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Premature Ejaculation



Posts about Premature Ejaculation

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


My name is Gerardo, I am 28 years old and i definitely suffer from premature ejaculation.

I think i started to be sexually active quite late in my life, therefore I wonder if my problem is because i dont recognise my no return point or is it that there is something wrong with me?

I still have wet dreams, i have sexual desire but when i am with my partner i ejaculate too soon, sometimes even before intercourse.

I wonder if this is due to anxiety or some other reason.

I do need help, therefore, i would enormously appreciate if someone gave me some advice with regard to some medication.

I look forward to hearing from someone soon.

Thank you very much.
  gerardo on 2003-07-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
(This message is posted here by way of an exchange of views and does not constitute a medical prescription)
TITANIUM 30C four times a day for two to three weeks.

PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
1. The query
I wonder if this is due to anxiety or some other reason.

indicates that you normally remain tensed about your job, and normally are unable to relax yourself.

2. You have sexual desire.

I'd like to suggest selenium 1M (every week).
I'd like to know if you have following symptoms also:

a) Quite often you have lascivious thoughs/dreams.
b) You are many a times desparate/anxious while working, and want to be relaxed by havin sex.
c) Want to give you partner more & more satisfaction.
d) You like drinks with strong odours.. like strong tea/coffee or strong alcoholic drinks.
e) You nromally can not sleep til mid night and wake up early morn

If these are the symptoms, them Selenium 1M will work.

Pankaj, Can selenium be accompanied with Titanium.

The Titaanium(as I understand) is for the diseases that arise due to weak muscles & bones, like impaired vision, sexual weakness out of early ejaculation while attempting coition, as well as skin disesses esp. Eczema.

Sujeet Banerjee
email: sujeet_banerjee

(I am a softfare professional working at Pune, and an amaeteur learner of homeopathy. I am interested in case studies. I'd like to have on going dicussions)
Sujeet 2 decades ago
the cure is very very simple please read carefully it worked 4 me when ur about to ejaculate first squeeze VERY hard lower part of the penis with one hand and top of the penis with other hand when u do this sperm can not come out
imagine you penis is like a pipe you squeeze lower part of the penis very hard with ur fingers around the lower part of the penis the other hand squeezeing top of the penis VERY hard with fingers round the penis head its important u do this when ur jus about to ejaculate with ur both hands squeezeing at the same time
when i say lower part of the penis its very lower part of the penis
when sperm dont come out for few months u will get better its worked for me the advantage is u get the satisfaction but do not lose energy. recovery can be slow but u will recover when u do this breath in and out sometime u have to push the testicals gently down so its easy to wrap ur fingers round the lower part of the penis
when ur getting better please let me know i will be happy vishnu05hotmailcom
vishnu5 last decade

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