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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I found your site at a homeopathic search engine. I would like to inquire
about some alternative healing methods.

Similar to many of your patients, I have had two surgeries for a fistula
(6/7 years ago), and it has been recurrent on & off with blood & puss.
Recently I had a recurrent episode in which the fistula was inflamed with
more blood than usual, with pain shooting down my leg & into my lower back.
I decided to get a referral to a colon & rectal surgeon, who advised that
the next course of action for me is surgery. He explained that he may or
may not be able to find it during surgery. If he does find it he will place
a string through the fistula, which will remain in place for five weeks with
a secondary surgery thereafter. At that point, dependant upon the healing
process, further assessment will be made at that time.

After reading some of the posting in your site, I would like to ask for your
advice on alternative treatment for my condition. I read about the use of
different herbal remedies, but I do not know the specific herbs & doses, as
well as where to get them. Please advise your recommendations as soon as

Thank you in advance.
  hapkido on 2007-03-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

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