The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Muscle paralysis with fever ( dog )
Hi, I have used homeopathics for the past 10 yrs. in acute cases with my petsQuestion: How would you address these symptoms from a homeopathic view point? need help on what remedy picture would fit?
Took my dog into emergency yesterday for sudden fever and muscular paralysis
My vet uses homeopathics but perfers herbs & chinese medicine in his practice.
We saw some slight postive change after accupuncture- we never discussed long term prognosis
Past history-
Lobo is 6 y.o. neutered male black Belgian Shep (groed) dog.
Breeder vaccinated puppy; father-daughter breeding
I do not use allopathic drugs/vaccinations
Black lips turned pink at 2 yrs. (use steel bowls)
Food allergies even on natural raw meat with veggies and fruit
Lips itch after eating at 6months
Eating & H2O causes upset tummy (bloat) stands rocking side to side, licking lips, turning head side to side, eyes glaze to distant look (colocynth worked)
Hyper-active sensitive loyal personality
hock joints edema at 4yrs
seeks shade and coolness
6 to 8 weeks ago -
started licking genitals after urination, normal output, no inflamation, no discharge
breathing heavy at night,
this week -
Licking gentials,
cough - gag like, with spital ( clear with small amount of froth - white)
Happy, eats, runs, plays and chew bones with two other dogs
May 19th Friday morning
woke up to muscle weakness
hindend dragging, right leg held in air
back arched, paralysis thru hip and hind legs
wants to lay down cannot stand on hindend
listless with fever 103.9 F
loss of appetite, drinks small amounts
friendly yet not feeling well
likes massage
flicks ears slightly as if shooting or sharp pain occurs when moving leg
good vet who is also naturalpath. sqeezed us in as emergency
while waiting for vet Lobo started to lick gential
I noticed slight discharge, small yellowy dry crust,
treatments -
chiropractic work with 'activator' for pelvis and neck adjustments
acupuncture to right hind needles to hock, stifle, lower leg pts.
positive change in mobility, used rt hind more yet still held in air when not walking
perferred to lay down fever up to 104. F back to 103 F after treatment
vet suggested hydrotherapy if temp goes over 104 F
3 day holiday weekend so vet now closed
Diagnos -
auto-immune; fever with inflamation in joints
prescribed -
tincture of Western herbs including symphtum, also Wh. willow (asperin)
discussed homeopathics, vet suggested Gelsem to lower fever
1:00 p.m. (Lobo slept on my bed)
woke up to deep chest coughing
hacked up frothy pink phelm
then went back to sleep
May 20th Sat.
carried Lobo outside, can stand but very weak
few drops of urine only, no breakfast, small licks of H2O
gums sticky dry, good colour & refill
Temp 103.3 F
sleeping and listess
gave herbal tincture
10:00 a.m.
first time - one dose 200C Gelsem
11:00 a.m.
Gums moist & normal
I moved Lobo's body to rest on left side for change
good drink of H20
Noon 12:00
Temp 102.8F
Lobo laying down, no interest
sits up but will not stand up
one dose 200C Gelsem
sudden change of alertness
stood & walked then hacked deep cough
ate 1/4 lb of raw meat dog food
gelsem appears to improve
back to laying down
ibc_jem on 2006-05-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Gelsemium-30 may help.
kuldeep last decade
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