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Atrial Fibrillation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Atrial Fibrillation

Are there any remedy for Atrial Fibrillation?
  troja on 2007-08-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This is what generally thought of your problem:-

'The most common symptom in people with intermittent atrial fibrillation is palpitations, a sensation of rapid or irregular heartbeat. This may make some people very anxious. Many people also describe an irregular fluttering sensation in their chests.

'Some become light-headed or faint.

'Other symptoms include weakness, lack of energy or shortness of breath with effort, and chest pain. '

Can you describe in detail your problem.
Rajendra last decade
My my father experienced a stroke for a month ago (As I wrote at blank">http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/117013/). I have given him wet dosis Arnica Montana daily. Both him, I and the family sees improvements everyday - it is like his body and soul become stronger and brighter for each dosis. But I wonder if there are any homeopathic remedy to treat atrial fibrillation (homeopathic Digitalis). The doctor say the stroke is caused by blood clot due to atrial fibrillation, so he given warfarin (now in the beginning with daily tests). But why not treat the atrial fibrillation, which causes the blood clots instead?

The symptoms for atrial fibrillation seem similar to the what my father experience the weeks after the stroke, but did not had even the day before the stroke. Sorry, I do not have any medical education.

Thanks for reply!
troja last decade
If the pulse is missing in between, then there is one medicine. The pattern of this missing beats after 2,5,7 beats. The pulse is slow. It is to be looked differently.

Arnica helped you because of the Angina pain. Pain caused due on account of damage to the muscular fibers when there was mild stroke.

Without going into much details I would suggest you to give :-

Dr. Reckeweg's Homeo combination R-3 and R-2. (15 drops in one spoon of water) Two times each medicine alternatively.

I hope it will help restoring the heart condition.

Please also let me know the Cholestrol and Tryglycerine level of your father.

This also need to be taken care simultaneously.
Rajendra last decade
Dear Rajendra,

Many thanks for your reply. I hope this will help my father. I will ask the doctor about the levels, eventhough I new he has eaten low fat food and omega 6. The last three questions I have are 1) Can these remedies interfere with warfarin, blood pressure medicine (is it safer do take them in D30 potency)? 2) Can the suggested remedies have an initial effect on the heart?

Best regards.
troja last decade
They only create immunity in the body to fight with the disease as such there cannot be any interference.

But as soon as the condition of the patient improves, the allopathic medicine doses are to be reduced with yours doctor's consultation, since he is already on those medicines and sudden stopage is not advisable.

But I have seen, the moment you tell that the patient is taking Homeo and improving, these allopathic Doctors are allergic and will tell so many things not to take Homeo as it reduces their Bill.
Rajendra last decade
Hello Sir,my mother facing same problem.can u suggest me something plz.help me sir.her left atrium has enlarged as echo cardiogram shows.she has artial fibrillation symtomps.her CHOLESTEROL level is 189.00 mg/d1
TRIGLYCERIDE 86.00 mg/d1
plz help anyone.i've taken an appo B.M.BIRLA.H.R.C bt nt getin any appoinmnt on this weak.if something wrong wil happn wid my maa.plz help somebody.
[message edited by Antivirus on Fri, 03 Aug 2012 04:32:44 BST]
Antivirus last decade
Please copy the Questionnaire from the following thread
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
kadwa last decade
Patient age: 45
Main suffering : feeling lightheaded sudden of & weaknes one side of a body

other suffering probs : high BP & Cholesterol,gastrits

she worries of us when she is at worst that if anything happns wid her how we'l manage.so she reptedly asking to get Dr.s no their prescriptns as if she get faint dwn

it started 2weeks ago.

No Biological changes she can guess.

She likes cold weather

mental set up moody,changeable,suspisious,easily offended,arguing

like to being console during tough times.

No bad habits like nail biting or anything els neither sensitivity to externel stimuli.

No fears and do not dreams of any situation at all.

Biriyani,cadbury,card r thos foods she crave for & dont like bittery taste food.

Thirst normal.

Hunger normal but feels pain on tummy if she wont get time to have food while hungry.

Rich and spicy foods r strictly adviced to avoid by the Dr.

Sweat normal.sweat more necklines areas.

Bowel movemnt is normal.

She is suffering from insomnia.Dr.prescribed stressnil 0.25

no medicine have taken earlier. this is the 1st time got to know about deseas n ecg report.

No major desease in family.

She has fair complextn
hieght 5ft
weight 68kgs
Antivirus last decade
Hi everyone as per my experience with Homeopathy, Crataegus mother tincture is an excellent remedy and tonic for heart which you can use as a heart tonic and also use Aconite 200 every 10th day and then please report to this form. Thanks
Dr. Ahmad last decade
Dr. Ahmed,

Why does USA say you have to have prescription
for Crataegeus? And Helios in Uk wants to know
on form- who is prescribing for you?

What is the danger of this with people?
is it they might take it and not need it and then
give themselves a heart attack????

or they take too much- mother tincture or other
potency and can again - have a heart attack or

Please advise safe usage of this remedy- you cannot
get it in USA without dr. approval.
simone717 last decade
Please give her three doses of Pulsatilla 200 as follows and see how that affects in next few days.

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Thanks Dr.i'l deffinatly let u know...how wil she response wid that remedy.thanks 1ce agn
Antivirus last decade

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