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Kidney Stones



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Kidney Stones Question

Male-35 Years old

This past Saturday I was standing in the Living room. I was completely fine one minute and the next I was in terrible pain. I thought I had twisted my back as I was putting on my shoes. I waited for the pain to subside, and it didn't.

I went to lay on the bed to try and find a comfortable position, but that wasn't happening either. I was hurting very bad on my right side. In my back below my ribcage right above my hip. It went from there to the side back and forth.

I tried to wait and not go to the hospital, but after about 10 minutes it must have hit me very hard. I immediately told my wife that we have to go now. I couldn't even get my shoes on. On my way to the car I felt as if I was going to vomit, and pass out. Once in the car I had broke out into a cold, clammy sweat. It only takes about 5 minutes to get to the Hospital from my house, but I really thought I must be dying. It scared me so bad.

Once at the hospital I told them I needed to get into a bed immediately. You know how that goes. Anyway, by the time I saw the triage nurse I was completely fine. No pain at all, except for this uncomfortable feeling in my back. Kinda like a bruised feeling.

I decided to come home. She said it sounded like Kidney stones, and to stay if I wanted and wait ( there was about 14 people in the ER, I knew it would be about 4 hours at least) I decided to come home. She did tell me to drink plenty of water and cranberry juice.

All that night I had this uncomfortable bruising feeling in the right side on my back in the same spot I mentioned earlier. It didn't hurt, It's just that feeling you get when you know somehting isn't right back there. I finally went to sleep and woke up the next morning feeling fine. It's been two days now, and I am terrified each time I have to urinate. I am so scared of this, and have been since I was about 17.

What should I do? What should I expect? Is this pain going to return? What hurts the most, The actual passing of the stone or the pain I had in my back? I just don't know what to expect. I don't like this waiting at all. I am terrified not knowing what is going to happen the next time I urinate. Since I didn't stay at the ER that night I really have no diagnosis. Someone please advise. I am so scared. I worry a lot anyway, and this has gotten me down in the dumps.
  casanova on 2006-08-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Get some Cholesterinum 10m and keep with you .

A single dose should deal with the pain.

Of course you could get some 3x potency and take once a day for 5 days every 8 weeks -- this may ensure that you dont ever get the pain again.

Good Luck
walkin last decade
I had this same pain at work, started driving to my doctor and couldn't make it, I had to pull over and call 911. They came and got me and took me to the ER, where they put me in the waiting room for an hour before getting me a bed. I was in so much pain everyone in there was staring at me while I clenched my back and side screaming and crying. Finally I got a bed and they gave me morphine and something else I don't know what it was to releive the pain. They did a CT scan and found 3 kidney stones, one was passing through the tube to the bladder, that is what caused the pain. Since then I've been to the urologist 3 times waiting to see if I needed surgery because the one that passed got stuck just before the bladder. I got another CT scan and my dr. says the one that started passing and got stuck, passed through already but the other ones are still there. I never felt it pass. He told me just to drink lots of water to keep flushing them and thats about all they can do for you. If you happen to get one that is more than 5 mm. in size, it may reqire surgery to remove it. Mine was 6 mm, and I passed it just fine I guess. Dehydration, dark cola, and coffee seem to be things they tell you to stay away from if you have kidney stones. Keep hydrated with clear liquids always. And keep some pain meds close by always in case it happens again.
Jenagain last decade

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