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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Blood Pressure & Diabetes Type 2

I am taking Phosphorus with potency 30, 4 pallets 3 times a day for last five days. My blood sugar has reduced significantly. How long I can continue the medicine (i.e. for maximum how many days can I continue the medicine)?
  jawahardalal on 2008-03-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
soon as it reaches the normal level reduce the dose repetition say once only.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Stop the medicine immediately.

These are energy medicines where it is not the medicine which cures , it is the response of your body to the medicine which cures.

Once your body has started to respond, all further doses of same potency are useless and act as interference to the curative process.

Give your body some time without the medicine.

sameervermani last decade
I had stopped Phos 30 within a day. But, sugar level shoot up as it was a week ago. Now, after 4 months, can I repeat Phos 30? If yes, what should be the dose. I request Sameer Vermani to reply.
jawahardalal last decade
And, did Phosphorus give any benefit ?
sameervermani last decade
Sameer Sir,

Yes, from level of around 200, it had come down to double digit of 98 sometimes 95 mg/dl. I was feeling heavy in head and that heavyness had also gone down significantly. I have blood pressure also and Phos 30 helped in reducing that also. My question is that can I repeat it? What sould be the potency, dose, frquency per day and for how many days?
jawahardalal last decade
Dr. Sameer,

Please reply,

jawahardalal last decade
Please take just 1 dose of Phos 200c on an empty stomach.

Do not eat/brush teeth for 1 hour on either side of this dose.

This is not to repeated.
sameervermani last decade
Thank you very much for the reply Dr. Sameer Sir.

I will do it as prescribed and post the outcome of your remedy on this forum.

jawahardalal last decade
Dr. Sameer,

I had taken Phos. 200 single dose but it seems that there was no effect.

I must also say that before taking this dose, I had taken a dose of Calc-Carb 30 as an antidote for my previous Phos 30 doses.

Then I read somewhere that with Arg-nitricum 200 snakes before eyes can be removed. So, I took around 4 doses of Argentinum Nitricum 200, once a day and stopped.

Also, I drink a lot of coffee.

Now, with highest doses of allopathic medicine, my sugar level is just around 140. And the condition is deteriorating.

I also take allopathic medicine for blood-pressure and lowering cholestrol.

I feel that homeopathy medicine taken without proper guidence have resulted in deterioration of diabetes in my case.

Is there a homeopathic medicine which can undo this effect?

Please guide me Dr. Sameer.
jawahardalal last decade
Dr. Sameer,

Please look into my case and reply.

jawahardalal last decade
When phosphorus 30 acted well why you have taken self prescribed medicine.Start phosphorus 30 1 dose daily and continue till sugar level doesnt come to normal level.One dose of acid pic 200 may help you.Thanks,malaker
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
Thanks Dr. Malaler.
Dr. Sameer,

Please you also look into my case and reply positively.

jawahardalal last decade

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