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Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

extreme eczema in my ten month old son

hi everybody,
my son had been sufferinf fron acute eczema since he was 3 month old. since then i had tried almost ery formuls available on shelf, now i am giving him neocate infant formula.
i also went to a homeopath , the only one in our area as it is outlawed to practice homeopath in our state. he gave us some medicine which had low sulfur conent , when the regime was followed my son was ok for one week where after the eczema came back so badly that it is not going away ,
we havent slept for 3 hr at strech at night for almost 10 months now. he is so itchy, that he bleeds himself allover, drs. say he may not be cured for whole life, his is very dry skin , i have give him two courses of prednisilone an oral steroid and daily apply hydrocotisone and triamcinilone in vain,
  shahip on 2006-09-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
has the baby been allergy tested yet? if so, what were the results. What was the babys diet from 3 months till now?

It's wise to avoid all detergents, either for laundry or clothing and floors. wash dishes and eating areas in very mild dish detergents and rinse very very well.

Someone with homeopathic remedy experience will post soon with what to try for your baby, but I can tell you that avoiding all milk products and taking arnica helped my eczema, which i suffered from since a baby. It cleared up during adolesence and recurred again as an adult. I was scratch tested and many allergies were revealed.

I feel for the little one, and I have concerns with the steroid treatment he receives now. This is only for relief as it doesn't cure the eczema in any way.

good luck

bettybeautiful last decade
I have used Arnica 6c in the wet dose to successfully treat many cases of eczema and they usually are stabilized in a few days. The wet dose is made by inserting 3 pellets of the remedy into a 500ml bottle of spring water which is shaken hard before a teaspoonful which is a dose is sipped 3 times daily.

It is understood that you will not use any other drugs or remedies with the Arnica.

You can also dab the lesions on his skin with a piece of cotton wool soaked with the remedy from the bottle. Please note that you should not wet the cotton wool direct from the mouth of the bottle. The water which is the remedy should be poured into a small cup which is reserved for this purpose.

Please report response in a few days.

I was interested to learn that Homeopathy is banned in the state you live. I find this very strange. In which state do you live ?
Joe De Livera last decade
You may try what Joe has suggested as there is no end to his Arnica miracles.Also could you answer the following questions for me.Does your baby suffer from constipation?Is there a tendency for his skin to get fissured and what is the quality and consistency of the exudations which come out of his eczema?Is it sticky and then what is the colour of the exudations?Colourless, watery or yellowish or honey like etc.?

rajivprasad last decade
my son has to get his allergy test on 15th of this month. I don't use and milk or soy product for him. what sort of detergent, can you give me the brand name.
from where do i get arnica?? i live in iowa city, iowa.
and rajiv, i don't think my son suffers from constipation, but yes very dry scaly skin, the liquid oozed out only once when we gave him the homepathic sulfa dose and it was all watery
shahip last decade
My child had eczema, too, starting at 2 months of age.

We tried Neocate also, and it made it so much worse.

Have you tried Alimentum Ready-to-Feed? That cleared up a lot of my daughter's problems.

But, my daughter didn't have lasting results until we followed the advice of John Stanton from this forum. My daughter is eczema-free now. I'm not sure if John is still taking cases, but he truly turned my daughter's life around.

Did you follow up with the Homeopath who prescribed the Sulphur for your child?
josiewales last decade
josie, i send you an email and i will really appreciate if you help me out pls.
firefly last decade
My son too had really bad eczema since he was 2 months old. We were given the run-around with 2 doctors we were seeing which were at the same facility. One would tell us that the eczema was not an allergy while the other one told us we should try a hypoallergenic formula because the eczema might be food related. I hated to take him off the Enfamil Lipil he was on so I went with the opinion that it was not food related. The eczema got worse as the months went on however so I gave in and tried Alimentum from Similac and it seems to have helped him tremendously. He has gone 3 days without a rash on his face and the rash on the rest of his body, thank God, seems to be getting much better.

My advice for mothers whose children is still on formula is to try a hypoallergenic formula like Alimentum or Nutramigen. Also look out for lotions that have milk ingredients inside (I bought several that seemed to make my son worse and realized they had milk and soy ingredients). Also if you are starting on solids, watch out for baby foods with citrus inside which only make matters worse as well. (White grape juice and bananas were no go with my son). Also try Gentle Naturals baby eczema cream (its greasy but it did the trick for us!)

Good luck to all the mothers who have children suffering from eczema
Zahra_A07 last decade
Shahip, i found your old message quite by accident.I have 10 month old son, who only now is showing signs of ezcema on his arms and thighs. I myself have had acute eczema on and off for the past 5 years myself and have found that Emu Oil (we are in australia) helps prevent outbreaks. I will be cutting out dairy and citrus from his diet and applying the Emu Oil. Hopefully it will help. Do you have any advice for me?
julia_r last decade

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