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Zicum Mettalicum: Please help in choosing potency

Hi, I am 39 years male and Zincum metallicum is my constitutional remedy as most of my sympotms diminished (but not totally gone) after I started with a 30C. Then I took 200C, took 3 dosages (1 dose daily) and stopped since there was aggravation of the symptoms. The 200C woked more deeply but it seems that it looses its strength after a week or so, so after 9 days many symptoms just come back, but not that severely. So I take another dose of 200C and it worked for another 10 days or so, this is going on with me since last 3 times. So the message is that, I have around 80% recovery but not permanent.

At this point could anyone please help me with further potency of Zinc. M. and dosages to completely and permanently recover? I read about LM potency, and think of changing to LM potency of Zinc M. Could anyone please advise? If I should change to LM potency to which one viz. LM1, LM2, or LM4 or LM6? Could you also please tell me the detail procedure of using the medicine?

Any help would be great.

Thank you all.
  ZincPatient on 2004-09-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Just take a dose of 10M potency now. Repeat another dose of 10M potency after one month.

That should clear the residue of the toxins.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago

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