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Ailments from fears

Ailments from fears, chill without fever, chill from fears, anxiety and fears from thoughts, hypertension2011 , fear to be alone , restless and want to be happy . Stramonium and Ignatia are selected. Suggest your expert opinion about remedies, potencies and repeat interval. Patient now suffering since 6 months after being alone in his old home. Previous history fearsome since childhood and these symptoms relapsed after death of wife in 2017 and Graves disease was diagnosed with mental depression.Allopathic treatment by endocrinologist was able to cure. Male 67
  gianchand2gmail.com on 2024-12-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-12-11 02:34:05]
anuj srivastava 2 months ago
It has been used but did not worked. Although time of medicine adminstration was SOS.
gianchand2gmail.com 2 months ago
anuj srivastava 2 months ago
Confirm the rubric ailments from loss of loved one,
fear and depression should be studied more of what caused the fear, or in feeling of fear what is thought behind- whether its his fear of own death or loss of confidence or disappointment from the world. Fear to be alone can indicate more remedies if that is very strong.
You can try giving LM potency once the remedy is confirmed because in LM aggravation is very less and you can prescribe on very higher level
IKSHIT 2 months ago

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