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Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

LM Sepia health damage

I was prescribed LM Sepia for a month for Vitiligo.
It was an incorrect constitutional remedy & caused terrible damage to my health. It deregulated my thyroid & parathyroid glands causing a massive loss of calcium from my bones, evidenced by the sudden onset of severe nocturnal leg cramps, creating osteoporosis, pathological calcifications of my joints (osteoarthritis) & severe weight loss down to 47kg for 173 cms height.
I have been unable to stop or reverse the LM Sepia damage. It is now one & a half years since the treatment.
Pulsatilla helped but seemed to be a weak antidote. However, when I stopped it, the condition of my lower spine became so bad causing daily pain & disability. I re-started taking the Pulsatilla 9C & 15C that I had been prescribed by the 2nd homeopath, out of desperation. I am still seeking someone who has the skill to help me & can prescribe my correct constitutional remedy/antidote, so I can regain my former health.
  Chiara on 2024-09-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Correct antidote for Sepia would be Sulphur.
You can take Sulphur 200 one dose only in the morning. Do not take more than one dose. Sepia affects liver, so eat easily digestible food and avoid vegetable oils, butter and ghee for atleast a month.
Not a doc1 5 months ago
Thank you for kindly replying to my post & suggesting a remedy.
I will try the Sulphur 200.I am already naturally on a low fat diet due to poor fat digestion. Forgive me if Im a bit skeptical that a single dose of Sulphur 200 will be powerful enough to reverse the deep damage done by the Sepia LM. I need to stop the overactivation of my Thyroid & Parathyroid that the Sepia LM induced. If I can find my correct constitutional remedy, would this not be the best way to do that? The Sepia LM accelerated & amplified all my genetic weaknesses, doing the exact opposite action of a correct constitutional remedy.
Thank you, Chiara.
Chiara 4 months ago
On this forum you can click any user name and see their bio, history and threads. Any person can join and give health advice about anything with no experience or health education.
You need your entire case retaken to help you and have the right remedies that match your current symptoms.
You have a very complicated case and need a very experienced homeopath to advise. I suggest emailing Dr jitesh Sharma-he and his father have a homeopathic hospital in India and have helped on here when they have time. I think you would need to have a private online consultation to help you.Jiteshsharma2007 at gmail dot com
[Edited by simone717 on 2024-10-28 08:56:36]
simone717 4 months ago
Thank you Simone for your advice to email Dr Jitesh Sharma. I will do so as I am desperate to find someone who has the knowledge, skill & experience to help me reverse the Sepia LM damage. Kind regards, Chiara
Chiara 4 months ago
Iam suffering from sepia side effects from last year Jan 2023 till now I cant find any antidote their is one medicine slicea which gives you relief.. my all joints are paining badly iam having shifting pains scatica and very bad pain ok jaw and head .. lumps are growing all over body
Dheeraj3 3 months ago
If u find anyhelp please mention it here
Dheeraj3 3 months ago
Please go to a real MD in person to get correct tests and diagnosis. What you have is not from a homeopathic remedy. Find out what the diagnosis is and then the right remedies can help you.
[Edited by simone717 on 2024-12-10 18:00:27]
simone717 3 months ago
I have worked with many md.. but they cant find the cure .. also most of them charge lot of money for medicine I got bankrupt due to this md doctors charge like hell .. also we done many blood reports they cant find anything wrong.. my family not believing me I have illness but iam dying everyday .. homoeopathy doctors difficult to find ..
Dheeraj3 2 months ago
Scroll up and see where I advised Email of Dr Jitesh Sharma. He is an excellent homeopath. Write to him and tell him I advised you to.
simone717 2 months ago
Thank you for the suggestion of the Silicea.
Chiara 2 months ago
Simone, unfortunately, the LM Sepia did cause the deregulation of my metabolic rate & calcium metabolism via the thyroid & parathyroid. LM potencies have no margin for error & can cause irreversible harm when incorrectly prescribed as was in my case. I have consulted with an Allopathic MD & done test. They cant help. Dr Jitesh has not replied to my last email.
Chiara 2 months ago
Dr jitesh given me number on my mail but when I call them they always say call later call later he is busy .. .. i dont call anymore ..
Dheeraj3 2 months ago
Please try contacting Drbhatiadot com-
Dr Bhatia and his wife are excellent homeopaths -
They publish a respected worldwide homeopathy newsletter for decades.
I would ask them about your case or who they recommend for you.
[Edited by simone717 on 2024-12-13 15:32:25]
simone717 2 months ago
I went to dr Bhatia site .. but I couldnt afford their fees its too much .. i cant go to my job and I have many loans and credit card to pay .. for everything they asking lot of money .. homoeopaths already looted lot of money because of them I have no money to even get food .. iam completely leaving with my family now ..
Dheeraj3 2 months ago
Hi- sorry that you are going thru this.
On this site I suggest click on Anuj name , see his email and write to him.
He has helped many people on here and he never gives up.
simone717 2 months ago
Inhabr mailed him many times.. yess Dr Anuj but he cant help
Dheeraj3 2 months ago
Hey please when u find help please share your remedy here ..
Dheeraj3 2 months ago

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