The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sameer: Can you please take a look - Eczema on legs
Hi Sameer,Can you please advise if possible. I had pinged you earlier, but you said you were busy. Hoping for some time here.
You may recall (or not) we've had several discussions in the past about his eczema. As a concerned parent, I tried a lot of things. The good thing is that his childhood eczema is gone from every other place, except his legs. My last consult was with a homeopath who suggested 1M thuja for a month - while it improved his earlier eczema, I started noticing obstinacy increase in a few weeks and stopped immediately (you told me so, but I did not listen. Hindsight makes a man wiser)
So anywhere I'd greatly appreciate if you took this up. I promise I will follow your instructions. I've finally come to realize you take time, but you don't aggravate much (yep, I read every thread of yours). I'd like to take that course for my son, since now, his eczema is not as intolerable as before, so my emotions don't take over.
I'd greatly appreciate if you consent (please).
I have stopped all homeopathy on him for ~ 2 months.
Age: 2+ year
a) Very friendly, walks upto anyone for a conversation
b) very active (not destructive)
c) Sensitive - cries if scolded
d) Obstinate - wants to do what he wants to do.
e) Short-tempered/impatient
a) thin constitution
b) very flexible body (agile is the right word)
c) Good looking. Long eyelashes. Hair on spine.
a) Gets colds easily due to temperature difference
b) Typically, cold results in phlegm settling in his chest
c) Has food allergies since vaccination and milk allergies as well. Fortunately, allergies are reducing. He eats egg yolk, Ghee etc. which would cause hives before. Still likely allergic to milk. Haven't tried
d) If he has any irritation (angry, sad etc) he seems to think scratching is the way out
The problem:
a) Eczema on his leg - scratches till it bleeds at times. Had gone away last year, but resurfaced now (pollen season likely causing it). Location is primarily the back of his knees. Brown/spotty all over. Scratches till skin tears off.
Any advice ?
aske123 on 2009-04-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Some other notes:
a) Seems to have short attention span
b) Loves to laugh. Almost like every part of him is a funny bone
a) Seems to have short attention span
b) Loves to laugh. Almost like every part of him is a funny bone
aske123 last decade
I like what you stated in your profile 'anyone can read the Organon. Many can understand it. Only a few are good enough to question its observations where they may be a need'. I have also read your other posts.
I know you need help but Hahnemann is dead for 200 years, and I don't think any ordinary mortal here can cure your son, whose cause you have greatly harmed by your unhomeopathic experiments. The least you could do was not to argue with an expert homeopath here as if you are his equal.
I know you need help but Hahnemann is dead for 200 years, and I don't think any ordinary mortal here can cure your son, whose cause you have greatly harmed by your unhomeopathic experiments. The least you could do was not to argue with an expert homeopath here as if you are his equal.
Dubai2009 last decade
Actually, Dubai2009, I think you either wrote this post in haste, or, did not read my threads with patience.
a) My son is actually 80% or more better than before (I wrote this before). What started with lots of food allergies and itching on his body including hands has now resulted in eczema only in the legs and greatly reduced allergies (he doesn't even break into hives nowadays). Looking at it from that way, direction of cure is fantastic - away from the brain, inside out. So it was easy for you to pen 'unhomeopathic experiments' but guess what, we are here and he is a lot better, which is not what I can say about other eczema cases that are being handled by the forum and has, at a macro level, gone nowhere.
b) If you read my old posts with Sameer - my objection with him has been his immaturity, arrogance and lack of practical experience. It has nothing to do with his knowledge. I have said that explictly more than once. I don't believe anyone is God. I don't follow forum herd mentality. If you look at Sameer's original posts when he started learning homeopathy around 2 years ago, you would find him interjecting in almost every homeopath thread warning readers about what he believed are bad prescriptions. So I view him also as a person who needs to say what he believes, rude or not. If you also read my old posts with him, I've always shown him deep respect for his knowledge and continue to do so.
c) People in this forum have a symbiotic relationship. It is absolutely untrue that practitioners, homeopaths, wannabe-homeopaths are doing a self-less deed here. They need people to work with and this forum gives them the people. We need people who can analyze, and the forum gives them to us. No one is doing the other a favour, really. Both need each other.
d) It is completely upto sameer to respond. I have seen him build his reputation in this forum by arguments and questions. If he choses not to respond because he has been argued with, then that is choice.
I am not really desperate for help, I am interested to see if I can correctly tackle the remaining 20% of his eczema, with good guidance. And by guidance I mean someone who can teach along the way. That is specifically why I was looking for sameer as I think he has that skill, as long as he can overcome things related to ego.
So there :-)
a) My son is actually 80% or more better than before (I wrote this before). What started with lots of food allergies and itching on his body including hands has now resulted in eczema only in the legs and greatly reduced allergies (he doesn't even break into hives nowadays). Looking at it from that way, direction of cure is fantastic - away from the brain, inside out. So it was easy for you to pen 'unhomeopathic experiments' but guess what, we are here and he is a lot better, which is not what I can say about other eczema cases that are being handled by the forum and has, at a macro level, gone nowhere.
b) If you read my old posts with Sameer - my objection with him has been his immaturity, arrogance and lack of practical experience. It has nothing to do with his knowledge. I have said that explictly more than once. I don't believe anyone is God. I don't follow forum herd mentality. If you look at Sameer's original posts when he started learning homeopathy around 2 years ago, you would find him interjecting in almost every homeopath thread warning readers about what he believed are bad prescriptions. So I view him also as a person who needs to say what he believes, rude or not. If you also read my old posts with him, I've always shown him deep respect for his knowledge and continue to do so.
c) People in this forum have a symbiotic relationship. It is absolutely untrue that practitioners, homeopaths, wannabe-homeopaths are doing a self-less deed here. They need people to work with and this forum gives them the people. We need people who can analyze, and the forum gives them to us. No one is doing the other a favour, really. Both need each other.
d) It is completely upto sameer to respond. I have seen him build his reputation in this forum by arguments and questions. If he choses not to respond because he has been argued with, then that is choice.
I am not really desperate for help, I am interested to see if I can correctly tackle the remaining 20% of his eczema, with good guidance. And by guidance I mean someone who can teach along the way. That is specifically why I was looking for sameer as I think he has that skill, as long as he can overcome things related to ego.
So there :-)
aske123 last decade
I'm not sure what you wanted to happen with this thread.
You have asked specifically for Sameer's advice.
You've then posted a follow up to your post which was mildly sarcastic to Sameer. I have no idea why you thought that may encourage him to respond to you.
You've then bumped the thread a couple more times by asking further for Sameer to help you.
Somebody (not Sameer) then posts something.
You respond by saying Sameer has 'immaturity, arrogance and lack of practical experience.' Again, I have no idea why you thought saying that may encourage him to help you.
'If he choses not to respond because he has been argued with, then that is choice.'
Quite. Please accept the hint that your approach with Sameer is probably not the one that will get the best out of him.
Thank you,
I'm not sure what you wanted to happen with this thread.
You have asked specifically for Sameer's advice.
You've then posted a follow up to your post which was mildly sarcastic to Sameer. I have no idea why you thought that may encourage him to respond to you.
You've then bumped the thread a couple more times by asking further for Sameer to help you.
Somebody (not Sameer) then posts something.
You respond by saying Sameer has 'immaturity, arrogance and lack of practical experience.' Again, I have no idea why you thought saying that may encourage him to help you.
'If he choses not to respond because he has been argued with, then that is choice.'
Quite. Please accept the hint that your approach with Sameer is probably not the one that will get the best out of him.
Thank you,
♡ moderator last decade
'Thanks for taking a look' is not sarcastic. It is common practice to use that term in the US to actually mean 'I'd like you to take a look and thanks if you do'
And I made those points to Dubai2009 in response to him saying I fought with Sameer. I explained I fought for what I thought was wrong and respected him for what I thought was right.
At the end of it all, I agree, this thread has disgressed and I doubt I'll get much out of it.
Will take your advice and sign off here.
And I made those points to Dubai2009 in response to him saying I fought with Sameer. I explained I fought for what I thought was wrong and respected him for what I thought was right.
At the end of it all, I agree, this thread has disgressed and I doubt I'll get much out of it.
Will take your advice and sign off here.
aske123 last decade
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