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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

3 year old boy with severe oak allergies

I sincerely hope we can find some relief for my 3 yr old son. Here is his profile:

1. Eyes (conjunctiva) swollen, more severe after being outdoors.

2. Constant nose drip, clear

3. Constant congestion, worse at night, complains of it hurting in his nose.

4. Tell us his eyes do not itch, but rather hurt.

5. When eyes begin to swell, rubs them constantly, complains of 'poppy seeds' being in eyes. (We checked--nothing visible there.)

6. He is chronically hoarse, even before the allergy symptoms began.

7. Emotionally, he is irritable, unfocused, and picks fights with his 2 brothers constantly. (Yes, brothers fight, but it's insane when he he's suffering from allergies.)

8. Typically wants to be held and cuddled more than my other 2; but when allergy symtoms are severe, doesn't want to be touched.

If anyone can give us help, I'd be so grateful.

Thank you,
  mommy23 on 2007-03-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sorry, forgot to say also:

9. His eyes water, a lot, after being outdoors.

10. Ironically, he's better emotionally while outside, and worse inside. (maybe he's just distracted outside)
mommy23 last decade
Intially Arsenic 30 : 5 drops in half cup water 4 times a day. If by 2-3 days the problem (acute) subsides then reply.

More details are required to combat chronic problem.
drprodip last decade

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