The ABC Homeopathy Forum
question on the interaction between different natural substances
hello everyone.I have a question about the interaction of different supplements that I am trying to take.
I wanted to try to introduce some supplements for daily use that I find interesting. I realize that the number of those that I am trying to integrate is considerable.
In fact, I bought the following supplements with the intention of taking them daily:
- multivitamin supplement (general, containing all the main vitamins)
- reishi spores
- cordyceps
- lyon mane
- St. Johns wort
- griffonia
- vitamin C
- hawthorn
- gingko biloba
This morning, at breakfast, I took most of the supplements on the list all at once - in the recommended doses for each supplement -, except St. Johns wort and vitamin C, and about an hour later I felt a sort of dizziness, as if my head was cotton wool. I was still able to work but it was a strange situation, in which I felt slightly dazed.
I dont know if this is important information, but I took all these supplements on an empty stomach.
So Im writing this post to get your opinion on the interaction of all these different substances. Since they are all natural substances, I didnt even think that they could have any negative effects on me, even if taken all together. Obviously now I asked myself the question. What do you think happened today?
Although I would like to take all these different supplements, since I consider them all important in the function they perform, I am writing this post to avoid doing something stupid, and to know which interactions are possible and which should be avoided, and whether it is not harmful to the body to take all these supplements daily.
Thanks to those who will have the patience and time to respond.
Frvinc on 2024-07-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can take a multi vitamin -it’s best to find a trusted liquid one bc the pills often do not break down in the gut and are not absorbed. You can take the mushrooms In powder or capsules by a good brand like Host Defense. The mushrooms are simply food and make sure there are no extra ingredients. St. John’s wort and the ginkgo etc are for specific problems-
If You don’t have those issues don’t take them bc you can have side effects.
[Edited by simone717 on 2024-07-29 16:15:05]
If You don’t have those issues don’t take them bc you can have side effects.
[Edited by simone717 on 2024-07-29 16:15:05]
♡ simone717 7 months ago
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