The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Reflux and constipation in 9 wk old
My 9 wk old son has been suffering with reflux and now, constipation. I have used Nat Phos 6x twice a day with success and also tried Silica 3X twice a day. Both worked well on the reflux but not on the trapped gas and constipation. the reflux also returns if he is not on one of the above remedies. He isd going to the bathroom with assistance from me about every other day. I am very worried and need help ASAP... thanks.hnb13 on 2006-09-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am glad to note that you have also used Nat Phos 6x for your baby's reflux. I would not however recommend you use Silicea 3x daily as it is a deep acting remedy and is not required. It is possible that if you stop it that your baby's constipation may be helped.
You can change the feed and give Soya milk and also use Glycerine suppositories to help with the constipation.
I presume that you have read:
You can change the feed and give Soya milk and also use Glycerine suppositories to help with the constipation.
I presume that you have read:
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I responded with other remedy choices in your older post.
P.S. Contrarily, I would not use the soy milk. Your breastmilk is best and soy has high concentrations of estrogen. Not a good choice for babies.
P.S. Contrarily, I would not use the soy milk. Your breastmilk is best and soy has high concentrations of estrogen. Not a good choice for babies.
busymominme last decade
I understand this site is dedicated to homeopathy however, I would like to tell you my situation with my 5 month-old son hoping it may help your current situation.
I breastfed until he was 6 weeks old. He refused to eat and lost tons of weight. The doctors advised me to put him on formula and Zantac. I did and he was a very happy healthy baby! The crying finally stopped! However, after 2 weeks the milk-based formula began to cause him problems so I switched to soy formula and he has been fine ever since.
In the mean time I found out that Alcohol was used in the Zantac and that freaked my out. The pharmacist (at Osco) informed me that Zantac can be made without the alcohol but it doesn't have the same shelf life. So, he has been on Zantac which is specially made for him with NO alcohol. I feel much better and have researched Zantac from many different parties and with out the alcohol it is the most unharmful drug out there.
Just a thought - maybe instead of all this other stuff your child is on try Zantac with out alcohol and see what happens. I understand every child is different but my child has a bowel movement once every 3 days (like clockwork) - his bowel movements are very normal and he feels great.
Hope this info helps
I breastfed until he was 6 weeks old. He refused to eat and lost tons of weight. The doctors advised me to put him on formula and Zantac. I did and he was a very happy healthy baby! The crying finally stopped! However, after 2 weeks the milk-based formula began to cause him problems so I switched to soy formula and he has been fine ever since.
In the mean time I found out that Alcohol was used in the Zantac and that freaked my out. The pharmacist (at Osco) informed me that Zantac can be made without the alcohol but it doesn't have the same shelf life. So, he has been on Zantac which is specially made for him with NO alcohol. I feel much better and have researched Zantac from many different parties and with out the alcohol it is the most unharmful drug out there.
Just a thought - maybe instead of all this other stuff your child is on try Zantac with out alcohol and see what happens. I understand every child is different but my child has a bowel movement once every 3 days (like clockwork) - his bowel movements are very normal and he feels great.
Hope this info helps
kehringjk last decade
My son was on Zantac for several months. Unfortunately, it was flavored wtih peppermint which is contraindicated for reflux. In addition, you will eventually need to keep upping the dose as it will stop working after a bit.
I have since learned that meds like this are not as benign as they seem. They suppress instead of cure. Homeopathy cures.
I'm glad your son is happy and that a bowel movement once every three days seems to be sufficient for him.
I have since learned that meds like this are not as benign as they seem. They suppress instead of cure. Homeopathy cures.
I'm glad your son is happy and that a bowel movement once every three days seems to be sufficient for him.
busymominme last decade
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