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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Nerve Pain after surgery

Hi. One year ago I had surgery, I have been having nerve pain in the area gets worst when there is pressure in the area. I was told by my doctors that the nerves are keep firing and there was trama in that area. They want me to take the drug gabapentin which I dont want to. Can you advise is there a homeopathy way to heal the area and to stop the nerve pain? I have been dealing with this for one year.

  JackA1001 on 2025-01-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try Calendula 6c. Take single dose daily for a week.
If the pain doesnt subside after a week, try a single dose of Hypericum 30c and observe for a week to see if there is any change in the intensity of the pain.

Directions - Drop a single pellet of the remedy into a cup of water, stir gently to dissolve the pellet completely and take only a teaspoon, one teaspoon constitutes a single dose.
JustSayin2 2 months ago

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