The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Pulsatilla remedy aggravation ?
Hello everyoneI would really appreciate if someone please shed light on the matter
Many years ago I was under the care of a homeopath..he gave me pulsatilla for my menstrual problems (I didnt have regular periods). My problem was cured instantly.
Years passed and unfortunately the homeopath passed away.
I have developed chronic dry cough that occurs after brushing teeth and when I lay down to sleep. I also feel like I must clear throat.
I took pulsatilla 200c ( same dose as last time) two weeks ago.
I repeated the dose again the following week. Soon after I got sudden chest pain and back pain at the same site and headache. This subsided the next day but the shortness of breath and chest tightness remained. After going to the emergency room it was found that I have a small kidney stone.
I am wondering if this is possible homeopathy aggravation. I should also mention that I stubbed my toe and soon after starting remedy the toe blood clot drained and the nail came off painlessly.
I am simply wondering if the remedy is a good choice. Should I antidote or continue the remedy. I still have chest pain as if someone is sitting there.
Please advise. I really appreciate any help.
Thank you.
Healme2 on 2024-10-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am wondering if this is possible homeopathy aggravation.Apparently not.
as if someone is sitting there.What do you feel in that case?
as if someone is sitting there.What do you feel in that case?
♡ anuj srivastava 5 months ago
Thank you for taking the time to respond tp my case.
I feel like pressure and tightness and pain in the middle of my chest. I am also having burning sensation and pain urinating started an hour ago. ( I am drinking more water hoping to expel the kidney stone)
I feel like pressure and tightness and pain in the middle of my chest. I am also having burning sensation and pain urinating started an hour ago. ( I am drinking more water hoping to expel the kidney stone)
Healme2 5 months ago
Healme2 5 months ago
The pain is in mid lower back. I am wondering if the stone is passing through bladder.Have you taken any remedy for expulsion?
Have Sepia 30 three times a day.In addition Mag Phos 6X and Nat Mur 6x five tabs of each three times in addition.
Feedback after 4 days.
Have Sepia 30 three times a day.In addition Mag Phos 6X and Nat Mur 6x five tabs of each three times in addition.
Feedback after 4 days.
♡ anuj srivastava 5 months ago
Have Sepia and give a feedback.
♡ anuj srivastava 5 months ago
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