much much better- do you think LM 3 would make it even better or is it best to stick to LM2?
Edit: Nevermind- my doc just increased it to LM3 so I’m just gonna go with it and see. Thankuð
[Edited by mihikaagarwal on 2024-07-17 13:06:23]
Edit: Nevermind- my doc just increased it to LM3 so I’m just gonna go with it and see. Thankuð
[Edited by mihikaagarwal on 2024-07-17 13:06:23]
mihikaagarwal 7 months ago
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