The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Reposted: AVOID such homeopaths
He claims he has found his own method, necessary because these are trying times and therefore even Hahnemann would have approved of his inventions. Yet, this important looking statement only hides his incompetence and laziness to truly study this difficult topic continuously. He has attended a few seminars and now thinks is possessed of a knowledge that no longer needs fine tuning. He prescribes for every patient a 'protocol', similar to his well learned allopathic physicians, forgetting that to cure a patient the individuality must be taken into account. According to his conviction, for Disease A, there is 'protocol A', which should be applied for several months. It is a secret wish of someone who wanted to be an allopathic physician or at least attain his stature, as he seeks to imitate those who practice contrary to anything that stand for homeopathy. But of course he tells you about the enormous 'successes' he had. In reality, he does not know what a 'true cure' stands for: the freedom of any mental, emotional or physical suffering and the prevention of recurrence of your disease. He is sure that his 'genius' will be recognized...'ripas on 2006-12-04
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