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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Aggressive cat

We have a spayed female kitten less than a year old named Squeeker.

We have 2 other cats. Tessy and Mia. Tessy is a spayed female 14 yrs old very mellow and laid back. Mia is a spayed female 13 yrs old and very timid.

Squeeker the kitten is very aggressive towards Mia. She is not aggressive towards Tessy and she is not aggressive towards us.

She does not like to be picked up or cuddled, whereas the other two really don't mind.

Squeeker will run away faster than the wind if we approach her. The only time she is calm is late evening when she will curl up on my bed.

Squeeker will chase Mia around the house non stop and when she catches her she will pounce on her and bite her on the neck. Mia has puncture wounds (many of them) on her neck.

Mia does not fight back. All she does is cry and cry when this is happening to her.
Squeeker does this on and off during the day and in the evenings.

Is there a remedy I can give her that will stop this behavour towards Mia?

All three cats share the same food bowl and water bowl.
  Ontario on 2008-01-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Is anyone available or qualified to answer this? :)

Ontario last decade
natural singleout weaker (may not be case here)-aniasl sense weakness-as younger seem ingrained to establish place in heriarchy--natural-in this case advisable treat ia as well as squeaker--dose of belladonna for squeeker--1 pellet 30c in 4 oz water--stir-- 1/8 teaspoon dose -----for mia dose of pulsatilla---1 pellet 30c in 4 oz water--stir-- 1/8 teaspoon dose-no repetition of dose til assess response or lack of response
John Stanton last decade
Will do! Thanks very much!
Ontario last decade
will find diet -as with lack of what is natural for feline--plays important factor-over domestication affects and is common source of animal ills..fresh kill is best for cats-as balance right bacterias and nutrients--
John Stanton last decade

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