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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression

Im having severe mental problems for more than 2 months! My problem like this! I thought to have ED problems! one day a female friend came at home...where we watched porn and masturbated gave blowjob but couldnt get erect then I came to learn that my abnormal prone masturbation is responsible for that. I must say that for few months before that i have before this incident anxiety issues and random heart pounding and overthinking...had smoking habits which i left for a month ago. After that failure of with my female friend I got fixated with sexual obsessions almost masturbated two or three times a day...which disgusted me....then i googled for the symptoms i found to have ocd..then i saw for probable symptoms of ocd and started believing it. In the mean time i grown nasty habit od oggling womens body parts which disgusted me with guilt along with intrusive thoughts of harass my parents and random people for couple of days....then one day dreamt of having sex in a dead body. Had sexual images on gods images these memories get pounded as nightmare ....but these things didnot affect my orientation with outer world... had my exams gave it pretty well...though had study issuea thinking all these! Right now I had inarticulate objects sexual obsession which gave panic attack today! Sometimes i get panic attacks by any image without any sexual obsession. Have frequent dull pain on head which is of various types maybe on side of head, sometimes middle of the head..had sleeping problems for which i am having kali phos 6x....even losing interests on things i have interests....
Is this a psychiatric condition! But I do pretty well with people does every work can these problems be resolved by homeopathic medicine...plz help
  pabitra on 2019-11-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Bottom line- you got a panic attack due to lack
Of correct info. You googled something about
ED that was wrong and now think you have
An ED problem. ED can happen to anyone ,
For a variety of reasons- anxiety and stress
About other issues can cause this, being tired,
Having alcohol, being hung over from alcohol,etc

You were already having anxiety issues,
And anxiety produces a state of mind-
Called.. “what if”.......fill in the blank.

If you do “what if” enough? It is like
Being on an anxiety highway and the
Highway turns into OCD highway -
The behaviors you are doing have to
Do with distracting you from fear that you
Have some ED disease. You do not.

It happens to everybody once in awhile.

I am telling you this , from my experience
Counseling. Yes, you could get a remedy-
But unless you understand how the mind works
With anxiety, you will not be in control of
Your thoughts and always wondering if this
Anxiety/ ocd stuff will return. Once you have
A panic attack- it only takes a micro second
Of a thought to start another panic attack.

You have to tolerate it and then when calmer-
Have an inner dialogue with your brain/ body.
The two second thought - hijacks the lower brain,
Sets off adrenaline and shuts down blood flow to
The front brain. If you understand what is going
On then gradually you can stay in your front
Brain and tell yourself to chill out.

It’s like if someone told you that a rabbit could kill you
And then learned it could not. For a time , your body
Would still respond with panic every time you
Saw a rabbit. You have to re program yourself.

You also need to be disciplined and refuse
The anxiety thoughts. Change your attention
To tv, music, exercise, any distraction when
Anxiety comes up. Doing this Stops the brain from going into a loop-
If you observe you will notice the loop starts with
Anxiety feeling, then goes into what if thoughts,
And if allowed to continue starts getting OCD

Someone on here can take your case for anxiety-
That is the real problem here, not ED.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-11-15 20:45:08]
simone717 5 years ago
Im obsessed with these for 2 months...always living in a threat state....God knows why? what should be the rightest thing to do now? Go to psychiatrist and get checked ? I am a medical student of 1st year...and these things making my studies down! Please help
pabitra 5 years ago
The psychiatrist will just tell you , you have anxiety,
And want to give you some psych med , which
Will have side effects and will not cure the
The problem.

What you are having is anxiety, which led to
A physical issue(Ed) which then led to
More anxiety and panic attacks. Those things
Overstimulate your nervous system, trigger
The body system of adrenaline release which
Then leads to more anxiety because you
Cannot think right, when one is overstimulated.

The adrenaline release is uncomfortable and
Feels like a non stop threat state. Which if you
Do not know the mechanics of how this
Works?? Just keeps creating more adrenaline
And anxiety and unwanted thoughts.

The answer is you need to calm down.
Is Kali phos helping in any way?
simone717 5 years ago
hi- I have asked Anuj on here to look at your thread
And prescribe if he can. I have limited time-
But I wanted to give you the Mechanics of
How to understand and deal with anxiety-
Because I have worked in this area quite
Extensively as far as counseling.
simone717 5 years ago
Anuj advised me he can take your case and prescribe- just
Wait for him to post.
simone717 5 years ago
I am interested to take the case.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. FOR THREE DAYS  

DAY 4 Onwards Phosphorous 200,five drops in an ounce of water ones in three days.

Feedback after 15 days.
anuj srivastava said NUX VOM 200
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. FOR THREE DAYS  

DAY 4 Onwards Phosphorous 200,five drops in an ounce of water ones in three days.

Feedback after 15 days.

[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2019-11-16 11:41:44]
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
Kali Phos isnt helping!
Thanks for prescribing
Nux Vom for first 3 days
and then Phos on 4th day only?
pabitra 5 years ago
Can I get healthy imaginations...Im pretty worried about my imaginations...please say simone sir how to control my mind!
pabitra 5 years ago
4,5,and 6 days.
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
anuj srivastava said 4,5,and 6 days.

unfortunately the current grid is not being unloaded,something wrong with the inherent software.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2019-11-16 11:48:47]
anuj srivastava 5 years ago

I advised the moderator about the grid posting problem.

How many days do you want him to take Phos
200? Not clear to me.

Pabitra: don’t let the thoughts scare you or bully you.
Think of anxiety as similar to looking at how fast your
Car is going. As anxiety increases( like speed) more thoughts
Show up. At a really high speed ocd thoughts show up.
Sometimes trying to stop them( thoughts) makes them
Increase and become more shocking.

Once you are in the grip of intense anxiety- all the adrenaline,
Cortisol, stress chemicals are going - and there is an actual pathway
Loop activated from lower brain to hypothalamus. This is like
Being stuck in a bad movie-

1. Realize this is unpleasant but it is not you- it is anxiety.
2. Immediately Ignore the thoughts. Call up someone,
Turn on music or tv, exercise, move around. You want
To interrupt the cycle- the cycle needs fear to keep going.
3. You know how you feel on a good day? That is the real you-
That is your baseline. That Never goes away ever- you need
To understand that. Once you understand that it is easier to
Ignore this stuff- and refuse to focus on it.
simone717 5 years ago
Thank u Simone sir! As I said u yesterday having sexual obsession on inarticulate object...I compulsively thought of having sex with a car....which gave an irry feeling! ugh! how u do that! Like i had a panic attack while listening a song a month ago! later if i feel like f**k that song....then immediate feeling of awe that how u do that! sudden heart pounding starts...irritation feeling when talking about sexual matters! whats wrong with me. right now i am calm...but its like next morning i will wake up with those thoughts i thought yesterday and loop of obsessive thinking starts! i dont know when will this end.
pabitra 5 years ago
When you wake up with weird dreams, bizarre
Thoughts, just get moving on with your day.
Know that “emotions” always feel like they
Will last forever. That is why many are afraid
Of unpleasant emotions. It’s really a learning
Curve ( emotional intelligence is a real thing-
Similar to intellectual intelligence) for example
People grieving after a loss feel like they will
Never feel ok again- but they learn thru the experience
That they move on and then understand how it works.

I know you just want this to be gone -
Take the remedies, keep ignoring and distracting
From this stuff. It will run out of power.
simone717 5 years ago
on my exam days...i saw visceras which gave for panic attack later few seconds later...had intrusive thought of playing sexually with visceras....which took up my whole week with irry feeling. then started compulsively imagining the ugly looking visceras in random peoples body. Strange crazy thoughts and feelings....I may be crazy once a brilliant student who had a excellent technique of doing dissections and stuffs now suffering with crazy thoughts....
these intrusive thoughts are staying as memories and doesnt goes away as its unnecessary
pabitra 5 years ago
The thoughts/visuals are shocking to you,
And then they get the coding/ wiring of the
Panic pathway, where memories are stored
Differently. A lot of anxiety/ ocd patients talk
About how outlandish- weird these thoughts are
And even seem to escalate to more weird
When you try to Ignore them.

You want to have the attitude - I don’t care
About them- like someone turned on a
Strange tv channel.

Do not label yourself crazy etc- Because
You started with anxiety- very common.
Just make sure you eat well, exercise, sleep
Well, stay connected with friends/family -
The more balanced your lifestyle the sooner
This will leave.
simone717 5 years ago
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
I had my registration card of the exam which I took and had the same emotions I had last month when i was dread of oggling woman in hall which i had almost forgot in my daily schedule and i might leave the exam keep on thinking those and my exam will go bad...and the alphabets of the paper will get jumbled as if they were having sex....which was my compulsive thinking!! that thinking ate my day today....my head was getting heavy and im dreading to imagine even when im recalling answers of my lessons...Had my first dose of nux vom yesterday and today im much restless and i cant even remember what i have studied throughout the day! Everytime im conscious of any work and I might relate with sex....and we all do that but its bothering me....I just cant get rid of it!! So much self talking im doing just to divert my focus of my emotions...talking in nauseus voice through phone....i dont know why! I just need to forget my emotions and study 24*7 for upcoming exams in dec....will i continue to have nux vom
pabitra 5 years ago
I think I must avoid social media to stop perverted ideas and mixing with friends to stop perverted talks....i think these are influencing me and maybe acting like it!
pabitra 5 years ago
You may try:

Silicea 12x

6 tablets 3 times a day and a glass of warm water after every dose.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Be calm. Thinking more about sex at your age is normal. Why are you becoming so irritable by your own? Everything will be normal if you want by your own. Be religious. Mix with all of your relatives, friends. Visit outdoor. Play outdoor games if you can. Enjoy good songs, movies etc. Say all is well.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Please start:
1. Silicea 12x
6 tablets 3 times a day and drink a glass of warm water after every dose

2. Staphysagria 30
3 drops+ 4 spoons water
3 times a day in empty stomach
Or 4 pallets under tongue 3 times a day

Give feedback after 5 days.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2019-11-18 16:16:14]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
I am ardent religious believer as all of my family members know...but sexual image of god once in no where made me disgusted! I started losing interests in playing and singing from sept....but after the incidents of thought process it became more worse...now in constant awe to do new start may give some weird thoughts....i once listening a song instead of enjoying i was constantly memorising the words in aweful state...
On top of that I have a bad habit of googling every symptoms of mental insanity which made me read all type of mental diseases! Used to smoke last sept for good mood but that just gave me high bp but i left it vigourously which astonishingly brought my bp to normal but now i feel to have low pulse and anxiety does give palpitations...Sorry for being specific and frequent texting symptoms!
Should i continue with nux or start with silecea
pabitra 5 years ago
Please try Silicea 12x and Staphysagria 30 accordingly.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Thank u sir!!
Will I stop taking nux and phos as said by Dr anuj sir?
pabitra 5 years ago

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