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Suppurating abscess crowned molar low left side

Hi, Im a 50, fair caucasian female, tall and athletic.

I have an abscess as above. Its supporting - a bit of white, serous and bloody puss. No smell.
The acute phase was probably 2 months ago when I had a lot of pain. I took Hepar 200 and then I switched to the Banerji protocol (Arsenic + Hypericum). Probably aborted the ps formation for a while.
The pain was gone.
Now the abscess resurfaced - the gum was swollen and a bit red. No pain, just tenderness when pressed or chewed. No sensitivity to hot/cold as before. Probably the nerve is dead but the infection is lingering. The tooth feels a bit loose and elevated.
I kept taking Hepar sulphur 6c and then Silica 12c. A small white head has formed and then the pus surfaced. Now Im alternating the remedies - 4 x day each. And with Calc sulphur 6c. Its suppurating as described above but kind of slow. I have no major issues with it but wondering does it usually take that much time?
Should I take single remedies or alternate as before? Anything else I should do? I should have probably started with Mercurius but now its a bit late since its oozing.

Past history: lots of antibiotics suppressed tonsillitis as a child.
Urinary infections, stomach acidity, miscarriages, varicose veins, cervical issues.
All treated naturally for the past 20 years.

I do appreciate any advice, God Bless you.
[Edited by Dulcinea1 on 2024-08-15 07:47:49]
  Dulcinea1 on 2024-08-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

anuj srivastava 6 months ago
Lachesis is a remedy I actually considered but I dont have it. Will order ASAP and start from tomorrow, thank you so much!
[Edited by Dulcinea1 on 2024-08-15 07:48:18]
Dulcinea1 6 months ago
Good morning, the abscess is now closed and the gum feels almost normal. The tooth feels a little long/higher when I bite on it but there is almost no wobbling/movement.
Do you suggest I stop Lachesis and the salts or continue?
Dulcinea1 6 months ago
Continue for a week and stop.After giving feedback.LACHESIS ON ALTERNATE DAYS.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-08-20 11:48:26]
anuj srivastava 6 months ago
Yesterday, on the first day on not taking Lachesis the abscess was formed again. A small bump with a white head. When I gently presssed it this morning, if popped easily with a bit of a sound and released a bit of pus and blood. I started Lachesis again, continuing with the salts. Should i pause Lachesis tomorrow, like you said, alternate days? Thank you so much.
Dulcinea1 6 months ago
anuj srivastava 6 months ago
Good afternoon, Yesterday i felt the abscess growing again. In a couple of hours it was ripe, with two white heads. It started to be painful as well. After midnight it was painful and with a big white head. I could hear it grow through the skin, little crackling sounds. The pain was a mixture of burning and itching.The colour was dark red. At 1PM I pressed it gently - some white puss and deep red blood came out and in 15 min got some relief and I could sleep. Yesterday was the day when I took Lachesis in the morning. Today I did not take it, as you advised (alternate days). Shall I continue with Lachesis on alternate days and the salts? It seems to have gotten more productive. If it forms again and Im in pain what can I take?
Mentally, I am a bit depressed about this abscess and a bit worried. Physically, I am OK, with good appetite. The cervical pain Ive experienced since one year ago has intensified last night together wirh the tooth pain (also left side of my neck).
Thank you so much.
Dulcinea1 6 months ago
STOP LACHESI.Start HEPAR SULPH 30 three times a day.Sil to continue.

Feedback after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 6 months ago
Im abroad for another week, a bit difficult with finding or ordering remedies. I have Hepar 6c, can I take it instead of 30c? Maybe more frequently, several times a day?
Many, many thanks.
Dulcinea1 6 months ago
Yes go ahead.
anuj srivastava 6 months ago
Hello again, after several doses of Hepar I went back to Arsenicum+Hypericum because I was in pain. The pain went back and now I am experiencing the following:

- the tooth is still wobbly
- there is itching and a slight sting (like a wound that is healing - only slightly uncomfortable). I basically feel like I want to scratch the root of the tooth or I want to pull the tooth out to get relief. It feels itchy inside.
- I am otherwise OK - no other signs of illness except the stiffness and moderate ache on the left side of the neck.
- somewhat irritable at times.
- there is a small swelling of the gum on the affected tooth (darker red gum) but no other swelling with a small raised bump - see picture.
- I tend to be anxious, worried and fearful and got some relief also emotionally from taking Arsenicum.

Please, see the picture attached.
I am now at home and I have more remedies available. Because I am feeling relatively OK I would like to still wait and try and heal it with homeopathy.
Any further advice about what to do?
Many many thanks
[Edited by Dulcinea1 on 2024-09-03 20:59:33]

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Dulcinea1 6 months ago
I suggest get it extracted if it has become wobbly.Nothing much can be done.

Start Arnica 30 three times a day.Silicea 6x to continue..
anuj srivastava 6 months ago
it is a bit wobbly - but its been like that from the beginning when the root got infected.
Dulcinea1 6 months ago
I doubt if anything can be done?What is your dentists opinion?
anuj srivastava 6 months ago
I was booked for a root canal two months ago but then the abscess retreated and I thought it was ok. No pain, no swelling, nothing, no movement. At the onset of the infection, three months ago, the tooth was also moving a bit (thats what I mean with wobbly) because of the inflammation. It was intermittently firm again when the pus was drained.
Dulcinea1 6 months ago
What gives Relief in the pain?

Have Coffea/Chamomilla 30 three times a day and give a feedback after 2 days..
anuj srivastava 6 months ago
I dont have any pain at the moment, only when I bite on side with the tooth. Just itching discomfort and slight swelling on the gum.
[Edited by Dulcinea1 on 2024-09-04 10:35:28]
Dulcinea1 6 months ago

anuj srivastava 6 months ago
Hi, Anuj, I stopped everything because I have a cold (chills followed by runny nose intermitently with dry cough evening and loose cough in the morning). I ordered Hekla but havent taken it yet.
Can you confirm if the picture still matches or should I take something else?

The abscess:
- No pain
- Small swelling on gum with a tiny bloody head
- Gum looks pink, normal colour
- Slightly tender if I press on it
- Good breath - no smell
- Tooth moving only slightly
- I am chilly and sensitive to wind and cold
- Desire to wrap up
Dulcinea1 5 months ago
Have HEKLA and give a feedback.
anuj srivastava 5 months ago
Hi, Anuj, here is the update after four days of Hekla Lava:
- general feeling improved - more energy
- when I started the remedy I felt a bit teary and emotional at night and cried followed by more clarity of mind
- the abscess hasnt formed a head to break the skin and release as before but there is a bit of blood at the base line of the gum meeting the tooth (the pattern change a bit)
- no puss release
- swelling remains the same size
- body temperature better (feeling warmer now)
- still no pain

Please, advise if I should continue or change. Many thanks.
[Edited by Dulcinea1 on 2024-09-23 07:48:26]
Dulcinea1 5 months ago
Same remedies with weekly feedback.

What is this?I have not requested for off line contact,and neither selling anything.

Have HEKLA and give a feedback.âš Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread.   Report Post     ♡+Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. Click the red button to endorse.Endorse Post  
anuj srivastava 5 months ago
I dont know. I replied from my mobile - I must have clicked something by mistake.

So Hekla for another week?

Thank you
Dulcinea1 5 months ago
Hekla for another week?YES.
anuj srivastava 5 months ago
The pus is coming out at the base of the tooth now. Its scanty, white and bloody. No pain.

Shall I take other salts in addition to Hekla to speed up elimination?

Thank you.
Dulcinea1 5 months ago

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