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Help with lip smacking after Klonapin reduction

My 50 year old son with mental health and intellectual disabilities had a .25 mg reduction of Klonapin(clonazepam) (1mg to .75mg) about 4 months ago. I asked for a gradual decrease following a schedule that a previous doctor followed so as to minimize any side effects because of his paradoxical response to medications in the past. She did it her own way which was alternating .75 and 1mg every other day. After a month he started smacking his lips and it continues today even though he is at the .75 mg dose. I asked his homeopath for help and he said he’s already on a daily dose of Sulphur 6X which he said is his constitutional remedy.
I would appreciate any recommendations anyone may have.

Best regards,
Sue K
  Sue K on 2024-10-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nux Vomica 30 five drops/pellets three times a day.Feedback after 4 days.
anuj srivastava 4 months ago
Thank you so much! I’ll see if this helps!
Sue K 4 months ago
Hi! I gave him a dose of Nux Vomica 30. Because he lives in a group home and I see him in person once a week, do you think he will benefit even if I can only give once a week?

Thank you!
Sue K 4 months ago
Give 200 potency if it has to be given on weekly basis.
anuj srivastava 4 months ago
Thank you so much for this information!!
Sue K 4 months ago
My son has had 2 doses of the Nux 200 for each of the past 2 weeks. His lip clenching has slightly lessened. Should I give another dose of Nux 200 or wait? Anxiety about future events increases the occurrence of this mouth movement.

Thank you,
Sue K
Sue K 3 months ago
Continue till he stops.
anuj srivastava 3 months ago
Thank you!
Sue K 3 months ago
Current update…. He grimaces when he is deep in his thoughts. If asked a question he answers and is not grimacing because he’s thinking about the answer. Most repetitive thinking is about future events. I.e what time is Thanksgiving dinner, what time will you pick me up. Who will be coming and writes it on his calendars) Always tells people he’s now 51 years old as an automatic response.
The thought patterns (of future events)and responses are the same as they have been for the past 40 years. Grimacing started when the doctor alternated the doses back & forth before the final reduction amount.

Hope this provides additional information.

Thanks so much!
Sue K
Sue K 3 months ago
anuj srivastava 3 months ago
Thank you so much!
Sue K 3 months ago

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