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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

constitutional remedies

I am convinced my constitutional remedy is Lycopodium.
I have 3 main health issues
1.Anal Fissure-
I have suffered from this for at least 2 years. I switched to homeopathy and as suggested in these forums took arnica/nat phos/silicea with excellent results.Therefore I am now verymuch interested in homeopathy
This is in borderline.I have become a vegetarian.I take flax seed which helps. The cholostrol is under control with healthy diet practices
3, Benign Prostatic Enlargement
My PSA level is 3.8 I have not had major problems so far in this respect except for the fact that when i have to retain urine for a long period voiding urine takes a little longer.That is the flow is slow
Therefore first I wish to sort out my problem of anal fissure completely which I hope will be sooner than later and then find ways and means to solve my Prostrate issue. I am confident homeopathy will have a sure shot remedy for this

Now I wish to know from members of this forum how will Lycopodium fit in in my case. Can it sort out all the other problems I have since it is a consttutional remedy
Please advise
  ktsuda on 2008-06-06
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