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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Anger, Irritability & depression Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am taking 2 pills of zantac everyday for last 15 days
nileshparmar last decade
hello to all, Nosebleed is stopped for last 24 hours now.
nileshparmar last decade
good j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
hello, to Dr. Mohla & Other respected Drs. so far so good with Nux Vom. jst letting you know abt current situation. My eyes feels weak several times a day. as specially, If delay my meal. & I am sensitive to certain food & herbs. That still make me angery & feels my eyes weak. spicy food, tamrind sauce, vinegar, Ginger, St. John's wort, 5HTP, SAMe are among those.
Thank you.
nileshparmar last decade
Weakness of eyes...further points to the choice of Phosphorus.

-weakness in eyes

.....all seem to indicate Phosphorus.

Nilesh...if you are getting up at around 3 am every night and getting back to sleep around 7 am ...then Nux is indicated ...are you ?????

Do you have a family history where someone close has had TB ??

Are you afraid of darkness ??

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Upon whom you get angry?

Once angry then what do you do? Break things or yell or ...?
girilal last decade
Good questions asked by Girilal. Answer them.

What do you mean by weakness of eyes? What is happening exactly? Give details.

gavinimurthy last decade
Forget about getting up at 3a.m. etc.

It is not necessary to have that sort of sleeping pattern for Nux.v to work.

What is written in the books is that it helps those who have that sort of sleeping pattern, provided other symtoms too match.

The absence of a symptom doesn't contrindicate a medicine. The prescence of it makes us to think of it and look at the othe symptoms to see whether it fits the totality.

Unless we are sound in philosophy, we tend to make many mistakes in applying what we read in the materia medica.

gavinimurthy last decade
Stop your lecture Murthy...and get down to finding that single med about which you make so much fuss !!

Your post shows....how shallow is your knowledge of the application of homeopathy.

when ever someone is trying to do a good job here...you try to confuse the patient ....so that the patient never returns to this site.

We can see through your designs and Simon is also aware of your tactics to shoo away patrons of this site.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Murthy...you are definately interfering with the process of case taking for this patient i.e. Nilesh Parmar.

The same was being done in the typical Classical Homeopathy case taking requirement.

It is very clear that you are using Classical Homeopathy as an excuse to derail this site.

Have brought it to the notice of Simon !!

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Pank aj

If the patient gives all the details required rest assured that he will be helped.

I am on my way to Pune and will be back on wednesday.

Why do you get offended if I talk about homeopathic philosophy?

Don't assume that my general comments are directed against you.

gavinimurthy last decade
hello to all,
Nosebleed is stopped now for last 2 days.
But But But, Weakness in my eyes is incresed much more. Now after every meal or breakfast I am feeling my eyes weak. In this situation medication for acidity helps me during that time.
In case of eye weakness, I close my eyes & push it with fingers towards nosebone several times.
Himalaya Neem Capsule (Herbal) makes me feel ok, but it makes me drowsy & idle rest of the day. In case of anger I start yelling.In that case also Neem mood stabilizer & neem (which is very cold & bitter in nature)helps me.But I want to avoid that as it makes me drowsy & idle & feeling cold rest of the time. Moreover, I stay in new jersey which is very cold rt now.
I do oversleep & I dont get up during night time at all not for even visiting rest room too. I generally go to bed at 12AM & wake up at 8AM.
In my family no one had TB till date.
I am not affraid of darkness but I dont prefer to stay in dark. i.e. Whenever I am in my home I tend to keep all lights on, like, If I am using one room, i will still keep on the light for passages near that room. & I dont like low light.
nileshparmar last decade
But If I have to go somewhere in dark, I do go without fear. I guess its not fear but its about liking. I always like sunny days.
nileshparmar last decade
it is for sure that, for last few days weakness in my eyes is increasing more. does anyone think that is it due to Nux Vom?
nosebleed is gone but eye weakness is increasing. now I have to take medicine for acidity after everytime I eat.
nileshparmar last decade
in my blood test test for liver has showed elevated.
ALT is 152
nileshparmar last decade
Your symptoms are pointing more towards Phosphorus. Yet, I would like to investigate the case further.

What other illnesses have you been through from childhood till now ?

Pl. give details of age and M/F.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Are you in buisness or in a job ?

What stress levels do you encounter ?

Any stress in marriage/ through children or through parents/ brothers/ sisters etc. ?

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
hello Dr.Varma, thanks for the precious time. My age 31 yrs. Male. Not any significant illness. yea, I have been depressed once before, at the time of 12th grade. I also did blood check for TSH. Which has shown quite in range. But now my blood test clearly indicate liver problem. Now I am being sensitive to everday food too.
My eyes feel week more & more nowadays. Cant think of eating things like tamrind sauce, vinegar, ginger, spicy food.
nileshparmar last decade
When the liver is adversely affected....the first casualty is eye sight and eye pain.

Start taking Natrum Sulph 6X four pills every two hours until we analyse your case in detail and add another med for your benefit.

Give me your symptoms in lay man's language and not just allopathic test reports....coz homeopathy works on the language of the body ...i.e. symptoms.

What are the sensations you are experiencing....is there a pain on the right side of the abdomen?

Is there a headache...what time...describe the headache....wich part of the head ??

Do you have constipation ?

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Are there eruptions on the skin ?
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
take single remedy at a time.. try to learn anger coping methods also...
drsam last decade
hello to all,
no pain on the right side of the abdomen
no headache
no constipation, I visit toilet 2 times daily.
No eruption on skin
nileshparmar last decade
Then hold on with Nux Vomica.

After a gap of 24 hours take Phosphorus 200.....total of three doses.

Morning , evening and next morning....report back.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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