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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acidity and muscular pain following Ingina

My Dad had an ingina attack two years ago, he was treated by engioplasty and the Doctors advised by-pass.

However, he did not go for one and has made darastic changes in his life style to minimise any adverse effects. He is on medication for the last two years mainly Ligipit 10 mg daily and Disprin 75 mg (an asprin) and SOFVASC 2.5 mg (for blood pressure).

Since then he has continuous pain on the left upper body. Cardiologists have diagonosed this as 'muscular pain' along with acidity. He is also a patient of chronic constipation. His last ECG report discloses no recent changes.

Can you suggest if these kind of symptoms really are muscular pain and what kind of homeopathy remedy should be used. Doctors suggest to simply take 'pain killers' to soothe this condition. He has used 'Angised' (for prevention of ingina attacks) during this pain, but the medicine did not effect the pain and lowered his blood pressure.

My Dad has been an ardent follower of homeopathy remedies and would really want to switch back to one to allevate this condition
  Pracs on 2006-11-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear pracs, for such a serious condition you really should seek the advice of a competent classical Homoeopath. I really would not recomend following online advice for this, due to the possibility of any adverse reactions from treatment.

JCS2006 last decade

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