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Post chemo mental health symptoms


I previously had the diagnosis in my breast in my right side and the chemo has put it into remission but I also have mental health symptoms such as delusions, insomnia, psychosis, anxiety and loneliness.

These symptoms got worse after I got married due to feeling lonely since we live in a remote area. The psychosis has ruined my life since I had episodes in public. Is there any remedy which can help me feel less anxious?

I have friends but it is when I’m alone I feel like my life is over and these medical issues are from a past life sin and I feel so guilty but I think I’m a good person and I don’t deserve to suffer like this. I also don’t know how much psychosis is clairvoyance. I take antipsychotic medication to sleep but non during the day.

I also have intermittent pain in my left ovary..

I have taken crotalus cassavella and Lachesis and thuja as recommended by a previous homeopath.

Please kindly advise,
Thank you
  Appletree on 2025-01-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take phosphorus 30 single dose every morning followed by arsenic 30 in day and in evening for 7 days
IKSHIT 2 months ago

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