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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Aggressive cat

My cat Sarah is 8 years old. I have three other cats. Princess is 15, Pumpkin is 6, and Daisy who is 2 months old. I had another cat Simba, who was also 15 like his sister. He passed this year.

Sarah is my problem. I have had her since she was a tiny baby, found out in the rain. She first showed her aggressive tendencies to Simba. She would viciously attack him at random times. It got to the point where she wouldn't let him in the 'cat's bathroom' and I had to give him his own special place for a litter box. Now, Sarah has targeted Daisy. She stalks her and attacks her at any given time. If I hold Daisy close to Sarah, she will lick her face and be kind.
Sarah spends most of her time by herself in our bedroom. We see her at feeding time, and at night. She doesn't like to be held, she will tolerate being touched for a while, and on her terms. She has an unusual habit of sucking on her blanket. After she does this, she is very sweet and loving, but it is short lived.
I have been using a spray bottle when she attacks the kitten. I've also tried prozac as a last resort, but it's impossible to get it in her every day. Any advice would be apprecated.
  DonnaRO on 2012-08-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hope you get remedy advice. But Vet told me female cats
are more territorial and prone to do this. I have a female cat
with same background, who went after the dog(puppy)
and new kitten. New kitten was/is male and very extroverted
and will not stop trying to play with the older cat, she is much
more normal now. Remedy will help, but eventually they will
adjust to each other.
simone717 last decade

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