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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Really need help with bad eczema Page 3 of 3

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yes, you can take 2 doses of nux vom 30c or lower potency at a hours gap.

please dont take any remedy for the next two weeks.
rishimba last decade
Ok I have waited these two weeks. The aggravation went away and so the eczema was quite ok for some time then it became worse again. Now the condition is very bad, alot of new cuts started appearing and it's hard to bend the fingers. What can I do next?
Dalia last decade
i have a feeling that PETROLEUM will not be able to cure you as the symptoms are coming back after aggravation.

the next best for you to try would be SULPHUR.

please take 2 doses of SULPHUR 200C at 30 minutes interval on a day in empty stomach.

if you notice any change in the eczema in the next 7 days, continue it every 7 days.
rishimba last decade
I started it and felt there was no initial reaction, I started doubting if the remedy was spoiled or something because I always have reactions in the beginning with every remedy including when I took sulphur before (like palpitations and ringing in the ears) Now I was sure there is no change in the eczema up until 5 days after it. The skin became extremely itchy and burning very much. Now it is day 8 and it has improved only a tiny. I'm very confused how to interpret this.
Dalia last decade
Dalia last decade
Now I'm sure it's severely aggravated and I think it would go away but it's not, so have to antidote. But what do I do next?
Dalia last decade
please wait for two days and the aggravation will be over.

its a good sign that SULPHUR is causing a reaction there. i would actually like to know if some improvements take place after the aggravation.
rishimba last decade
Actually I have already waited for 4 days and there is no improvement. The worst of the aggravation is gone but still I would say the condition is a little bit worse than it was before taking Sulphur.
Dalia last decade
at this stage the best thing would be to wait for a few more days and when the aggravation is totally gone, you have to start SULPHUR in the 30C potency, one dose every alternate mornings.
rishimba last decade
I waited but it only becomes worse and worse. What can I do? I'm afraid to take sulphur again.
Dalia last decade
i can understand your point of view. you should only take sulphur 30c if the previous aggravation subsides.

if the aggravation is not subsiding, its better to wait. sulphur and petroleum are the closest to your symptoms homeopathically.

if the condition is worsening with sulphur, you can try one dose of petroleum 30c and see if its getting better.
rishimba last decade
I have taken Petroleum 30 and there was a slight improvement of the condition. What to do next?
Dalia last decade
thats good news.

we have to stick to this potency and we have to find out what would be the frequency of a sustained dosing so that a continuous improvement is seen without any aggravation.

please take PETROLEUM 30C one dose every 2 to3 days and see if there is any aggravation. if there is no aggravation, take one dose every alternate day.

like this, you have to find out an optimum dosing plan which gives you continuous improvement without aggravation.
rishimba last decade
Dalia, while I respect the views of the homeopath on this board, I have to say, I haven't seen any mention of diet. I recently acquired eczema after the death of my father and have been struggling to get rid of it for 4 months.

Here are some things I've tried and am noticing a difference:

1. Healthy diet (no sugar, citrus, or dairy)
2. 8 glasses of water per day (approx. 64 ounces)
3. Wash using Pine Tar Soap
4. Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic (1 oz ACV, 7 Oz warm water, 1 tbsp. honey) every night.
5. Use a lotion without alcohol - organic, no chemicals.
6. Sleep 6-8 hours per day
7. Reduce allergens (pet dander, dust, trees, etc.)
8. De-Stress - Calm down, relax
9. A&D ointment

I've found that eczema is a symptom of a greater problem, usually diet and stress. Do some more research, keep a daily journal of your progress and the things you try. The journal is also good for de-stressing. Everyone responds to different remedies and not one cure works for everyone.

If something isn't working or getting worse, try something else. Stick to natural products. Think positive.
MichelleS last decade
Also...your condition sounds pretty bad. I wanted to point out, that I've discovered eczema is your body's way of telling you something else is wrong; Your skin is your body's last defense against illness and your body is filtering toxins through your skin. Try a cleansing diet, detoxing, flushing. Do research first, talk to a doctor or homeopath for assistance before you start. Also, try to introduce alkaline producing foods into your diet. You need to balance your PH level.

Good luck and keep us posted on your results.
MichelleS last decade
Dr Rishimba I took Petroleum every three days for quite some time and as there was no improvement or even aggravation I am now taking it every two days and have been for about a week. Now my problem is that every time I take the dose the condition gets better almost immediately and then a few hours later it wears off and is back to normal (but it's not aggravated). What to think about that?
Dalia last decade
i feel you should stick to this potency and frequency.

as such, skin complaints are difficult to treat and now that you have got a remedy and the potency, you should take it as you are taking.

take it every two days. let the condition improve and worsen.

if you continue this dosage for several days, there will be a time when, either your body will have no effect or it will cure permanently.

after some weeks if the body fails to respond, take it more frequently and let the body respond.

so, gradually you will increase the frequency till you get a cure.
rishimba last decade
Something that has worked phenomenal for me and my grandma who has severe severe eczema is 'Rocky Mountain Soap Eczema Stick' This is not a soap it is a cream that is in the form of pit stick.

Type in your search engine for:
'Rocky Mountain Soap Unscented Body Butter'

These are amazing products! The only thing that works for me, and it slightly seems water-proof! So if you want to go for a swim, apply this on your face as well before and after and you will feel 100 times better!
robyn115 last decade
Pls 3 yrs old eczema on left limb and upper arm. Please advise the treatment.
abdukm last decade
3 yrs old eczema on left limb and on upper arm. Severe itiching. Please advise the remedy.
abdukm last decade
Please start a fresh thread and give all details as per the questionnaire.
rishimba last decade

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