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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic eczema for 19yrs

I am new to homeopathy, was told by a friend that it's an alternative to many things that i've tried, and perhaps this might help me.
I suffer from chronic ezcema since I was 15yrs old....noticed from other user of this site also started to deveolope this problem around the same time, wonder why.

I have wet ezcema right from the start....never was dry although sometimes it's looks dry from the surface.


Starts out like any heat rash, as a result of itchyness, scratch more, gradually the spot merges to become 1 round spot and weeping gets worst.

I feel better in the morning and though after every shower it's more itchy but very soon the itch subsides.

Evening returning home from work is the worst time due to extreme itchyness, i scracth more.

I live in Asia....hence the weather isn't very helpful either.

I'm also a late person, hence I sleep late too. It doesn't helo my condition does it ? But I have good sleep though...lately i can hardly sleep thru the night w/o waking up in between sometimes, not too often though.

Dr Joe,

I have read that you recommended Arnica 6C/30C to many. I did the Homeopathy Remedy finder and it proposed Sulfer as the treatment. But since many have tried Arnica, i wonder it suites me.

BTW, Arnica Montana is it what was mentioned as Arnica...in short.

Hope to hear from you, or anyone else.

  canopy on 2006-10-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Since you have addressed the last paragraph to me, I shall venture to reply you in spite of the ongoing criticism of my efforts to help anyone who posts with a remedy that I have often used with success, Arnica 6c in the cure of Eczema.

I believe you have read the many posts on the subject on this forum and it is best used in the wet dose. I have recently discovered that this same wet dose when applied directly to the affected skin makes the remedy doubly powerful in helping with the alleviation of your Eczema.

Please use it as instructed twice daily and apply it on the affected skin as often as is possible.

Please note that I am not qualified in homeopathy to be entitled to the title Dr. I believe that this is the reason for my success in using homeopathic remedies in the manner that I do with some remarkable success.

You will have to stop all coffee, sausages, ham and bacon as they contain saltpeter and all cola beverages as they all antidote the remedy.

Please post your response in a week when you should notice some improvement of your ailment.
Joe De Livera last decade
Joe, thanks for your reply....I thought I saw somewhere in this forum, someone addressed you as doctor.

Anyway, sorry to repeat myself my I'm a bit confused. As i do a quick search for remedy names:

Arnica Montana
Arnica Montana Radix

both appears, but which is the correct one that I should use/buy?

I've not bought anyone yet, but eager to do so ASAP.

canopy last decade
No, I am not qualified to be a doctor. I do have some experience in the use of homeopathy of which the method I use today has been classified as 'Joepathy' which seems to be as effective as the standard classical approach to homeopathy with the exception that it gives quicker results.

I do not blame you for the confusion as what I prescribed for you is Arnica Montana, not the AM Radix which is the root and is not listed in the standard Materia Medicas and is not generally used.
Joe De Livera last decade
Joe, thanks for the quick reply. I shall try it. I was particulary amazed by the 88yr old patient who suffered this skin problem since 15yr old and was able to finally find a remedy in Arnica 6C.

A little bit on my current situation:

I was prescribed oral steroids on and off for the last 2 months. Have stopped my for one week now but continues to use steroid cream for the lesions. I took a Tami Flu jab about 6 mths ago, not sure if it agreevated the problem or not as I was asked if i was allergic to egg protein, didn't know then, so I took the jab assuming that I didn't. Shortly after that, i developed some 'heat rash' looking rash on my arms and was particulary itchy in the morning...it subsided after after 2 wks but ever since then my eczema just became worst. Of course my high level of stress and days longer than nights probably didn't help.

So, my question is, do i need to go a detox program for the remedy to be effective?

I'm taking ECHINACEA PURPUREA Herb powder 300mg now, should i stop or can continue with Arnica.

Understand that you're not a qualified practioner of homeopathy, it's ok. I believe in something that has been tried & tested to be effective rather than just a prescription by the Remedy Finder. That's wy homeopath are called practioner not MD...at least that's what I've read. Well, sometimes criticism can be good to, take it positively. At least some people benefited from your pointers.

canopy last decade
oh...another question, would you suspect that this onset of allergies some are from the onset of puberty years like 13, 14, 15 yr old. Can homone changes cause it ?

During my pragnancies, I had perfect skin. Lesions healed by itself with much need to apply any cream. Good skin continues until after 1 yr. As i shared with many people, they say during pragnancy the immune system is high as a natural protectant to the foetus, so it would also naturally help in on whatever problems. Besides that, also during those time estrogents level are also high.

What's your experience or knowledge on the subject?

canopy last decade
I would prefer that you stop the Echinacea powder if you wish to use the Arnica therapy as it is possible that it may not work.

You should know within a week after you start whether it is helping you but you must not use other antidotes like coffee, sausages, ham and bacon and cola beverages.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe,

It's been awhile since the last exchanged. Only 2 wks ago that I received the stock i ordered. Hence, would like to know how do i use it.

It's a 30ml content. What's your recommendated prescription ?

canopy last decade
To Canopy

Please confirm that you have received 30ml of Arnica 6c.

You only need just 2 drops of the liquid Arnica which I presume is in Ethanol.

You will insert 2 drops into a 500ml bottle of spring water from which you have decanted about an inch from top to provide some space for aeration. You will then shake the bottle hard (succuss it) and sip a teaspoonful twice daily.

You can expect to see some improvement in your Eczema in a week or earlier when I would like to have your report.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Canopy

I await your response.
Joe De Livera last decade

Shall try that out. The recommendation on the bottle says 1 oz of water with 3 drops of Arnica, is that advisable?

canopy last decade
To Canopy

I note that you have not replied the questions that I posed above and this gives me the impression that you are really not serious about getting any treatment from me for your Eczema.

I shall leave it to the 'classical experts' to do so.

In the meanwhile, I would not advice you use the Arnica as recorded by you.
Joe De Livera last decade
Appreciate your reply to my last question. It's not that I did not want to reply to your question, it's in fact that I have yet started it. Only today that i read you reply, hence have nothing to report.

secondly, i just wanted to play safe and get the correct understanding of the prescription. I had miss interpreted your prescription as 500ml for 2 times a day.

I believe it's not too much to ask for.

Thks for your responds, until next time.

canopy last decade

Followup the Arnica 6C - wk 1

it has been 1 wk, things has not improved. In fact those more severed lesions are more weepy and some nights I would wakeup from my sleep due to itch. The wounds continues to be wet for hours.

I have been waking up in the middle of the night for the past 1 wk....to certain extend, i felt like it keeps me awake....not sure if Arnica has such side effects or not or it's just the itch that's causing the problem.

Any further advise ?

canopy last decade

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