The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Lycopodium or not?
I found this list in a query and am using it for my ownself:1. Age: 26
2. Sex: Female
3. Married/Unmarried: unmarried
4. weight: about 65 Kgs (have put on about 10 kgs in last yr and half due to desk job, before which was constant at 55)
5. country: India
6. climate: Hot-Humid (Mumbai)
7. List of you complain first
1.Axiety while making presentations (Was non existent during undergrad days, but felt low on confidence all the time and
during MBA days,I felt affected by competition, intimidated by talent of others, their personalities, even their looks, English pronounciation etc.This had aggravated once and was put on Platina, Antim Crud, Larch, Mimulus, Crab Apple etc
2.Prone to acidity while tense and hence digestion problems if emotionally disturbed, usually related to low confidence.
3.Bloated Stomach since childhood (all of these lead me to believe that correct remedy is actually Lycopodium)
8. Diabetic or non Diabetic: Non Diabetic
9. Desire sweets/sour/salt: No distinct desire, but when I crave sweets, I usually crave intensely sweet food - like Indian sugar cyrup based sweets: Jalebi, Gulab Jamun etc
10. Thirst: I think I dont feel much thirsty at all and infact drink much less water which once in a while leads to constipation while usually its diarrhoeic situation.
11. Tongue : Pink and Coated
12. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine): Not on any medication at present. BP is normal.
13. What exactly is happening ? I tend to get bogged down by others' achievements and this aggravates the already existing feeling of low confidence.
14. How do you feel ? Like a failure and underperformer. Not an impactful personality which my profession requires me to be.
15. How does this affect you ? I feel these days I dont take any iniatives, have given up on hardwork. Avoid working on any challenging thing because feel that it will bring out my inabilities before people.
16. How does it feel like ?: Mentioned above
17. What comes to your mind ?: That others are more creative, that I can never impress my client/boss/colleagues, that they are judging me, that I cannot make good presentations, that I cant think original
18. One situation that had a big effect on you ? Yes, during my MBA days, I was negatively affected by the college competition and talent. Slowly it built up and one day because of this I broke down in front of whole class, while making
presentation. It was most humiliating and I have not been able to forget it. I was asked to meet counsellors whom I lied
about how a family problem was troubling me that day but ever since things have changed forever. It continued till I finished
my MBA and during placement week days were most trying. I got placed on day 2 due to which I felt equally humiliated.
19. How did that feel like ?: Mentioned earlier. I have never felt confortable in my skin, but those 2 years were closest to the hell.
20. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?:Quickened breathing,kind of cold chills alternating with hot and burning sensation on skin, churing of stomach constant feeling of wanting to puke/vomiting.
21. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?: Not applicable
22. current medicine you are taking: None, but was taking platina,antim crud, larch, mimulus, crab apple etc on prescription.
23. family back ground: Retired parents, younger brother. Staying with parents
24. qualification of patient: MBA
25. Nature of working: Requires interaction with client, presentations, analysis of client's business etc.
26. desire and aversion of food: Absolutely detest chikoo and strong smelling fruits - strong smelling banana etc.Averse to Malai on milk. Usually likes spicy food, but cannot term that as Craving or anything.
27. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public
speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. Any confidential and private matter to
be discuss by email:
Irritable, impatient and anxiety during such situations as mentioned above. Absolutely dread public speaking and presentations these days and cannot think calmly and continuously. Thought begin pouring from all the
28. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases): Aggravates with feeling that I have to make a presentation. Ameliorates ONLy if presentation gets cancelled/postponed.
panna on 2007-12-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
No, not very significant.
As far as I remember, I have not been down for any major reason in last 7-8 years, maybe except occassional common cold.
I cannot say that I have great stamina. In fact, I'll call myself as a low-energy person, but still I'm not prone to any illness.
No, not very significant.
As far as I remember, I have not been down for any major reason in last 7-8 years, maybe except occassional common cold.
I cannot say that I have great stamina. In fact, I'll call myself as a low-energy person, but still I'm not prone to any illness.
panna last decade
Hi Panna
stop taking all other medecine and start (Sulphur-200c) 2pills daily for 5days only then stop and after 3weeks report me back,Ok
Good luck
stop taking all other medecine and start (Sulphur-200c) 2pills daily for 5days only then stop and after 3weeks report me back,Ok
Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade
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