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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Type-2 Diabetes and High Blood pressure.

I am 61 yrs old male.I am having Type-2 diabetes and high blood pressure for last 20 years.I am taking the following medicines:
. GLIZID MR30: one tab BD
.Covance AT : one tab OD
.Cardace 10: one tab od
.Storvas 10: One tab OD
. Zincovit : one tab OD

Apart from the above I take Madhunashini 2 tabs twice a day.

My diabetes and BP used to be well under control but for the last 6 months or so I notice that the same are not under control. Sugar fasting varies 150-200 and PP 190-270. BP remains 170/90-190/100.

I may mention here that due to a road accident I fracture my Spine at Level L1.It resulted damage to my spinal cord also. Since then I am paralysed below waist. I am wheel chaur bound and have negligible physical activity.

Iwould welcome sincere medical advice for homeopathic medicines for my problem.Thanks in advance.
  wonderman on 2008-01-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
dear wonderman,
My humble and sincere advise to you is to take the medicines as you already been taking and consult your family/nearby physician for time to time advice.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Amendment to my postdt 30-1-2008.

The road accident happened 7 years ago.
wonderman last decade

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