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Toddler dandruff

Hello, I hope someone can help me.

My son has had flaky cradle cap/dandruff since he was born and was born with very little hair. Now he has hair but he has a bald spot developing where he has the dry crusty spot on his scalp.

He is a calm person but when angry throws things and hits but then hugs and apologizes. He also has a milk intolerance but can tolerate goats milk. The cows milk gives a light color stool and an itch skin rash.

Please kindly help me find a remedy.

Thank you
[Edited by Appletree on 2025-01-09 13:37:30]
  Appletree on 2025-01-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hello this case needs a proper homoeopathic assessment so i suggest consulting with a homoeopath right away. In the mean time you can give thuja 200 4 pellets empty stomach every morning
IKSHIT 2 months ago
Thank you. I will start thuja for now.
Appletree 2 months ago

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