The ABC Homeopathy Forum
my son's heat intolerance...please help!
please can anyone help me! i have been treating myself and my 5 children with homeopathy, extremly successfully for about 5 yr.But for one problem with my 14yr old son. He has always had a terrible reation to the heat. He gets breathless, has palpitaions, which i can feel when i put my hand on his chest, perspires proffusely especially frm his head, goes red in the face and cant perform any normal activities like walking or running. He has to just sit down or lie down in a cool place all the time when it's summertime. He has had this reation through out his childhood and i repeatedly took him to different doctors every year, but they couldn't find anything wrong and refused my requests fro furthe tests. (it's not surrprising that they couldn't find anything wrong with him considering that whenever he was seen he had been sitting in a nice cool waiting room for half an hour before beeing seen!!)They just wouldn't take me seriously at all. I can't afford all the counsutation fees ect, to be able to take him to a homeopath which is why ive been teaching myself, haveing lost all faith in the medical profession. My son is otherwise quite healthy, and responds well to nux vom for his hayfever in the summer. he doesn't really ahve any other problems except that he cant stand his clothes around him when he is having this reation to the heat. I am now quite desperate to find a solution, but all the searches that i make dont seem to be giving me all the symptoms that he has. He is now so miserable in the summer because he cant play football with his friends or even just go for a picnic in the park and i feel so sorry that i haven't been able to help him.
spacebabe on 2006-07-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Your 14 year old son's case interests me and I hope that the remedy that I suggest can help him.
Give him just one dose of Pulsatilla 200 in 6 pellets sublingually and report response in 48 hours after.
Give him just one dose of Pulsatilla 200 in 6 pellets sublingually and report response in 48 hours after.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
If Pulsatilla does not help, give one dose of Secale 1M.Secale has a strong aversion to heat and cannot tolerate clothes under warm conditions.Very often the body is cold to touch externally but the patient feels very hot subjectively.Wait for at least 10 days after Pulsatilla before giving Secale.
♡ rajivprasad last decade
to Joe, thanks for your help... i live in spain and the remedy is on order, i should be able to collect it on tuesday... will let you know how he gets on, thursday.
spacebabe last decade
sometime at this age there is problem of thyroidism, heat intolerance, breathlessness,palpitation, sweating, wight gain or loss etc.,this indicates poor metabolism.
Try following remedies;
-Thyroidinum 200(once a week)
-Iodium 30 three times a day
-Cal.carb 30 three times a day(best remedy for poor metabolism, excessive swaeting on head...)
-Baryta carb 30(this remedy indicates swaeting on least exertion) three times a day
These remedies will give results in 2 weeks,
Best regards
Try following remedies;
-Thyroidinum 200(once a week)
-Iodium 30 three times a day
-Cal.carb 30 three times a day(best remedy for poor metabolism, excessive swaeting on head...)
-Baryta carb 30(this remedy indicates swaeting on least exertion) three times a day
These remedies will give results in 2 weeks,
Best regards
ashfaq last decade
If he is worse from heat as well worse from cold, then Antimonium Crudum is the medicine.
♡ girilal last decade
to joe, only just got pulsitilla 200... took longer than usual for the chemist to recieve them. gave him 6 under the tongue this morning... hes extremly hot and irritabel at the mo...will let u know how he is on sunday. hope this works.
Asfag: i appreciate your help, but my son has been like this since he was very little, so it's not to do with his age. Thanks anyway. Lin
Asfag: i appreciate your help, but my son has been like this since he was very little, so it's not to do with his age. Thanks anyway. Lin
spacebabe last decade
Dear Joe, havent been able to get back to you because my computor crashed!!! My son seems to be getting on really well, it's now been 6 days, and he is a lot calmer and even going outside in the's 33 degrees here today! He seems to be improving a bit more each day. It's so great to see him like this.
What do i do next please?
What do i do next please?
spacebabe last decade
I read your post at the top of this forum and would not have responded if you had not alerted me on it as for some reason I am not getting my email alerts after the server was changed by Simon Broadley the moderator and systems analyzer of the ABC.
I am delighted to note that Pulsatilla 200 was able to solve your son's heat intolerance which you state he has suffered from the time he was a baby.
I presume that you have given him just one dose of the remedy as I instructed. Please note that you MUST NOT give him any repeat doses as this can aggravate his rather unusual problem.
Please report progress from time to time and if I do not respond please contact me by email as many others have done due to this temporary problem.
I am delighted to note that Pulsatilla 200 was able to solve your son's heat intolerance which you state he has suffered from the time he was a baby.
I presume that you have given him just one dose of the remedy as I instructed. Please note that you MUST NOT give him any repeat doses as this can aggravate his rather unusual problem.
Please report progress from time to time and if I do not respond please contact me by email as many others have done due to this temporary problem.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
A matter that I omitted in my last post it to request you not to let your son run around in the hot sun unless it is essential.
After all he is now OK after so many years and you do not want to push him into another episode of heat intolerance again. Let him take it easy and he will slowly grow out of his problem in a few months. The idea is to let him come back to normal slowly.
Dont let him push it.
After all he is now OK after so many years and you do not want to push him into another episode of heat intolerance again. Let him take it easy and he will slowly grow out of his problem in a few months. The idea is to let him come back to normal slowly.
Dont let him push it.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
dear Joe, I wanted to let you know that my son reation to heat seems to have gone. He is just like any other normal child of his age now and enjoying lots more outside activities than he has ever been able to participate in...THANK YOU SO MUCH. its so wonderfull to see him this way. THANK YOU.
I have another question for you. Can you tell me what potency follows on from 200cc?
As you know, i live in spain and I usually use 30cc(ch in spain) and 200cc. I asked in the farmacia which comes next and they showed me '1M' and '1000ch', so im a bit confused and would very much appreciate your advise.
Thank you. Spacebabe
I have another question for you. Can you tell me what potency follows on from 200cc?
As you know, i live in spain and I usually use 30cc(ch in spain) and 200cc. I asked in the farmacia which comes next and they showed me '1M' and '1000ch', so im a bit confused and would very much appreciate your advise.
Thank you. Spacebabe
spacebabe last decade
To Spacebabe
Please DO NOT experiment with higher potencies of Pulsatilla.
You were warned by me NOT to use this remedy over and over again as this is a sure way of creating an aggravation.
Your boy is now cured and Thank God for that great gift of wellness.
God Bless you and your son.
Joe De Livera
Please DO NOT experiment with higher potencies of Pulsatilla.
You were warned by me NOT to use this remedy over and over again as this is a sure way of creating an aggravation.
Your boy is now cured and Thank God for that great gift of wellness.
God Bless you and your son.
Joe De Livera
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
If this arises again, there is an appropriate australian bush flower remedy 'Solaris Essence' for fear and distress associated with fire, heat and the sun. Do a search on internet if your are interested.
carlotta last decade
Dear Joe, you dont need to worry, I have taken your advise very seriously, and i wont be giving my son anything else!
but, about the potencies... i was curious as to what comes after 200cc, as i treat alot of my friends and relatives with homeopathy, very successfully. And this question has arisen...i would be gratefull for your advise. Thanks, Spacebabe.
but, about the potencies... i was curious as to what comes after 200cc, as i treat alot of my friends and relatives with homeopathy, very successfully. And this question has arisen...i would be gratefull for your advise. Thanks, Spacebabe.
spacebabe last decade
Homeopathy is a science that first has to be studied and then experimented on preferably on the prescriber and then used with care on others who may come to you for a cure.
It is difficult to reply your questions on this forum and if you are serious about Homeopathy you can read some books on the subject.
You can always post your patient's ailments with the symptoms on this thread and when I get the email alert I shall be glad to help.
Please let me know how many doses of Pulsatilla 200 you have given your son so far.
It is difficult to reply your questions on this forum and if you are serious about Homeopathy you can read some books on the subject.
You can always post your patient's ailments with the symptoms on this thread and when I get the email alert I shall be glad to help.
Please let me know how many doses of Pulsatilla 200 you have given your son so far.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Hello there. I'm sorry to resurrect a topic that is more than four years old, but I really need some help and thought I could ask here. I found this topic when searching on Google and am wondering if this would help me like it helped this woman's son.
I have been suffering from heat intolerance for roughly two-thirds of a year now. I always seem to be hot and have to keep it very cool in my home to be comfortable (temperature lower than 15C). Do you think taking a dose of Pulsatilla 200 in the same manner would help me get over that at all?
Are there any risks in taking this or side effects I should be concerned about? I'm not sure what to expect on what this remedy will do to me.
For further information, I am a male in my 20s. I have had no health changes over the last year, nor do I take any form of medication whatsoever. There are no other symptons I am experiencing, either in this area or anywhere else. The only issue is that I always seem to be hot and uncomfortable.
Please, Joe, if you see this message, reply to it. I'm hoping this would help me because I really need it.
Thank you very much in advance.
I have been suffering from heat intolerance for roughly two-thirds of a year now. I always seem to be hot and have to keep it very cool in my home to be comfortable (temperature lower than 15C). Do you think taking a dose of Pulsatilla 200 in the same manner would help me get over that at all?
Are there any risks in taking this or side effects I should be concerned about? I'm not sure what to expect on what this remedy will do to me.
For further information, I am a male in my 20s. I have had no health changes over the last year, nor do I take any form of medication whatsoever. There are no other symptons I am experiencing, either in this area or anywhere else. The only issue is that I always seem to be hot and uncomfortable.
Please, Joe, if you see this message, reply to it. I'm hoping this would help me because I really need it.
Thank you very much in advance.
awshot last decade
Hello There,
I hope you and your son are fine.
I am suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Do you have any idea about its cure?
What are the reasons of this Disease?
Do you have any idea about its cure?
Please reply me if you know some thing about it's cure.
Declan Parkes
I hope you and your son are fine.
I am suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Do you have any idea about its cure?
What are the reasons of this Disease?
Do you have any idea about its cure?
Please reply me if you know some thing about it's cure.
Declan Parkes
declanparkes last decade
There are hundreds of medicines used in homoeopathy for heat intolerance. Pulsatilla would only work for you if the rest of your case also fitted this remedy.
Please have a look at the following sites to get an idea of how homoeopathy works and what kind of information we need to make a prescription.
Homoeopathy is a true Holistic medicine, which means that the whole person is treated not just one part. While you may not recognize that there are other symptoms in your case, there will be. It is the job of the homoeopath to find them so that a prescription can be made with confidence. The advantage to this is that not only your presenting complaint will improve, but you should see improvements in general areas of your health like mood, sleep, energy, appetite, concentration, memory etc.
Taking any remedy that is not prescribed homoeopathically (according to the unique and individual symptoms of the patient) runs the risk of side effects. Side effects can include new symptoms or old symptoms worsening, although no homoeopathic medicine has toxic side effects. A medicine prescribed correctly however is very gentle and safe.
David Kempson
Professional Homoeopath
Please have a look at the following sites to get an idea of how homoeopathy works and what kind of information we need to make a prescription.
Homoeopathy is a true Holistic medicine, which means that the whole person is treated not just one part. While you may not recognize that there are other symptoms in your case, there will be. It is the job of the homoeopath to find them so that a prescription can be made with confidence. The advantage to this is that not only your presenting complaint will improve, but you should see improvements in general areas of your health like mood, sleep, energy, appetite, concentration, memory etc.
Taking any remedy that is not prescribed homoeopathically (according to the unique and individual symptoms of the patient) runs the risk of side effects. Side effects can include new symptoms or old symptoms worsening, although no homoeopathic medicine has toxic side effects. A medicine prescribed correctly however is very gentle and safe.
David Kempson
Professional Homoeopath
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
To Awshot
You can take just one dose of Pulsatilla 200 of 4 pellets sublingually and report your response on this thread.
I would also suggest that you do a test for your Thyroid functions as this can indicate if the reason for your distress is an elevated TSH. The normal level is 0.5-3 and if this level is elevated the patient can be over sensitive to heat.
You can take just one dose of Pulsatilla 200 of 4 pellets sublingually and report your response on this thread.
I would also suggest that you do a test for your Thyroid functions as this can indicate if the reason for your distress is an elevated TSH. The normal level is 0.5-3 and if this level is elevated the patient can be over sensitive to heat.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
To David:
Thank you for your explanation on homeopathy. I didn't realize it was such a complicated process. This is completely new to me, so I do not know much about it.
To Joe:
Thank you for getting back to me. The Pulsatilla 200 is on order, so I will give it a try when it comes in. I do have a question, though. Being that I am taking a fairly high potency under the tongue, am I going to start noticing effects or feeling different immediately? I am somewhat nervous about this, and just wanted to get an idea of what to expect. Also, am I going to be feeling strange for a while, or will I be back to normal the same day?
I'm just trying to get an idea of what is going to happen with this remedy.
I will have to look into Thyroid testing as well.
Again, thank you very much for helping me out here. It is very much appreciated.
Thank you for your explanation on homeopathy. I didn't realize it was such a complicated process. This is completely new to me, so I do not know much about it.
To Joe:
Thank you for getting back to me. The Pulsatilla 200 is on order, so I will give it a try when it comes in. I do have a question, though. Being that I am taking a fairly high potency under the tongue, am I going to start noticing effects or feeling different immediately? I am somewhat nervous about this, and just wanted to get an idea of what to expect. Also, am I going to be feeling strange for a while, or will I be back to normal the same day?
I'm just trying to get an idea of what is going to happen with this remedy.
I will have to look into Thyroid testing as well.
Again, thank you very much for helping me out here. It is very much appreciated.
awshot last decade
What should happen on a curative remedy, is that there will be a mild to medium strength worsening of the symptoms you already have. Then this should be followed by improvement in the symptoms that aggravated, as well as a number of other seemingly unrelated symptoms (as your vital energy becomes healthier).
Aggravation typically happens within the first 3 days, and may last anywhere up to a week depending on many individual factors. Aggravation is moderated by how the dose is taken, and it is possible with careful dosing to reduce aggravation to a very minimal amount in all but the most sensitive patients.
What should not happen, is the appearance of new symptoms, especially those that are new to you or are in more serious locations in the body (ie. a patient with primarily skin symptoms suddenly develops joint complaints or something in an organ).
When improvement sets in, on a curative remedy the patient will feel better in themselves, more energetic, have more restful sleep, be more stable in their moods. This may not happen until the 2nd or even 3rd week after the remedy is taken.
The time frame for acute and chronic diseases is not the same - acutes (true acutes ie. epidemics or accidents) will respond much more quickly.
Aggravation, while uncomfortable, should not be something to fear. It is a normal part of the curative process of homoeopathy, and as long as the medicines are applied carefully it is usually just a minor inconvenience, especially when measured against the improvement.
Aggravation typically happens within the first 3 days, and may last anywhere up to a week depending on many individual factors. Aggravation is moderated by how the dose is taken, and it is possible with careful dosing to reduce aggravation to a very minimal amount in all but the most sensitive patients.
What should not happen, is the appearance of new symptoms, especially those that are new to you or are in more serious locations in the body (ie. a patient with primarily skin symptoms suddenly develops joint complaints or something in an organ).
When improvement sets in, on a curative remedy the patient will feel better in themselves, more energetic, have more restful sleep, be more stable in their moods. This may not happen until the 2nd or even 3rd week after the remedy is taken.
The time frame for acute and chronic diseases is not the same - acutes (true acutes ie. epidemics or accidents) will respond much more quickly.
Aggravation, while uncomfortable, should not be something to fear. It is a normal part of the curative process of homoeopathy, and as long as the medicines are applied carefully it is usually just a minor inconvenience, especially when measured against the improvement.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Okay, I've gotten the Pulsatilla 200 in and have taken a single dose of four pellets under the tongue this morning, as directed. I have not noticed any improvement yet, but have felt somewhat light-headed for hours now. Is that normal? When do you think I would start seeing improvement?
I will continue to post updates as needed. Please let me know what you think.
Thanks again.
I will continue to post updates as needed. Please let me know what you think.
Thanks again.
awshot last decade
It has now been four days since taking the Pulsatilla 200. I have not noticed any improvement during that time. I am still hot like always.
However, the light-headedness I suffered from at the beginning is completely gone now and I am back to normal. It was mostly gone after the first day.
Do you have any thoughts on this? Maybe this remedy isn't working for me. Or, should I give it more time?
Please let me know. Thank you.
However, the light-headedness I suffered from at the beginning is completely gone now and I am back to normal. It was mostly gone after the first day.
Do you have any thoughts on this? Maybe this remedy isn't working for me. Or, should I give it more time?
Please let me know. Thank you.
awshot last decade
It has now been eleven days. I still am not seeing improvement, despite giving it quite a bit of time. Is it realistic to take this long?
Joe, I need some advice from you on what to do here. I have followed your directions exactly. Do I still need more time for this to work?
Any additional information would be very much appreciated.
Thank you.
Joe, I need some advice from you on what to do here. I have followed your directions exactly. Do I still need more time for this to work?
Any additional information would be very much appreciated.
Thank you.
awshot last decade
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