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Son - eczema on legs

I know there have been many posts about eczema on this site and I have read many of them. But I also know each case is different and has to be evaluated on its own according to the persons symptoms.
This case is about my son - 6 years old. Has eczema on his legs. In the winter he also gets it on his hands (exposure to cold wintertime air). The eczema on his legs (calves) is worst from heat and humidity and when he wears jeans. It is better when he wears shorts and his legs are exposed. He sometimes scratches them until they bleed. He scratcheds more at night time. Worse for hot showers/baths. He is a phosphorus (homeopath said he was) personality. Cries easily. Gets ear infections easily. Often has swollen lymph glands in the neck. Favorite foods are pizza, and noodles (any sauce). He is slim, has light brown hair, dark brown eyes, makes friends well (well like by all the children in his class - girls seem to like him), easily nervouse about trying new things (ie. playing sports, 1st day of school or sunday school).
The eczema looks very dry in the winter time but moist in the summer time. Right now he has a large patch of brown bumpy skin on each calve with patches of red (scratches) and patches of crushes (dried blood). He says it's very itchy.
Hope someone can advise where to go from here.
  peace on 2004-10-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is better to get treated by a professional homeopath nearer to you.

It is a very very long drawn process,and needs constant monitoring.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
He has seen a homeopath several times in the last five years but it's very expensive, we can't always afford it.
But, thanks.
peace 2 decades ago
Lets try this again. There are many homeopathic remedies out there for eczema and I have faith that if I can find the right one my son will be cured from his life long battle with eczema. He longs to be free.
Sulphur, Petrol, Rhus Tox, Mezerum, Hepar Sulph, Graph, Calc Carb, Arum Tri, Asren Alb, Antim Crud. Which is right for him. I can seem to mach some of his symptoms to each remedy but which one will match all or at least most of his symptoms?
I have done some studying using the interet and have come up with this list of remedies that can be helpful with eczema. The list of symptoms that I have listed under each remedy name are the ones mentioned under that remedy that my son has. Please help deterime which is his remedy.
Antim Crud
Senitive & senitmenal, loves to eat, shy at first, irritable sometimes, sometimes demands not to be touched or looked at. Worse from warmth.
Arsen Alb
Neat and orderly (not compulsively), anxious, skin dry and itchy, worse from itching.
Arum Tri
Lips dry and cracked in winter, raw from picking at them.
Calc Carb
Dry skin worse in wintertime which brings on scratching and bleeding. Oozing of skin in summertime. Easily fatigued by mention exertion, anxious and overwhelmed when ill or overworked.
Area behind ears cracked with golden ozzing discharge that hardens into crusts. Itching worse from getting warm in bed, strachted irritated placed until they bleed. Difficulty concentrating (but in the afternoon and evening).
Hepar Sulph
Very sensitive and chilly. Eczema is easily sore (hurts to touch, even by clothing sometimes), heals slowly, low resistence to illness and infection.
Anxiety felt physically in stomach, srachting leads to thickened skin, cold applications help the itchy, chilly person, feels better in open air.
Rhus Tox
Restless from discomfort and often irritable and anxious.
Itching worse in bed and from getting warm in bed. Skin is easily infected and gets tough and leathery from irritation.
Intense itching that is worse form warmth and worse from bathing. Affectected areas red with crusted skin. Eruptions sometimes dry in winter,wet in summer. Has used medications and ointments in past without success.
He has tried Sulphur, Mezerum, Psio, Rhus Tox, Calc Carb, and Hepar Sulph. When he took the Hepar Sulph it was for an infection rather than for his eczema but the eczema disapeared, completely disapeared for a short time but came back again not soon after. We had used the Hepar Sulph 200c strenght.
Please help. I am a mother who is trying to get healthier by using homeopathy and wants dearly to help my children to become healthier using homeopathy.
Thank you.
peace 2 decades ago
Dear piece

Since you expressed that you can't afford frequent consultations with a qualified homeopath,I suggest the following.

Since,you said Hepar Sulph worked for your son,although breifly,let us start with that.

In chronic problems,Hannemann suggested a daily dose in water(split dose).He also suggested that olfaction is another alternative.

I have beeen experimenting with olfaction for my knee problem,and the results are very good.

I suggest olfaction for your son,twice daily,morning and evening.The procedure is very simple,very convenient,and effective.

Take a vial of Hep.sulph 200 and ask your son to smell from the bottle,(by taking a deep breath)from one nostril,keeping the other closed,and repeat the same with the other nostril.

Every time ,before he takes another dose,the vial should be hit on a bound book,10 times.This increases the potency slightly.

No need to take the medicine by mouth.No addition of further drops of medicine.The dry pellets will not loose their strength,despite frequent olfaction.

Only caution is, there should not be any odors, around you, or on your body(perfumes etc),while doing olfaction.

You will see improvement,in 2 to 3 weeks time.

I beleive that any medicine,which worked,even briefly,should not be disregarded too quickly,as there may be many reasons,as to why it didn't give lasting improvement.

So,let us try Hep.sulph first.

Keep posting atleat once in a week.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I have Hep Sulph 200c in liquid form can olfaction be done in the same way with the liquid form of the medicine?
Thank you Murthy.
peace 2 decades ago
Yes Peace

No problem at all.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Dear Peace

It is good that you are using liquid potency.Continue with that,by olfaction,but don't forget to shake the bottle,ten times,before each olfaction.

Dry pellets are not suitable for olfaction.

Stop the medication,in case of any appreciable aggravation of symptoms and report.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I have given him the remedy 4 times. Hepar Sulph 200c. There is improvement. He has not scartched since his first dose. I mentioned the skin looking brown, well now it looks nice and clear under the red blotches (from past scratching). Should I continue twice a day for 2 weeks as previously mentioned?
peace 2 decades ago
If there is perceptible improvement,stop the medicine as long as the improvement continues.

Post immediately,at the first signs of return of scratching tendency.

The procedure has to be modified slightly.

Glad to hear that the medicine is working.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Didn't have use of my computer for about a week. My sons legs are getting worse again (he is itching more again). Have been continuing with Hepar Sulph, once a day for the last few days. Any ideas?
peace 2 decades ago
Did you stop the medicine when there was no itching?

Since when,it started again?
Was there any improvement,either in the no.of bouts or duration?

How is the skin now?

pl.stop the medicine immediately,and come back with answers.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
I have stoped the medicine several days ago in order to check in with you. The eczema never cleared up completely but improved because he was itching less often. I was giving him the medicine in morning and evening for the first few days and there was improvement and then I forgot and was only giving it to him once a day - this is when I noticed the itching was worsening which in turn makes his legs look more sickly again.
peace 2 decades ago
Also, he has occations or days when he is emotional (cries easily) and seems easily stressed out. He has little patience for his sister (1 year younger than he) is always telling her to stop singing or making noise, etc. During this time he cries easily and does not want to tell me why he is crying.
peace 2 decades ago
Eczemz won't go away that easily.

the medicine should be stopped once there is improvement,and should not be repeated,unless advised again.

even,when the scratching returns,we have to wait,for at least a week,to see whether there is any aggravation.

if it is aggravation,it is good for the patient,and will subside on its own.

Stop the medicine completely,for a week,to stabilise the symtoms.

pl.answer the following questions?one by one.

How many bouts of scratching he normally has in a day?

how long each bout will be?

when is it worst?

Is any attempt being made to stop him from scratching?

Does he sleep normally?

Is the eczema area sensitive to touch?

Does he need to be covered up warmly,while sleeping?

When angry,does he use bad words?

Does he cry easily,even for small things?

Important thing is no more medicine.Stop completely,for a week.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Number of bouts - not sure, he wasn't able to tell me.
Length of bout - again can't answer.
Worst - on going to sleep. I can hear him tossing and turning trying as though he is still awake but when I walk into his room to check he is asleep - this is when he says itchiness is at its worst.
Attempt to stop strachting - no. I am not putting anything on his skin to make it less itchy. I tell him not to stracht and he tries really hard but when he's asleep he stratches.
Sleep - I already menitoned his tossing and turning and itchiness being worst at night. He sleeps lots.
Covering while sleeping - He sleeps with a heavy homemade polyester blanket (we tried wool and now are trying polyester to see if it makes a difference - none) but he is always lying on top of the blanket rather than underneath it.
Angry - he does not use bad words. He does not communicate his feelings much. I have to try really hard to get him to tell me why he is crying or upset, asking him to tell me makes him more upset.
Cry easily - yes he cries easily, even over small things. ie Wednesday evening we were getting ready to go to clubs and he asked me where he could find his bible, I was busy making his sisters ready and didn't respond right away, a couple of minutes later he was sitting at the table crying. I asked him what the problem was and he said nothing. After demanding he tell me why he was crying he mentioned again that he didn't know where the bible was.
I will not give him medicine for a week. Thank you for the advice and hoping you can be of more help to my little boy.
peace 2 decades ago
Is the eczema area sensitive to touch?If you touch the area,does he feel any pain?

Let me tell you.I am a beginner in prescribing,though I prescribe for myself and my family,and am successful,so far.

Eczema is a chronic problem,needs long treatemnt,and I am venturing to take up the case,because you said,you can't afford a regular homeopath.

I shall be too glad,if other prescibers too take interest in your son's case,and express their opinions.

They may see another angle,which I missed and vice versa.

We can discuss among orselves,and come out with an agreed suggestion.

I don't know,how far this idea will work out,but let us see.

People should be willling to discuss their presciptions,if this has to work.

I will do my best for your son.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Peace !
Lets do the detailed case taking and see what your son needs.

Murthy can help me in the case taking and analysis.

Is your son the chilly type...needs to cover up frequently...even when it is not very cold (BTW ...what is your city weather like??)

Is he a querrelsome boy or a pleasant boy...gets along well with lots of kids.

Does he show frequent anger?

Has he got any warts on the skin...anywhere on the body?

What about his bowel movement? Constipated??

Does he arrange his books and clothes in a tidy way or its all messy??

nails...deformity?...white spots?? (fingers and toes please).

Hair?? Dry, greasy, perm, straight???

Any of the parents have a similar problem?

Let me see you answers to this....we can themn proceed from there.

Coughs, colds , headaches....any history?

Any illnesses from birth time to this date??

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Check his tongue...colour of the coating on the tongue?

Prone to corns on the feet???
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
for eczema i have found a great cream that both myself and my partner use.. he suffers more than me and says its the best thing he has ever used... its called
*dream cream* and u can order it from lush online... the pot costs £7.99 and lasts for ages so its well worth the money i promise!! its quite a big post also... and lush stuff is all 100% natural and great for the skin... i urge u to try it as its a best seller!! if you want the full address then email me!!
lost_angel24 2 decades ago

I am glad Pankaj has come forward.

Pl.answer his questions.

Don't bother about posts enticing you to buy their ointments.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Thankyou Murthy and Pankaj. I appreciate both of you taking an interest in my little boy.
To answer the questions:
Sensitive to touch - yes.
Chilly - yes. He is thin and gets goose bumps easily when it's a bit chilly. But, in the summer when it is hot and humid outside he is unable to cool himself naturally (he does not sweat).
Querrelsome - no and yes, this question has a two part answer. His teachers and mothers of friends he visits always comment on what a pleasent child he and what a joy it is to have him around. He plays well with other children, has many friends. But, he doesn't get along as well with his sister and he does with his friends. He gets anoyed with her (making noise, asking too many questions, never leaving him alone, etc). Overall I would consider him pleasant.
Anger - he does not become angry frequently but get cries easily.
Warts - no.
Bowels - he gets easily constipated. I feed him yogurt daily and add flax to it which keeps him regular. Without that he can't go. We eat only whole grains in our home because of him but we have grown to enjoy them.
Tidy - he is farily tidy, not to the extreme but he does remind his sister to clean up one project before starting on the next.
Nails - he has a few white spots on his finger nails and his toe nails and deformed.
Hair - his hair are almost animal like (very hard to get wet), he has thick, shinny light brown hair. They are mostly straight but starting to get a few curls in the back. We have to be careful with what shampoo we use for his hair (he gets craddle cap/dandruff so bad that his hair come out in clumps when combed).
Parents - I (mom) have the same problem with hair and nails and crying as he has.
History - he had many infections as an infant (on antibiotics 4 times, ear infection, broncities, tonsilites) has had 2 infections in last year (ear, sinus, first infectioned treated with antibiotics and second treated with homeopathics).
Headaches - when he is stressed out he says he has a headache and stomache. This has not occured for a while (since homeopathic doctor gave him Ignatia about a year back).
Tongue - pink. light white coating. He is prone to cancer sores in the mouth. He has one now - inner bottom lip, says its painful.
Corns on feet - no.
peace 2 decades ago
Did you say toe nails are deformed?? Some mis-typing there !
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Can you tell me about his eye lids as well !
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Yes the toe nails are deformed.
What would you like to know about his eye lids?
peace 2 decades ago
Dear lost_angel, a homeopath would never suggest a cream of any sort for a skin problem. If it is ON the skin, it is not IN the body. One of the first precepts of prescribing is to not drive something inside from the outside, but from the inside out.

Am watching the progress and looking in my books...Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago

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