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Cat with chronic stuffy nose, hyperthyroid

My cat has a chronic stuffy nose (no discharge) with sneezing that moves in and out (instead of just a sneeze of air going out, she sounds like she sucks air in, and it goes in and out. It sounds like both a sneeze and cough but air is going in and out making the sound). She was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism (just started methimazole a few days ago). She is thin, not thirsty, seeking the cool floor. I can hear mucus in her nose, and its a little harder to breathe, but no discharge. She took antibiotics, got mostly better, but the stuffy nose came back. I would be grateful for any suggestions, thank you.
  jpskye on 2024-08-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
IODIUM 30 five drops three times a day.Feedback after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 7 months ago

Please give a dose of Ammonium carb 30.
sarup 7 months ago
Thank you for the suggestion; I tried Iodium 30 as recommended for my cat but she is still making the sneezing/coughing sounds. I am going to call today to inquire about x-rays for her but I really hope to avoid pharmaceuticals again. She has diarrhea from the antibiotics even though she is finished the antibiotics for a few weeks.
[Edited by jpskye on 2024-08-12 18:41:08]
jpskye 6 months ago
Sarup can I try this remedy now after giving the Iodium 30 for 4 days? I really hope to clear up the nasal sounds, the sneeze/cough. She rubs her nose as well and lately pulling some fur out with her teeth (Im not sure which part of her body she is pulling the fur from). She recently started taking methimazole, very small dose.
jpskye 6 months ago
Yes please, you can give.
sarup 6 months ago
sarup hello,
I gave the Ammonium carb 30 yesterday (I put 2 pellets in water, and syringed almost all of it into her mouth). Do I wait now or do I give more doses? I havent seen improvement yet, still a lot of sniffles in her nose. She starts to sneeze/cough mostly right after she eats, I have noticed. And she keeps swallowing for a while. But the stuffy nose is all day, and more noticeable at night. No discharge from the nose. Thank you
jpskye 6 months ago
Please give a repeat dose in 200 potency.
sarup 6 months ago

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