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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

itchy scalp ,thinhair and hair loss

joe pls help me
my hair is thin and grey and falling .my scalp is some times itchy.scalp is Sweating too.The hair is falling from from all parts of head----------- will Arnica tincture+coconut oil help me?
or i have to use Arnica 30c internally
  sandeepty on 2006-12-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hi i am no doctor well u can get help from visitiig other peope's forum...like goto hair fall forum specially.....and search
good luck...i got the same problem too
sekir last decade
hi patient

if u write detailed symptoms then i can help u

sana75 last decade
i am sandeep and age:25 height 181cm and weight of 74kg

my problem is that my hair is falling
hair is dry
scalp is itchy
hair is thin
head sweats after walking

i had used antibiotics for allergic bronchitis.the anti biotic i last used was azithromycin

cold atmosphere or cold food generates allergy, and the cough lasts for 3 to 4 weeks.

i travel a lot and after that when i comb a lot hair will fall

after bath my towel will be having about 20-25 hairs

i am having astigmatism for both eyes with left -2 and right -1

now i am using arnica tincture+ coconut oil mix externally
and arnica 30 ,phospherous 30 internally
i am using this for 3 days and some +ve changes are seen

should i continue with this

can you help me sana
sandeepty last decade

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