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Upper Eye lid itching with abnormal skin, lower eye lidcyst type Page 2 of 2

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Dear sir
Good morning. From yesterday I stopped the medicine as per your advice. I will send the pic for your reference.

Still I found itching sometimes, a bit improved I think.

My skin around the eyes are wrinkled too much.

Looking forward your response.

Thanking you
Rajeswarirajaraman 2 weeks ago
Pictures sent to your mail sir

Thank you
[Edited by Rajeswarirajaraman on 2024-08-28 04:30:46]
Rajeswarirajaraman 2 weeks ago
anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago
Dear sir
Pictures sent to your mail sir.

Thank you
Rajeswarirajaraman 2 weeks ago
Looking better.Restart remedies and give a feedback after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago
Dear sir, Good morning.
Little improvement I found.Itching is there.I took the remedies for 4 days. Still the skin texture and roughness remain the same.
I send pic to you through mail.
Please suggest me.
Thank you.
Rajeswarirajaraman 2 weeks ago
Same remedies with a feedback after 7 days.

Looking better as compared to before.
anuj srivastava 2 weeks ago
Good morning sir.
As per your advice I am taking medicine for the problem.The itching of the eyelid is reduced.But still it is present.
Doctor,the skin around the eyelid is srunken,wrinkled.When it will get back the healthy skin tone.Is that problem reoccur
again for me.
Please guide me what to do nextbb
I attached the pic to your mail account.
Thanks a lot .
Rajeswarirajaraman last week
Rajeswarirajaraman said Good morning sir.
As per your advice I am taking medicine for the problem.The itching of the eyelid is reduced.But still it is present.
Doctor,the skin around the eyelid is rough,wrinkled.When it will get back the healthy skin tone.Is that problem reoccur
again for me.
Please guide me what to do nextbb
I attached the pic to your mail account.
Thanks a lot .
Rajeswarirajaraman last week

Looking good.

Same remedies and a feedback after 7 days.

The skin will become normal.

Matter of time.
anuj srivastava last week
Dear sir
Good morning.
As per your advice currently I am taking sulphur30
Natrum muriaticum 6x
Calcarea Phosphorica 6x
Itching comparatively reduced.
The wrinkles of the skin persist as it is.

Doctor, plse guide me to come out of the pain I am facing. Kindly suggest solution to get rid of wrinkles and itching issues permenantly please.

Thanking you.

Iattach pic to your mail id
Rajeswarirajaraman 16 hours ago
Pics sent sir
Rajeswarirajaraman 16 hours ago
Start Kali Sulph 6x.Stop Calc Phos 6x.

Nat Mur to continue.

Sulphur 200 be taken instead of 30 every alternate day.
anuj srivastava 14 hours ago
Dear sir
Shall I skip sulphur 30 totallywhile taking sulphur200 and it is for how long should I take. Further review time.
Thank you sir
Rajeswarirajaraman 13 hours ago
how long should I take.TIMELINE CANNOT BE PREDICTED.


anuj srivastava 13 hours ago

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