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Cataracts in my Little Dog, Stitches

My little 25lb 18y/o Jack Russell/Shetland Sheepdog mix has cataracts in both of her eyes. My vet recently verified a fully hardened cataract in her left eye, as well as an highly formed cataract in her right eye brought on by age. Although I cant speak to the quality of her eyesight, she is indeed still able to see.
She also hasnt been able to hear for several years, however I have since taught her sign language in place of her previous audible commands. She will respond to the shockwave or vibration of sharp handclaps.
Beyond these effects of natural aging, she is completely healthy and carries herself with the physical energy and attitude of dog much younger in years. She walks, runs, rides and travels with me everywhere, showing no signs of slowing down.
While it is clear she has many years left in the tank, Im afraid that loosing both her hearing and eyesight would have such a negative and detrimental impact on her personality & quality of life, that they wouldnt be worth living.
I came across this entry in The Prescriber by John Clark:
Later stages, Silic. 6, 4h.
Calc. fluor. 30 - 200.
One dose per week for 4 weeks followed by Sulph. 30 - 200 one dose per week for 2 weeks followed by Calc. fluor. again for 4 weeks then Sulph. again for 2 weeks - repeat etc. etc.
Many cataracts will recede under this treatment.
Calc. iod. 30 - 200 is also useful.
For diabetic cataract.
Upon browsing your forum for answers, Ive gathered that this would be considered a biochem treatment, however I was really hoping that someone could clarify exactly what the text meant, its efficacy, and how it should be adjusted and safely administered to a 25lb dog.
I have also discovered promise in eye drops consisting of Lanosterol Solution + NAC.
Any further direction and/or elaboration to these treatments, as well as any other recommendations, guidance, suggestions, and/or proven remedies your community may provide me with would be very much appreciated!
This amazing dog has lived through so much; from stepping in a copperheads nest and getting bit several times 5 years ago to being run over and loosing her tail when she was 6... Each time time managing to survive and continue on enjoying life and spreading her positive energy no worse for wear. Shes just the best little dog ever; so animated, personable, engaged, in tune and aware. While I know she can & will physically continue to live for years to come, I also know that the debilitating & depressing effects of completely loosing both her hearing and eyesight would ultimately deprive her of the desire to carry on. Please help me dissolve or at least halt my girls cataracts and their progression so that she can prance on experiencing life and its enjoyment to the fullest.
Thank in advance to anyone willing to help...
  SoulTrain on 2024-07-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Petroleum 30 three times a day and Calc Fluor 6x three times.Dose five drops/tabs.

Weekly feedbacks.
anuj srivastava last month

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