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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

JOE please respond- Hair loss/itchy/psoriasis

I have had thinning hair since i was 17. When i was 18 i got excema patches on my legs/ knees. I also was diagnosed with ring worm but i dont think thats correct. It was small circular patches of dry rough skin on my arms.

I have sebum build up in my hair- i have very oily hair and have white flakes when i scratch my scalp. I have gone to several dermatologists and one said that i didnt have excema but psoriasis and that it was on my scalp as well.

i really dont think my thinning is due to genetics- noone has thinning in my family!!!

what should i do?? should i use arnica 30x?

i only want to use pills, not external oils on my scalp since i dont wash my hair every day anymore and its already oily.
  EW179 on 2006-08-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Your case is complicated as you have indicated that you suspect that you have psoriasis. Ring worm has small circular patches of a discolouration of the skin with a perceptible ring around this skin, hence the term Ring Worm which is a misnomer as it has nothing to do with worms and is connected to a fungal infection of the skin. The remedy is Ars Alb 30c in the wet dose which may take some time to resolve.

Eczema is relatively easy to treat successfully and the remedy is Arnica 6c in the wet dose taken 3 times daily.

I would suggest that before we jump the gun and presume that you have Psoriasis that you use the Arnica 6c therapy and report results in a week.
Joe De Livera last decade
i dont think i have ring worm though.. the most recent dermatologist stated it was dry skin- psoriasis. They gave me a special medicated shampoo but it hasnt really worked to stop the hairloss.

currently i have no new patches of the dry scaly skin- but i do have the ones on my knees from 5 years ago still. Its not red or sore, its darkened skin and it itches and is raised

should i still take arnica 6c and ars alb30c? will this help with the hair loss and itchy scalp and buildup?

what do you mean by wet dose? do i have to dilute it??

please explain thanks!
EW179 last decade
i will also be starting to take acidophilus since my hair stylist reocmmended it to me. She stated that candida can cause hairloss.

can arnica be taken with acidophilus?
EW179 last decade
I doubt that your taking Lactobacillus Acidiphilus can help your problem but do use it for a few months and then if it does not help you can perhaps think of the Arnica 6c.
Joe De Livera last decade
joe i would rather take the one that will actually work for me!!

cant i take both together??

i am taking other vitamin supplements such as fish oil, stinging nettle and evening primose oil capsules.

i was just goign to addd acidophilus.

please le me know if can take both if not i will just take the arnica

will this help with hairloss or only excema?

EW179 last decade
i am also taking flaxseeds and grinding them up
EW179 last decade
please let me know if a dilution is to be made? is arnica in a liquid form? how much do i take daily?
EW179 last decade
please respond?

i coudlnt find arnica 6c so i had to buy 30c...will that not help?
EW179 last decade
I note that you are presistent in your posts and virtually demand an answer stat.

Please note that this service that I offer members of this forum does not include replies to types like you who wish to use your own therapy which you are welcome to do.

I have clearly indicated the therapy that has worked and if you cannot follow it please do not bother me.
Joe De Livera last decade
the reason i kept posting was to inform you of the other supplements i was taking. I do not want to have any adverse interactions.

your instructions were also not clear to me. I am not sure what wet dose is. when i went to buy arnica, they only had the pill form.

i have not found anything on the web associated with arnica and hairloss. this is the only site that i have heard of this being used. And ive only read one success story on here where somone came back and reported their results.
EW179 last decade
Why do you wish to use a therapy that you distrust especially when you have not discovered the many that have reported positive results ?

I regret to inform you that I shall not be available to help you in the future.
Joe De Livera last decade
you have a really bad attitude.

as a christian i will pray for you not to get so upset at a post and to be able to show others the love of God.

God bless.
EW179 last decade

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