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Excruciating long lasting headache and jaw pain

After an exposure to black mold, horrible headaches lasting 2-5months ensue. Nothing shows up on scans, it is some sort of viral or bacterial result.

Below are symptoms
It usually starts with my ears ringing, then I get a headache always on the right side of my head. It feels like a knife is stabbed into my head and the base of my skull again on my right side. Then I start to feel a slight discomfort on the right side of the back of my throat when I swallow. That progresses into some white patches on the back of my throat. Then my jaw muscle starts feeling tense like Ive been clenching my jaw muscle really hard. Then it progresses from just feeling tense to a stabbing pain in my jaw that radiates into my ear and moves up into my temple muscle until the entire right side of my head is a big giant stabbing, ringing ball of pain that drives me to thoughts of putting a bullet in my head!!! Not to kill myself but to force the drs to open it up and visually look at it. I figure if I put the barell in my mouth and shoot the bullet out of my jaw muscle. I know that sounds absolutely crazy but I say that to illustrate my level of sheer desperation.

Im thinking hepar, but open to your thoughts.

Thank you
  Sophrosyne on 2024-10-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you are oversensitive to cold then Hepar might be a good choice. If on the other hand you are oversensitive to heat you may consider Pulsatilla. Mental symptoms are more important than physical symptoms. Hepar is angry, quarrelsome person with homicidal impulses. Pulsatilla on the other hand is what one would call Mild, Gentle and Tearful.
Not a doc1 4 months ago
What is the situation with mold exposure?
Was the mold removed ? Are you having to spend time in an area that may have mold?
You have to be living:working in where there is no mold or the body will keep reacting , lowering the immune system.
Try taking ferrum phos 6x, cal sulph 6x, Kali mur 6x , Kali phos 6x to help rebalance and build up your immune system.
3 tabs of each 3 or 4 times a day for a week. You can take them all at once.
Then get Sanguinaria Canadensis - 30c.
This is for right sided trigeminal nerve pain- Which you have - ppl have huge trouble with the suffering from this.
Take 2 doses, morning, afternoon and report the effect.
FYI-on this forum you can click any user name to see bio and past threads and you can ask for a specific person if you want.
I have worked with a few ppl who had mold exposure- And they had to either move or get the mold eradicated before they got better.
[Edited by simone717 on 2024-10-25 14:56:44]
simone717 4 months ago

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