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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Mild Depression lack of sleep

age: 33
sex: woman
Preferences: salty food
I am suffering from mild depression lack of self confidence brought on seemingly by return to work (I am a supply teacher)
I love teaching, but it has brought on fears that I won't find a full time job which I need to do my NQT year.

I am not sleeping well. And so I feel tired. My memory is suffering, and I feel emotionally numb and tearful. This is potentially serious as lack of sleep may trigger an epileptic attack. I had one last week on a day I was supposed to work. This has also knocked my confidence. My epilepsy is controlled through homeopathy (Cocculus and cuprum met.)I am usually very positive person but I am full of self doubt.

I feel better through rest, being alone and physical comfort (hugs)
  llanarth on 2007-09-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
you can try (Natrum mur-30c) one dose daily only for 5day then stop and wait for 1 week any change cantact me back please OK
Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade
my advice is
Avena sativa Q 10 to 15 drops, 3 times daily (mix in little water)

it will cover sleeplessness
and also weakness and memory

use foor 1 week at least

and the report

Dr. Hasnat
Hasnat last decade
Thank you both so much for your advice. I really appreciate it.
I have started taking nat mur, because I have this. However I will also get the Avena Satvia. I will write to report progress in a week. I feel sleep is very important, and as soon as this settles down everything else will follow.
llanarth last decade

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