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Thuja Occidentalis:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Autistic boy reacting negatively immediately after 2 doses of Thuja 200c - please help someone.

My 7 yr old, talented (usually scores above 90% in most subjects, in a normal school setup), but sadly AUTISTIC son is currently 4 months into the DAN! Protocol. Next month he is slated to get his GI treatment, which much to my dismay, is going to be done with the help of the dreaded Azole-group of Prescription drugs. I have, however, mustered the courage to give him 2 doses of Sulphur 200 c every day, starting from Thursday (today being Tuesday). He seemed rather calm and well behaved after that. However On Sunday, I also started giving him 2 doses of Thuja 200 c each day. He got a runny nose on monday. Now on Tuesday evening, he is down with a cold, frequent sneezing, and feeling very sick indeed. Should I take him off either one or both remedies immediately? He had developed a small skin coloured Wart towards the right side of his temple with white pollen like granules on the top some about a year back.
  Sujattha on 2006-09-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

If you feel any aggravation you must stop homeopathic remedy and should look out for aggr to subside. Were you giving your son sulphur and thuja under prescription or on your own. Any way autism is chronic and it should n't be given repeated deeper acting remedies like sulphur 200 twice a day. The same with thuja,it seems he has stuck with proving symptoms. Contact nearest competent homeopath, autism if properly treated with homeo can create miracle but azole group could not give the result can damage the system.
maheeru last decade
Thanks a lot for your kind words. You guessed right! I had given both remedies on my own. You see, I reside in India and most Homeopaths (rather all) take it as their right as to not disclose their course of treatment. I had tried Professional Homeopathy with the kid earlier for 2 years at Dr. Batra,s Positive Health Clinic. But it seems to me like they were more intent on doing business. Names of medicines were never disclosed. And in those 2 yrs of very average homeopathic treatment my boy has lost 2 precious yesrs of early biomedical intervention. Even though I have an unfailling faith in Homeopathy, about Indian Homeopaths, well, what can I say....
About the azole group of drugs, i totally agree.
That is exactly why I tried those two medicines on my own. I have tried using natural things like Garlic, Tumeric, Neem to tackle the Candida and Bacteria, but they immediately start a Die-Off Reaction.
Would you be able to help?
Sujattha last decade
I was really hoping for better response.
Sujattha last decade

Just type Autism inside the box in left hand panel you'll be able to read a lot more on this topic. It's a complex process to treat autism it may take months but you should ve patience.

A few links which you may be interested in:
calcarea-phos.asp " rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.hpathy.com/casesnew/johnson-calcarea-phos.asp

This 3rd link will suggest you the importance of repertorizing the individual symptoms of your son.

Most of the autism cases arises from vaccinations(MMR/DPT)as they deposit thimerosol/merc in brain. So you must start giving probiotic to develop digestive flora in your son.

(These remedies come under Autism in Murphy's repertory)

Remedies to Autism are not restricted to above list. Baryta carb and Bufo also can help. But if you had read the third link I gave you'd understand the constitutional remedy because the remedy therein used was not specified in repertory.

Post about all the symptoms and events that happened before this developed and also current characteristics accurately. Also post about any tubercular, cancer history in your family. Vaccine history etc. If you can post symptoms surely members of this forum'll help you.(especially John, passkey as they're experienced senior members.)

Just stop all remedies observe the current symptoms and dont give any remedy or azole for now and state the symptoms.

Hope I was of help.
maheeru last decade
Dear Sir,

First of all let me thank you for your kind response. It really means a lot to me, as if God has answered my prayers.

I had had my son treated by a group of professional homeopaths (Dr. Batra's Super Speciality Homeopathy) for a good 2 years. Seems to me like they were more intent on doing business. Names of medicines were never disclosed, as is the culture with Indian Homeopaths. In the process the boy lost on a precious 2 years of early biomedical intervention. Viveck (my son) is into the fourth month of the GFCF diet. His Dr. is insisting on the GI treatment, which is going to happen with the help of the dreaded Azole-group of prescription drugs. This I keep postponing, as I'm not very comfortable with the idea. Being a Bengali from Calcutta, I have this unfailling faith in Homeopathy, which had always been my parents' first choice, in treating any ailment in the family.
Somehow, in my son's case, things are just not falling in place. Either the local Homeopaths are failing to gauge the nature and extent of the problem, or maybe they're just not aware of kind of remedies that can treat this very complex disorder.

Viveck, has had a traumatic past. Right from the time I expected him. There were innumerable problems in my husband's (very demanding inlaws) as well as my parent's house. My mother was very unaccepting of my husband and you can guess the rest I presume. It is the normal in India for girls to have their first child at their parent's place. I left mine when Viveck was 4 months old. Only to enter another long phase of problems at my husband's house.

Viveck was my only saving grace. Although he was averse to breast milk, he readily took to the the formula (which had to be introduced at 6 days of age because he just wouldn't suck) and cow milk. He used to sleep on his back with his hands over his head, from very early on. He had saebohrreal dermatitis (I'm not sure about the spelling)on his head and behind his ears since birth which was healed with a corticosteroid creme when he was 1 month old. He soon turned into a good looking kid who was much taller and healthier than any kid his age. His head holding was quick. At 3 months of age he got his first stomach upset, wherein he passed a little blood with his stool. That was soon followed with a respiratory infection which required him to be administered his first course of antibiotics. Once, when he was 4 months old, my neice fell right on the top of his head and the soft part went right in. He kept recieving his vaccines -BCG, Oral polio, Hepatitis B, DTP, HIB Titre, MMR.. One strange reaction I would notice is he would fiercely protest during vaccinations, and soon after fall asleep, as if cutting himself away from the chaos. From an age of 5 months, Viveck's Milestones started getting Delayed. He also contracted recurrent respiratory infections, and was treated with a battery of antibiotics. At one the antibiotic administration had become so frequent that the doctors prescribed inhalers (steroids). His toilet training happened effortlessly. He had suffered a convulsion during e fever when he was 9 months old and turned completely blue. It hasn't recurred. He walked at the age of 20 months. And as time progressed, his autistic symptoms started emerging. He was fastidious and demanding. He wouldn't answer to our calls (brain fogging), and at the same time if he concentrated on something, it would be virtually impossible draw him away from it. He exhibited a strong sense of smell and a termendous liking for music. somehow, inspite of his disabilities, he was self sufficient and talented from very early on. My own insecurities at my husband's house used to propel me to never let him out of my sight. My inlaws never did really approve of him. Therefore Viveck received very little or perhaps no peer company. Whatever little number of friends he had, began dissapearing when they noticed his self absorbed nature, not to mention his sudden odd and inappropriate behaviors.
He is, nevertheless very outgoing, and has a superb memory, owing to which he scores well in school. Perhaps by now you must have guessed thah inspite of his good marks, we've had to change many schools. He however lacks tremendously in communication and social abilities. And being his mother, I know it's the same with his cognitive abilities which he normally makes up for with his good rote memory. His head is slightly on the bigger side, it is also indented/flattened at the right from the back just above his nape. He also is a left hander and writes beautifully. Even though he is rather brave, he is strangely frightened of thunderstorms, rain and strong blowing winds. He coveres his ears up and becomes very quiet even if there a rustling sound of leaves due to a sudden wind.

My mother suffered from Plurosy before concieving me, my maternal grand-father died of cancer,while my maternal grand-mother died of cerebral Thrombosis. Diabetes runs in my mother's family. My father has suffered a heart attack and has high BP. I suffer from mild Asthma. My husband was mildly diselexic and doesn't have the sense of smell. He is doing great now, though, being an executive with an MNC in India. He also sufered from epilectic fits earlier.

Thus Viveck has grown. Or you may perhaps say refused to grow.
Should you deem it appropriate, please guide me on a proper treatment methodology. I shall feel very obliged.
Sujattha last decade
I should perhsps mention that since the month of June he has been put on the Lactobacillus and all vitamin, mineral, amino acids and enzyme supplements in keeping with the latest DAN!Protocol. I am also giving the homeopathic Secretin From Ainsworths Pharmacy and the gfcf colostrum from Kirkman's labs. The daily epsom salt bathritual has also been adhered to. Of late we have started administering the LDN(about 2 mg) daily. Results have remained encouraging, I would say about 30% improvement in eye contact, language, mood, compliance, sociability, etc., after the initial die-off reaction. The Clathration kit has also been got from Maxam Nutraceutics. It is the intermediate GI Treatment to tackle the intestinal candida and bacteria, which is going to be done by sequential empolyment of 3 prescription drugs, namely, Albendazole, Fluconazole and Metronidazole (!)that too after all my painstaking efforts to grow the good flora, is what I'm mainly concerned about. Something about this part of the protocol is just not going down too well with me. Please can you help.
Sujattha last decade
The boy's age is 7. Is that right?

You have not mentioned about paternal history of cancer, TB or any other serious ailment.

what symptoms does the boy suffer from to conclude that he is having intestinal candida? dont take antibiotics for candida that wont help it'll become vicious cycle (Infact antibiotics cause candida). Here you need to specify exact symptoms current that pertain to 'Intestinal candida' as you know homeopathy only sees symptoms not disease.

Natural tips to fight Candida:

*Supplement with Acidophilus/bifida daily. This helps to reintroduce the good bacteria back into the intestinal tract.
* Colostrum can also be used to help reserve the balance of intestinal flora and support the immune system.

links for probiotics: http://www.customprobiotics.com/

* Take 1 tablespoon of flax seed oil or omega 3 oil daily to improve healing and prevent the fungus from destroying cells.
maheeru last decade
I'm doing all of those. The blood opoid level is high. So are the Lymphocytes, Blood lactate and Ammonia. He also has developed a small wart on the right side of his temple. We are shortly going to conduct the Stool culture and Urine organic acid analysis tests, so I'll be able to draw more light on the exact type of pathogens that are present in his intestine. ONe more thing, he often developes high fever, without any aparrent symptoms of cold or flu. It just kind of comes suddenly and goes down with the use of antipyretics like Combiflam and some antibiotic. He has also suffered from a few ear infections. Again, his sense of hearing is rather strong, and he dislikes loud noises(covers his ears when he hears a drum beat). There is no cancer in the paternal history. At least not in my knowledge.
You know you really need not feel apprehensive about me giving any more of the Thuja or Sulphur. And I'm definitely not going to start him off on another remedy as soon as I come to know of it, at least not until the date I'm instructed to, by you.
So would you now let me know of the correct remedy for him, as I can sense you already have something definitive in mind. And maybe I can give it to him after the Clathration (which due in November).
Sujattha last decade
Forgot to add something, he took off on his own one day, at the age of 3 yrs. Thankfully one of the the apartment guards saw him and brought him back. it seems he was terribly relucyant and he wanted to go on a auto-rickshaw ride on his own. He did it once more at the age of 5 yrs. We had been to a consumer electronics shop, to purchase a new television set. While the shop exec. was explaining the features of a particular model, he dissapered! While we were going beserk looking for him everywhwre (it a big shopping mall), he happily returned with a guy holding a chocolate, much to our releif.
Sujattha last decade
[Moderated: Link removed. Please don't spam, Pat]

plz go to this link, give appropriate responses to the questions asked, and take down the result. Just click my mail id from the profile and send the result and also the answers you entered for the questions therein.
maheeru last decade
Ok. I'll be back in a minute.
By the way, thanks.
Sujattha last decade
Dear Maheeru,
Some weired problem had occured with my net-connection. It's rather late today. I'll most certainly get back to you tomorrow(by e-mail). Thanks again. Bye.
Sujattha last decade

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