The ABC Homeopathy Forum
persistent nasal congestion and sinus blockage
hello drmy son is suffering from persistent nasal congestion
Yellow and whitish phlegm discharge with sneezing from nose in day time and complete nose blocking in night time
Dr says his sinuses are infected and block
sometimes he has cough with mucus sound too
plz suggest dr
ruchijain on 2024-08-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ HealthyWorld 7 months ago
hello dr
cough is suffocated type, while sleeping loud barking
drs here says lungs clear only upper respiratory
whitish yellowish thick phlegm from nose
nothing from mouth
full time he is trying to take take nose water in, he feels water like post nasal dip
dr says he has sensitive nose
no fever, cough subsides due to antibiotics but nasal congestion no improvement
i already gave kali bi many times
cough is suffocated type, while sleeping loud barking
drs here says lungs clear only upper respiratory
whitish yellowish thick phlegm from nose
nothing from mouth
full time he is trying to take take nose water in, he feels water like post nasal dip
dr says he has sensitive nose
no fever, cough subsides due to antibiotics but nasal congestion no improvement
i already gave kali bi many times
ruchijain 7 months ago
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