The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Advice on Atrial Fibrillation
HiI was diagnosed with mild Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and atrial fibrillation around 10 years ago, I was put on Warfarin, Ramipril (10mg) and Bisoprolol (5mg) and had an unsuccessful cardioversion around 8 years ago. On my last visit to my consultant about 12 months ago I had no symptoms of cardiomyopathy but was (as always) in constant AF.
About 5 years ago I took myself off the Warfarin and started taking daily, 75mg Asprin, 1000mg Cod liver oil, 1000mg pure fish oil, 1000mg aged garlic extract, 500mg Ginger root. Three months ago I took myself off the Ramipril and Bisoprolol and started taking daily, 500mg Magnesium, 450mg Hawthorn berry, 300mg Passiflora, I also drink one or two cups of green tea a day.
I am a fit 39 year old male, 6 feet tall and 12 stone (168lbs), most of the supplements I take are self prescribed, I would be interested in a knowledgeable opinion on what Im taking and the quantities, is there anything I could drop or anything that would be more beneficial.
Thanks in advance.
dave1971 on 2010-05-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sorry to see you didn't get any input. How are you doing on your regime? I recently had my first AF and went to ER about 3 months ago. As it was due to overdose of my thyroid meds they treated me with beta blockers (which I weaned off of). I thought it was over but this week had another episode and I took one of the beta blockers as I had kept them and I was ok without going to hospital. I have an appt with cardio next week. Am so very disappointed and scared. I take similar supplements and also now added Taurine and CoQ10. anneh
anneh last decade
To Dave
I have treated some patients who presented Atrial Fibrillation with Arnica 30c in the Wet dose and they reported in a few weeks that their attacks subsided.
I would suggest that you too take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily made precisely as prescribed below:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made up as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also known as Liquid Dilution.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles.
This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.
Arnica will help to filter your blood and rid it of the debris and cholesterol in your body and you can expect your Blood Pressure to decrease in about 3 months. It will also lower your Cholesterol and Triglycerides and it is recommended that you take a Blood Test before you start this therapy to compare with another taken 6 months later, when the difference will be seen.
Arnica will replace the Warfarin, Aspris and other drugs you have used or are currently using. You will observe the difference in about a week when you can slowly wean yourself off the other minerals and supplements you are taking.
You are advised to drink plenty of fluids up to at least 3 ltrs daily.
No coffee, coke and preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon as the Saltpeter used antidotes the Arnica instantly. Also no alcohol and I presume you do not smoke.
Please report your response in a few weeks after another ECG to check the difference.
I have treated some patients who presented Atrial Fibrillation with Arnica 30c in the Wet dose and they reported in a few weeks that their attacks subsided.
I would suggest that you too take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice daily made precisely as prescribed below:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made up as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also known as Liquid Dilution.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles.
This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.
Arnica will help to filter your blood and rid it of the debris and cholesterol in your body and you can expect your Blood Pressure to decrease in about 3 months. It will also lower your Cholesterol and Triglycerides and it is recommended that you take a Blood Test before you start this therapy to compare with another taken 6 months later, when the difference will be seen.
Arnica will replace the Warfarin, Aspris and other drugs you have used or are currently using. You will observe the difference in about a week when you can slowly wean yourself off the other minerals and supplements you are taking.
You are advised to drink plenty of fluids up to at least 3 ltrs daily.
No coffee, coke and preserved meats like sausages, ham and bacon as the Saltpeter used antidotes the Arnica instantly. Also no alcohol and I presume you do not smoke.
Please report your response in a few weeks after another ECG to check the difference.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Hi My father suffered a major stroke on 5th Aug 2013 and was given thrombolysis but wasn't effective as the clot was quite large. After 2 days he underwent craniotomy surgery and is recovering now. He is 70 years and is not diabetic, no BP and cholestrol. Doctor said that Atrial Fibrillation of the heart was the cause of the stroke. He is paralysed on the right and has aphasia ( no speech)
Ever since he was brought home , he was give Arinica 1M in the diluted mode. His BP is normal though he was prescribed BP medicines.
He was given Dr. Reckwegs R3 & R54 , 10 drops in dilutiont three times a day from 9th Sep 2013. He is on liquid diet vide tube.
He was quite alert and he showed hand and limb movement on the paralysed side. He is not making sounds but could recognise and was responsive to questions. He quickly becomes tired on physical exertion.
He passed bowels yesterday and today. Urine has turned clear from yellow.
For the last two days, he is very drowsy and sleeps all day.
His paralysed part was responsive to ice and is on physiotherapy regime.
He is being given allopathic blood thinner : Pradaxa( Dabigatran) & anti epileptic drug & was prescribed Digoxin for Atiral Fibrillation. We are not giving him Digoxin due to it's side effects reported.
His blood INR is 1.7 at the time of discharge from hospital.
Should we continue the medicines in the current dosage as he is very drowsy.
He is depressed by his condition.
Prior to stroke, he used to be get very nervous and had breathlessness at the slightest exertion.
He was not on any medication prior to stroke except some medicine for gastroenteritis.
Ever since he was brought home , he was give Arinica 1M in the diluted mode. His BP is normal though he was prescribed BP medicines.
He was given Dr. Reckwegs R3 & R54 , 10 drops in dilutiont three times a day from 9th Sep 2013. He is on liquid diet vide tube.
He was quite alert and he showed hand and limb movement on the paralysed side. He is not making sounds but could recognise and was responsive to questions. He quickly becomes tired on physical exertion.
He passed bowels yesterday and today. Urine has turned clear from yellow.
For the last two days, he is very drowsy and sleeps all day.
His paralysed part was responsive to ice and is on physiotherapy regime.
He is being given allopathic blood thinner : Pradaxa( Dabigatran) & anti epileptic drug & was prescribed Digoxin for Atiral Fibrillation. We are not giving him Digoxin due to it's side effects reported.
His blood INR is 1.7 at the time of discharge from hospital.
Should we continue the medicines in the current dosage as he is very drowsy.
He is depressed by his condition.
Prior to stroke, he used to be get very nervous and had breathlessness at the slightest exertion.
He was not on any medication prior to stroke except some medicine for gastroenteritis.
sajisan last decade
I received the automatic email alert to this thread which I have advised on in July 2010
Since that time I have been able to help a few patients to recover and am glad to state that at least one patient was CURED of the after effects of 3 strokes which he suffered in 2002 from which he has fully recovered in 2011 as per his own account of his cure on my website:
Another case is of a patient suffering from MVP (Mitral Valve Prolapse) whose account is on:
I note that you are using Arnica 1M and have to inform you that this potency is not of any avail as it cannot DISSOLVE the clots or other impediments to the patient's blood flow which are now being addressed with various drugs and blood thinners.
My advice is that ALL drugs are withdrawn and that Arnica 30c in the Wet dose is used 4 times daily in conjunction with Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily after meals.
I do realise that doctors may be aghast at my advice but there is ample proof to back up my therapy aka 'Joepathy' and I would suggest that the patient is given a chance to recover under my therapy.
It must be understood however that I can only share my experience with patients who have suffered from Cardiac problems but I cannot take any responsibility or blame if the patient suffers any setbacks by using my therapy, which I feel is remote, judging by my past experience and success in the treatment of similar problems.
I would like to invite all who may read this post to visit my website and read the treatise on
Arnica The Miracle Remedy
I would like to record for those who may doubt my advice that I am 85 years of age and do still drive to work daily as I have done for over 65 years. Homeopathy is NOT my profession but I have been associated with this Science since 1965 originally as a skeptic and now as a Consultant and you are invited to visit my website:
I have proved conclusively that a daily dose of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose can almost GUARANTEE that the client will NOT ever suffer from Strokes or other cerebral accidents which can lead to the distress that the patient on this thread is currently suffering from.
I have taken Arnica 30c in the Wet dose since 1996 nightly or more often depending on need and my BP is
Since that time I have been able to help a few patients to recover and am glad to state that at least one patient was CURED of the after effects of 3 strokes which he suffered in 2002 from which he has fully recovered in 2011 as per his own account of his cure on my website:
Another case is of a patient suffering from MVP (Mitral Valve Prolapse) whose account is on:
I note that you are using Arnica 1M and have to inform you that this potency is not of any avail as it cannot DISSOLVE the clots or other impediments to the patient's blood flow which are now being addressed with various drugs and blood thinners.
My advice is that ALL drugs are withdrawn and that Arnica 30c in the Wet dose is used 4 times daily in conjunction with Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily after meals.
I do realise that doctors may be aghast at my advice but there is ample proof to back up my therapy aka 'Joepathy' and I would suggest that the patient is given a chance to recover under my therapy.
It must be understood however that I can only share my experience with patients who have suffered from Cardiac problems but I cannot take any responsibility or blame if the patient suffers any setbacks by using my therapy, which I feel is remote, judging by my past experience and success in the treatment of similar problems.
I would like to invite all who may read this post to visit my website and read the treatise on
Arnica The Miracle Remedy
I would like to record for those who may doubt my advice that I am 85 years of age and do still drive to work daily as I have done for over 65 years. Homeopathy is NOT my profession but I have been associated with this Science since 1965 originally as a skeptic and now as a Consultant and you are invited to visit my website:
I have proved conclusively that a daily dose of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose can almost GUARANTEE that the client will NOT ever suffer from Strokes or other cerebral accidents which can lead to the distress that the patient on this thread is currently suffering from.
I have taken Arnica 30c in the Wet dose since 1996 nightly or more often depending on need and my BP is
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I want to share with you what we did for my husband. (AFib)Went of blood thinners and went to Nattokinese. A natural blood thinner. We have been doing this for 12 years and his blood work shows the Natto works. If he acts weak or too tired Digitalis in homeopath has been very effective. It seems to balance the heart rate whether jumpy low or high. We get it here. 200c seems to work best. He also had unsuccessful cardioversion years ago. He still has Afib and would be nice if it was gone but blood thinners are terrible. I also recommend simple breathing exercises. We went by Dr. Garry Gordans protocol years ago. Some stuff may still be online. I will post again if I have more info. I would also try muscle testing for food allergies.
SanHelp 5 days ago
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