The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Lycopodium aggravation or proving?
I took Lycopodium 200 1 dose only. 2-3 days after I got extremely bloated with feeling of fullness, more redness (hot flushes) in face and super irritated/antisocial (but mostly just in the evenings).Mild depr3ssion today, feel like complete failure in life.
These are all chronic symptoms in my life but had improved over the years. So maybe it is an aggravation.
But i dont know, i read many people develop lycopodium symptoms after taking it?
I have tried so many remedies in my life but nothing ever helped.
With my last remedy (cant remember the name right now, i think it was birthwort) i was suicidally depressed for 2 weeks.
Am i just super sensitive to the energy? I hate how it affects me, especially mentally. Today i had felt like my old happy self again during the day but then in the evening i switch and become depressed, self loathing, bitter, resentful, antisocial.
wannabehealthy on 2025-01-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This could be aggravation. You need to keep track of what is going on (write it down) Wait a few days to see if things get better.
In future it is best to start with 30 c. You wait 24 hours to see if A. Nothing happened B. Old things came back(aggravation) wait to see if that turns to improvement C. Things you never had appear( again wait to see if they wear off) and you then aggravate and then feel better.
It is hard to manage reactions yourself when aggravation or proving is strong.
[Edited by simone717 on 2025-01-17 23:52:21]
In future it is best to start with 30 c. You wait 24 hours to see if A. Nothing happened B. Old things came back(aggravation) wait to see if that turns to improvement C. Things you never had appear( again wait to see if they wear off) and you then aggravate and then feel better.
It is hard to manage reactions yourself when aggravation or proving is strong.
[Edited by simone717 on 2025-01-17 23:52:21]
♡ simone717 last month
Thank you!
Yes its hard to find a good homeopath (for my case at least it seems), i tried so many and took many different remedies...all of them started with 200c if not higher as my case is so chronic.
But i read now how lycopodium can be a bit different as sometimes a first remedy might be needed?
When i read about lycopodium i just found me in so many symptoms...
Ok lets hope its an aggravation that willbring improvement afterwards, otherwise i am giving up on homeopathy for good, it never worked for me :(
Yes its hard to find a good homeopath (for my case at least it seems), i tried so many and took many different remedies...all of them started with 200c if not higher as my case is so chronic.
But i read now how lycopodium can be a bit different as sometimes a first remedy might be needed?
When i read about lycopodium i just found me in so many symptoms...
Ok lets hope its an aggravation that willbring improvement afterwards, otherwise i am giving up on homeopathy for good, it never worked for me :(
wannabehealthy last month
Lycopodium was prescribed by someone else or was it self prescription? It is not homeopathy that is at fault. It is a difficult subject to practice and requires holistic view.
What were the symptoms for which Lycopodium was prescribed? How many doses did you take and at what interval?
The symptoms that are regarded as most important in homeopathy are mind symptoms. In simple terms your likes and dislikes or desires and aversons are the most important consideration in the selection of the medicine. The success of a prescription depends entirely on how well you describe yourself as a person when there is no face to face interaction.
What were the symptoms for which Lycopodium was prescribed? How many doses did you take and at what interval?
The symptoms that are regarded as most important in homeopathy are mind symptoms. In simple terms your likes and dislikes or desires and aversons are the most important consideration in the selection of the medicine. The success of a prescription depends entirely on how well you describe yourself as a person when there is no face to face interaction.
Not a doc1 last month
Mind symptoms are not the most important- If you have for instance what is called a strange, rare,peculiar Symptom
that is only found in one remedy that remedy will be needed. Also 200c
Is not a chronic potency. What is needed is correct potency, correct dosing,
which can change as you go along. And things often go in layers, as one remedy takes off a set of symptoms and then is exhausted and then the next remedy for what remains needs to be found.
that is only found in one remedy that remedy will be needed. Also 200c
Is not a chronic potency. What is needed is correct potency, correct dosing,
which can change as you go along. And things often go in layers, as one remedy takes off a set of symptoms and then is exhausted and then the next remedy for what remains needs to be found.
♡ simone717 last month
In the organon various aspects of aggravation have been discussed. As far as I remember, if the old or existing symptoms reappear or aggravate, it is a favorable sign that things will start improving after some time (may be 2-3 weeks). If altogether a new set of symptoms develop, this is an indication that the medicine has been chosen incorrectly and needs to be antidoted.
Medicines like Lycopodium are anti-psoric medicines and needs bit care for prescribing as well as administering. Hahnemann recommends two dry pills is the right dose. Very often if Lycopodium is indicated, a careful prescriber will precede with a dose of Sulphur 30 or Sulphur and Calc carb 30 before giving Lycopodium. Here the experience of the practitioner matters. 200 c is not a very huge potency for medicines like Lycopodium. In fact these medicines are often preferred in high potencies.
My suggestion will be to contact a practitioner of classical homeopathy to intervene and guide you further.
Medicines like Lycopodium are anti-psoric medicines and needs bit care for prescribing as well as administering. Hahnemann recommends two dry pills is the right dose. Very often if Lycopodium is indicated, a careful prescriber will precede with a dose of Sulphur 30 or Sulphur and Calc carb 30 before giving Lycopodium. Here the experience of the practitioner matters. 200 c is not a very huge potency for medicines like Lycopodium. In fact these medicines are often preferred in high potencies.
My suggestion will be to contact a practitioner of classical homeopathy to intervene and guide you further.
padmajamonalisa last month
Thank you all!
I took this remedy by myself, only 1 dose as a 200C. Which is why i think a proving might be unlikely (after only 1 dose?).
I have worked with several homeopaths in the past and was prescribed many different remedies. Some did something, most did nothing, and none cured me.
My partner is a homeopath so i have access to all the books and materia and when i came across Lycopodium I felt it very suited.
Bloating, constipation (strongly as a child), red flushed cheeks, dryness (skin, hair), lack of confidence, fear of failure, fear of new things, fear of strangers, the old man appearance was interesting as i describe myself as wearing old mans clothes preferably (i am female and 42 years old), even as a teenager i wore my grandpas sweater.
I am sure there were many more things from the materia medica that i forgot now.
My symptoms are bloating, digestive issues, heartburn, pcos, dry skin, red flushed cheeks, with irritability, low confidence, at times self loathing thoughts, that i am a complete failure and never achieve anything. Always second (to my sister as a child, or later in my work). Indecisiveness. Dry mouth but dont feel like drinking water.
So monday i took Lyc. Thursday and wednesday i was eztremely bloated, super full. Increased irritability. Increased red cheeks flushing.
Today felt as if some urinary infevtion was coming but didnt in the end (old symptom). Also had tinnitus for maybe 5 minutes (old symptom).
Lets see, maybe these are all good signs that its working.
I took this remedy by myself, only 1 dose as a 200C. Which is why i think a proving might be unlikely (after only 1 dose?).
I have worked with several homeopaths in the past and was prescribed many different remedies. Some did something, most did nothing, and none cured me.
My partner is a homeopath so i have access to all the books and materia and when i came across Lycopodium I felt it very suited.
Bloating, constipation (strongly as a child), red flushed cheeks, dryness (skin, hair), lack of confidence, fear of failure, fear of new things, fear of strangers, the old man appearance was interesting as i describe myself as wearing old mans clothes preferably (i am female and 42 years old), even as a teenager i wore my grandpas sweater.
I am sure there were many more things from the materia medica that i forgot now.
My symptoms are bloating, digestive issues, heartburn, pcos, dry skin, red flushed cheeks, with irritability, low confidence, at times self loathing thoughts, that i am a complete failure and never achieve anything. Always second (to my sister as a child, or later in my work). Indecisiveness. Dry mouth but dont feel like drinking water.
So monday i took Lyc. Thursday and wednesday i was eztremely bloated, super full. Increased irritability. Increased red cheeks flushing.
Today felt as if some urinary infevtion was coming but didnt in the end (old symptom). Also had tinnitus for maybe 5 minutes (old symptom).
Lets see, maybe these are all good signs that its working.
wannabehealthy last month
Yes,,that is how it works, uncomfortable but things are releasing.
So now let them keep releasing until you feel you are going backwards- Every person is going to have their own unique reactions to a remedy. Thoughts of you are a failure compared to sister are of course a lie - But we internalize abuse, criticism from childhood and these thoughts are called “driver voices”- Therapists help you recognize these thoughts and you have to push back and negate them until they stop. A lot of ppl with anxiety, panic have these thoughts and you can find someone who specializes in this to help you take charge of your mind.
So now let them keep releasing until you feel you are going backwards- Every person is going to have their own unique reactions to a remedy. Thoughts of you are a failure compared to sister are of course a lie - But we internalize abuse, criticism from childhood and these thoughts are called “driver voices”- Therapists help you recognize these thoughts and you have to push back and negate them until they stop. A lot of ppl with anxiety, panic have these thoughts and you can find someone who specializes in this to help you take charge of your mind.
♡ simone717 last month
PCOS and dry mouth suggest high blood sugar. Have you tested blood sugar levels? In case you have type 2 diabetes diet modifications will be necessary( atleast temporarily) or medicine will not work.
As the issue of Value of Peculiar symptoms has come up I would like to say that they are very convenient shortcuts to the busy doctor. However, a problem with peculiar symptoms is that sometimes more than one peculiar symptom belonging to different medicines may be present in the same present.
Did you ever try Pulsatilla?
As the issue of Value of Peculiar symptoms has come up I would like to say that they are very convenient shortcuts to the busy doctor. However, a problem with peculiar symptoms is that sometimes more than one peculiar symptom belonging to different medicines may be present in the same present.
Did you ever try Pulsatilla?
Not a doc1 last month
Peculiar symptoms belonging to one remedy are not a shortcut for the dr- they are like a signpost in the wilderness.
♡ simone717 last month
I will have my blood sugar levels tested.. they had always been normal, not sure when was the last time but yes this extreme thirst is with me now for quite a while. Maybe also early perimenopause?
Doctors here are not the best and in any case, shouldnt homeopathy based on symptoms be able to help either way? My diet is pretty good, i dont eat sugar, i exercise, stress is not super high
Doctors here are not the best and in any case, shouldnt homeopathy based on symptoms be able to help either way? My diet is pretty good, i dont eat sugar, i exercise, stress is not super high
wannabehealthy last month
Yes i tried pulsatilla many years ago, no reaction
wannabehealthy last month
Lycopodium aggravation make life worse if someone take it consecuently. Only one dose is enough and in only single globule. otherwise it has very high aggravation. like too much bloating and distention of abdomen. Headache with heat and flushed face. Low energy and low spirited, dryness of the whole body that is very uncomfortable situation.... and many hundreds symtoms more.
Aryans last month
I only took one dose!
And found out that i accidentally had gluten twice during that time which led to my extreme bloating, flushing, depression etc...
Amazingly bad timing as it coincided with the Lycopodium. Which in itself can help with celiac disease. But anyway.
Back to square one. No idea if the lycopodium now did something but most likely not
And found out that i accidentally had gluten twice during that time which led to my extreme bloating, flushing, depression etc...
Amazingly bad timing as it coincided with the Lycopodium. Which in itself can help with celiac disease. But anyway.
Back to square one. No idea if the lycopodium now did something but most likely not
wannabehealthy last month
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