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Nasal polyps and respiratory congestion

I am looking for remedy for nasal polyps, chronic respiratory congestion and history of asthma. Recently took natrum sulphuricum 30c to help with it but the results were minimal.
  k-will on 2025-02-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Need more details to prescribe the remedy
HealthyWorld 2 weeks ago
My wife has had a history of asthma as a child and early adulthood but has managed to keep it at bay within the past 5 years through a cleaner diet (I.e. no fast food, high sugar intake, red meats, etc). About a month or so ago, my wife and two daughters got RSV. My daughters have gotten over it fairly quickly but my wife has had lasting affects from it, triggering her asthma, making it hard for her to breathe sometimes with wheezing, and coughing. We came from the ENT today and they noticed she has nasal polyps and chronic inflammation and congestion. So we are looking to find a remedy aside from the cortisone they prescribed for her.

Let me know if there’s any specific information you’d like to know.
k-will 2 weeks ago
does she fell any kind of smell or test from her lungs?
please a picture of her internal part of nose
HealthyWorld 2 weeks ago
She said yes there is some kind of metallic taste when coughing
[Edited by k-will on 2025-02-26 13:41:49]

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k-will 2 weeks ago
disregard this reply
[Edited by k-will on 2025-02-26 13:44:00]
k-will 2 weeks ago
any recommendations?
k-will last week

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