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diabetic for so long wanting natural cure of any kind!!

im a 21 year old who has had type 1 (juvenile) diabetes for 19 years everything is still ok thank god, but i am looking for a natural holistic healer or a all-natural remedie of some sort can someone PLEASE help me and point me in the right direction where i can find this stuff??? please help me

thank you very very much
  greg2169 on 2004-10-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Look up Dr. Mercola out of Schaumburg, Illinois on the internet. I apologize to the moderator for not giving a homeopathic suggestion, but I lived right by this alternative doctor and he seems to have helped many heal.

Namaste29 2 decades ago
I am too a juvenile diabetic for past 18 years and looking for some help from homeopathy. You mentioned about Dr. Mercola of Schaumburg, Illinois , please specify the website/link where i can get help.
pawan.saxena last decade
Cinnamon powder helps with Diabetes. Take 1/4 teaspoonful twice daily.

There is an excellent remedy available in Mumbai which has been found to be effective. It is called S Diabetes. If you can get it, I believe that it can help you.
Joe De Livera last decade
Diabetes is a condition that you are living well with thank goodness - if you try a natural cure take care not to forget your insulin as it is lifesaving in type 1 diabetes.
It is best to try the natural medicines alongside insulin for better quality of life and less complications.
There are better types of long-acting insulin now than before (lantus glargine for example) to use alongside the rapid acting - from all the young and older people I know this is much better for letting you live a relaxed lifestyle.
take care :)
erika last decade

As a type II diabetic, I am drinking bitter melon tea instead of my regular medication.

I collected some articles and one 103-page sicentific report about that Sugar killer magic vegetable.

Email me for details
bitter last decade
Hello greg2169,

Go to this site, it's extremely informative and educational. mannapeople. com/mannangel (you'll have to type it in at the top to be directed to it). You'll learn about a new discovery that gives the body it's OWN ability to HEAL and REGENERATE itself, NATURALLY! This new discovery is listed in the Physicians Desk Reference but the reason you probably haven't heard about it from you doctor yet is because it went into a word-of-mouth movement in 1984. Doctors don't know anything about what's natural, they are only taught about pharmeceudical 'chemical synthetic' drugs and as you know, drugs are poison to the body. Doctors only recieve about an hour on nutrition when they attend 8 years of schooling. It's the truth. So you really can't expect them to recommend something NATURAL that they don't understand. Anyway, look this up because it's what you're looking for. REMEMBER, this is NOT a 'CURE.' Your IMMUNE SYSTEM IS THE CURE, it just needs the proper 'FUEL' for the body to HEAL and REGENERATE itself, NATURALLY. Dosen't that make sense? This is what people truley don't understand, EVERYONE is already walking around with 'the cure' it's their IMMUNE SYSTEMS!!! All drugs do is 'MASK' symptoms but your body can do amazing things if you give it the right nutrition, that's how we were designed. I didn't do it, talk to the creator. I'm sure he didn't intend for us to be SICK like this because really, look around you, dosen't EVERYBODY have SOMETHING? The reason you are stricken with 'diabetes' is because you are lacking the proper 'nutrition' it's THAT SIMPLE! It's basically, the 'missing nutrients' that is SUPPOSED to be in our food but it's not anymore because of commercial MASS farming methods, the nutrients GOD intended to be in there in the first place has been 'farmed' right out! There's ALOT more on the site. I'm 33 years young in PERFECT health. Hope this helps you.

Your Friend,
mannalife last decade

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