The ABC Homeopathy Forum
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My husband has psoriasis for more than 15 years. he is angry when contradicted, likes to control everything, fears poverty, restless,critical,jealous, impatient,ambitious,anxious, tend to theorize everything,likes eggs,bread and butter,fatty foods which cause digestive upsets,sweets, pastries, spicy foods,milk, very thirsty,likes cold water with ice,head is sweaty in bed,feels worse in cold dry weather(skin very dry), sensitive to smells, likes to sleep on the left side of the body, and when is walking very quickly has pains in his chest, throat and teeth. He is overweight. the psoriasis covers almost all his body except the face and neck.He also has melasma on his cheeks and suffers from paradonthosis.He seems to be a combination of sulphur, nux vomica, arsenicum album and lycopodium. calcarea carbonica , mercurius( for his teeth)also I think that can work for him.What remedy do you think that can work for him?
And what is the right potency for him and how long he should take the remedies?
Do you have any suggestions?
thank you, gabriela
gabituca on 2003-10-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
so, nothing for me? no ideas? I know that psoriasis has no cure, but in the same time I know that I can make his life more easier and homeopathy can help him. I just want to know more information about the right potency and how long he should take the remedies.
thank you for any kind of reply
thank you for any kind of reply
gabituca 2 decades ago
Of those, I would try Arsenicum Album first - on its own rather than in combination with the other remedies you suggest.
Start with a high (but not too high) potency, such as 30C, take it 3 times a day for the first two days, and then once a day after that. Stop taking the remedy when his symptoms start to clear up.
Start with a high (but not too high) potency, such as 30C, take it 3 times a day for the first two days, and then once a day after that. Stop taking the remedy when his symptoms start to clear up.
maria 2 decades ago
The important rule is:
First the mental symptoms then the physical symptoms.
you have given : Angry when contradicted>>>> also psoriasis.
Give him LYCOPODIUM preferably in 1M. potency . >>>> One or two doses only . Repeat only after a fortnight if required.
Too much repetition will neutralise the benefit.
♡ PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Sulphur 50m, two drops of the liquid medicine every 2 hours for four times in one single day. Total 8 drops of the medicine Sulphur 50M manufactured by Dr. Willmar company Germany. Do not repeat medicine the next day.
1. Would work best if person fasts for the particular day. May eat fruits but definetly no cooked food.
2. No further Potencised Homoeopathy medicines, except above.
3. Do not repeat medicine for the next 4 months (minimum) nor give any other homoeopathic medicines. If required give Bio-chemic (triturated) as per synptoms.
I have cured 4 cases of psorasis (universelis) with above formula after lot of study and experiments, thou lots of diet correction is also requried.
Further questions
contact : ha21
1. Would work best if person fasts for the particular day. May eat fruits but definetly no cooked food.
2. No further Potencised Homoeopathy medicines, except above.
3. Do not repeat medicine for the next 4 months (minimum) nor give any other homoeopathic medicines. If required give Bio-chemic (triturated) as per synptoms.
I have cured 4 cases of psorasis (universelis) with above formula after lot of study and experiments, thou lots of diet correction is also requried.
Further questions
contact : ha21
HA21 2 decades ago
yes , sulphur, NO to 50M.
Use LM and plussing method as described in 'organon'. Note husbands condition.
gabituca -- post back and will describe procedure for dosing and possibilities of what to expext for cure.
John Stanton
Use LM and plussing method as described in 'organon'. Note husbands condition.
gabituca -- post back and will describe procedure for dosing and possibilities of what to expext for cure.
John Stanton
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
my email is you can write me there. i hope you received my previous answer.
gabituca 2 decades ago
thank you for help. how do you know that sulphur will work for him? I made some research myself and his constitutional remedy is lycopodium, not sulphur. I gave him Sulphur , calcarea carbonica and lycopodium because those remedies are the most important for the psora miasm. you cannot give sulphur in high dillution because of the agravation. this is what the books are saying. he has huge cholesterol and the arteries inside of the heart are blocked in different percents. he was scheduled for a bypass, but we want to give it a try with the homeopathy first. i thought that the psoriasis is his worse problem, but we just discovered some 3 days ago about his heart desease. the liver is not working well(the cholesterol very high).
do you have some ideas?
thank you very much
do you have some ideas?
thank you very much
gabituca 2 decades ago
OK. No go by types for homoeopathic prescribing (fairy tale method); prescribe by characteristic symptoms of individual.
If he take medicines that much more difficult to treat.Must be willing to stop medications if treat homoeopathically.
Consider serious before untake.
you post or e-mail much case information and we see from there.
John Stanton
Homoeopathic layman
Pennsylvania U.S.A.
john satnton 2 decades ago
Dear Gabriela Covoran and john Stanton,
I address u both, since both of u r part of forum,
1. Lyco does not work alone.
2. 50M potency rarely aggravates, if you want to test it out, give sulphur 30C repeatedly for 12 doses four hour apart, and check aggravation after 72 hours.
3. Do not repeat sulphur50M nor give any repeat ANY homoepathic potency medinces for the next 4 months. Sulphur will work, if you do not irritate by giving other homeo medicines. Most
3. Gabriela ... if your man is going for his heart operation, he would have definetely releief from psora because of the high amount of steriods and anti-histamines involved.
Psorasis ... pathologically caused by thinning of the stomach lining (small intestine and large intestines) whereby the toxins created inside the stomach by different acids are leeched out thru the skin glands causing toxin buildup and ultimately plaque (skin scales). This condition is caused by varied food allergies and various foods to which the stomach becomes intolerant. Main culprits are Animal Milk, Wheat, green veteables, animal protien and a host of other foods.
To Test above, Experiment as follows : stop all Cooked foods including Milk and alcohol etc.. Drink on Fruit juices every time u feel hungry or eat bananas (green variety). Fruit Juices like Fresh Sweet Lime, Oranges and veg. juices like carrot+tomatos, without adding sugar, salt etc... Do this for atleast 3-5 days. Notice that Itching virtually diappears after 24 hours, skin scaling reduces to more than 80%. This happens just because of less or no toxin build up in the body.
INCIDENTALLY : GIVE ME A SINGLE HOMEOPATH, IN THIS GLOBE, WHO HAS CURED PSORASIS (universalis) BY individualism that is to say homoeopathically.
regards ... HA21 (email : ha21
HA21 2 decades ago
The very significance of the homoeopathy treatment is to 'treat the patient as a whole' or 'patient as a person' which is directed to heal the body-mind system from within. The constitutional treatment helps the body's own healing mechanism, enhances body's self-recovery capacity hence leading to a long-term cure.
Why homeopathy for psoriasis:
The major benefits of homeopathy could be summarized as under:
- It is constitutional; hence there is deep-level healing and
- It offers long-lasting cure instead of temporary relief.
- It significantly reduces chances of relapse.
Homoeopathy has positive influence in curtailing course of disease
in term of reducing further spread of disease to previously non-
involved areas.
- It is absolutely harmless, safe and non-toxic.
- The over all success rate at our center is over 75%.
There are around 3000 homoeopathy medicines derived from various
natural resources and effective against plethora of diseases.
Carcinocinum 200 one dose only and after 7 days one dose of Carcinocinum 1M potency.
Dont give any more just see the results.
Hom. Dr. Saleem Hamid
Why homeopathy for psoriasis:
The major benefits of homeopathy could be summarized as under:
- It is constitutional; hence there is deep-level healing and
- It offers long-lasting cure instead of temporary relief.
- It significantly reduces chances of relapse.
Homoeopathy has positive influence in curtailing course of disease
in term of reducing further spread of disease to previously non-
involved areas.
- It is absolutely harmless, safe and non-toxic.
- The over all success rate at our center is over 75%.
There are around 3000 homoeopathy medicines derived from various
natural resources and effective against plethora of diseases.
Carcinocinum 200 one dose only and after 7 days one dose of Carcinocinum 1M potency.
Dont give any more just see the results.
Hom. Dr. Saleem Hamid
shamid 2 decades ago
Psoriasis is curable by Homeopathy.
I have cured Psoriasis Universalis by hoeopathy in a classical way on individualising basis.
The sulphur treament suggested will cure in a contitutionally sulphur case.In others it is suppression and no cure, if lesions diappear.They will surely come back.
I have cured Psoriasis Universalis by hoeopathy in a classical way on individualising basis.
The sulphur treament suggested will cure in a contitutionally sulphur case.In others it is suppression and no cure, if lesions diappear.They will surely come back.
dr_sadhwani 2 decades ago
how can you cure psoriasis old from 30 years? we tried Lycopodium, phosphorus, antimonium crudum, arsenicum album, psorinum, calcarea carbonica, nux vomica, aurum metallicum, arsenicum iodatum, berberis aquifolium, natrium muriaticum....shall I say more? no he took Carcinosinum 200C(he had relatives who died from cancer)and after 7 days we will try carcinosinum 1M.
we will wait. if nothing happens he is willing to try Sulphur 50M and see the results. He almost lost his faith in homeopathy...
do you have any more ideas on what we can do to improve his condition at least?
he has blood pressure, cholesterol(he is taking medication for that), he had 4 bypass in december 2003.
we will wait. if nothing happens he is willing to try Sulphur 50M and see the results. He almost lost his faith in homeopathy...
do you have any more ideas on what we can do to improve his condition at least?
he has blood pressure, cholesterol(he is taking medication for that), he had 4 bypass in december 2003.
gabituca 2 decades ago
bradshaw1 2 decades ago
You have not arrived at the simillimum,therefore failure.
No wonder pt will lose faith in doctor and Homeopathy.
I can suggest you one thing.
Give Graphites in high potency, and see the development.
Good luck
No wonder pt will lose faith in doctor and Homeopathy.
I can suggest you one thing.
Give Graphites in high potency, and see the development.
Good luck
dr_sadhwani 2 decades ago
he tried psorinum 200c and the skin was worse,very very bad.he had to work with the skin many months to tranquilize her a little bit. no improvment.
he tried graphites 1M and nothing happened. the last one is sulphur: he will try 50M, like somebody said in this message.
do you think that it is hopeless case?
he tried graphites 1M and nothing happened. the last one is sulphur: he will try 50M, like somebody said in this message.
do you think that it is hopeless case?
gabituca 2 decades ago
I'm back again, the one who suggested sulphur-50M, 2 drops liquid - 4 times in one day and then strictly no more for another 4 months. No Homoeopathic medicines as well - whatsoever.
Please follow the diet schedule, as discussed earlier, without which, please forget to cure psorasis.
You lose faith in something when it turns monotonus, that's repeated Homoeopathy medicines though different remedies. And further more for the benefit of all those present in the present psorasis forum, Homoeopathy is incapable of producing a suppression, though homoeopathy will release a suppression ... hope people get the logic - check out the Homoeopathy organon.
regards ... ha21
I'm back again, the one who suggested sulphur-50M, 2 drops liquid - 4 times in one day and then strictly no more for another 4 months. No Homoeopathic medicines as well - whatsoever.
Please follow the diet schedule, as discussed earlier, without which, please forget to cure psorasis.
You lose faith in something when it turns monotonus, that's repeated Homoeopathy medicines though different remedies. And further more for the benefit of all those present in the present psorasis forum, Homoeopathy is incapable of producing a suppression, though homoeopathy will release a suppression ... hope people get the logic - check out the Homoeopathy organon.
regards ... ha21
HA21 2 decades ago
There are many things beyond organaon.Recent evidence favours theory of suppression.Kindly ref to "Predictive Homeopathy 1"by Dr vijaykar.
dr_sadhwani 2 decades ago
Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum. I have been a psoriasis sufferer for the past 8 years. I have it only on the scalp, and recently it's been very very bad. It goes and comes with frequency. I recently saw a Homeopathic doctor (after exhausting most other medicines available), and was prescribed Sulfur C30. Please tell me:
1. Is this the best remedy?
2. What foods/items do I need to avoid during the course?
3. How long does it usually take to see results?
4. What other practices should I follow to facilitate the treatment?
1. Is this the best remedy?
2. What foods/items do I need to avoid during the course?
3. How long does it usually take to see results?
4. What other practices should I follow to facilitate the treatment?
princess 2 decades ago
1. "Is this the best remedy?"
this all depend upon if sulpher is most homoeopathic to characteristic symptoms --and to know this--much information is required--no problem if you are willing to answer them..
2." What foods/items do I need to avoid during the course?"
if sulpher is the remedy...then need to avoid all acidic foods and drinks...i.e...COFFEE;tea;fruit and juices;coca-cola,pepsi and like;vinegar;tomatoes;ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES....etc
avoid all SWEETS--particularly all products that contain refined WHITE -SUGAR...
3. """How long does it usually take to see results?"'
...from immediately to 3 days- wil observe some change (not necessarily the main compliant)--this response decides next course of action--and is manditory to be monitored closely buy prescribing homoeopath....
4.""" What other practices should I follow to facilitate the treatment?"" other medications -remedies--eye drops--ear drops--skin cremes/ointments---
if feel need for help with case --best to start your own posting ''title" at this site---if not sure how --just say so--and i will post it for you..
1. "Is this the best remedy?"
this all depend upon if sulpher is most homoeopathic to characteristic symptoms --and to know this--much information is required--no problem if you are willing to answer them..
2." What foods/items do I need to avoid during the course?"
if sulpher is the remedy...then need to avoid all acidic foods and drinks...i.e...COFFEE;tea;fruit and juices;coca-cola,pepsi and like;vinegar;tomatoes;ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES....etc
avoid all SWEETS--particularly all products that contain refined WHITE -SUGAR...
3. """How long does it usually take to see results?"'
...from immediately to 3 days- wil observe some change (not necessarily the main compliant)--this response decides next course of action--and is manditory to be monitored closely buy prescribing homoeopath....
4.""" What other practices should I follow to facilitate the treatment?"" other medications -remedies--eye drops--ear drops--skin cremes/ointments---
if feel need for help with case --best to start your own posting ''title" at this site---if not sure how --just say so--and i will post it for you..
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
I was wondering if anyone can help me, i have been suffering from psoriasis for about five years, I have been using kali sulpuricum 6c it helps my skin condition. is it likely That this remedy will completly cure the psoriasis? please can someone help!!!!!
sheikh 2 decades ago
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
psoriasis sufferers have many treatment experiences. make your treatment history on the web, go ps-ex . com and find treatment section.
mohana last decade
kali sulf&ferrum phos r wonderful drugs for psoriasis. however to attain compleete cure withot relapse one needs thorough constitutional treatment, with drainage and canalisation. how ever immunity is important to attain permanent cure
totapuri last decade
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