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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Question is to all the homeopath practisners - Can the genital herpes homeopathic medicine(prescribed by the patients homeopath)be taken even when there are no outbreaks... Just as a preventive measure.... not only to stop the outbreaks but also to prevent it from infecting other person or partner...

Can the genital herpes homeopathic medication be taken along with the allopathic suppressive treatment, the duration for which is 1 year(2 tablets of famciclovir tablet 250 mg, taken at 12 hours interval).... Is it safe and effective to take the genital herpes homeopathic medicine alongwith the suppressive allopathic medicine?
  Believer on 2004-12-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Read two posts above yours. Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
That didn't work, they all changed. Sorry. S.
sabra 2 decades ago
Do allopathics medicines intract with homeopathy?

Homeopthy has excellent remedies for high fever that responds within the hour. I think one of the problems is that you have become so anxious and impatient that you embrace both in a great deal of hope, and not knowing which is working for what, this makes a person feel uneasy and unsure.

There are no magic pills. allopathic meds are not what they used to be. Our bodies are beginning to be immune to them and this is a real serious problem.

We need to learn about our bodies, what makes them do what is happening. Allopathic antibiotics cause side effects. So, now the question is, are we treating, the same condition, or are we chasing side effects around???

When one uses both or several types of meds the body cannot give a true picture of what is going on. How can one tell the difference between side effects and original body conditions??

So, the answer is yes and no, depending on the situation and the person. I am sure you can see the paradox.

If one is really determined to rebalance the body into wellness, one will have to choose and stick with one type of medicine until a better picture of the conditions of the body finally presents itself.
Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Avoid allopathic medications. They only drive conditions inwards and result in chronic conditions developing.
The "Belt and Braces " method does not work.
If you have not got enough faith in homeopathy, take the allopathic medicine.
passkey 2 decades ago
I think the replies/suggestions are really helpful....

Wanted to know which kind of diets, exercise, lifestyle, activities etc. reduce the probability of having genital herpes outbreak....

If anybody can give a list of any special kind of nutrient(vitamin, iron, mineral etc) and the food that contains this to reduce the probability of genital herpes outbreak.....

Also, does homeopathy has complete cure of genital herpes?
Believer 2 decades ago
Hi all. I've been taking beta glucan(from the walls of bakers yeast)1/3,1/6 mgs.It seems to be curing my lichen sclerosis-which doctors say there is no cure for! Also I've heard of Moducare. Both say they can cure cancer,HIV,herpes,skin problems, rhumetoid arthirtis,allergies,and auto-immune dis-orders! It's working for me!
Also Beta Glucan kills bacterial,fungal and viral infections.And promotes healthy skin growth. It's also used to reduce wrinkles!
Roxy90 last decade
On my above comment I meant that I take 10 mgs of beta glucan 1/3,1/6. 2-3 times a day. Just wanted to correct my typo.
Roxy90 last decade
Hi-I forgot to add about the beta glucan-that it can cure:HERPES,cancer,allergies,skin problems,arthritis,HIV,and many many more diseases.I'm also hearing good things about Moducare-though I've never tried it. Go to your vitamin store and get some.And doctors said there was no cure for my lichen sclerosis!HA!
Roxy90 last decade
I have used Lysine and homeopathic Herp. Sim. for genital herpes with excellent results. Outbreaks have ceased and the person declares themselves healed with no outbreaks for several years. Some factors in diet should be restricted, like too much chocolate and sugar or coffee could be triggers for outbreaks (not too mention coffee negates many remedies). Perhaps this helps. Can recommend homeopathic pharmacy as I don't find Herp. Sim on this site, if you are in the US.
Hope this helps.
jadeshade last decade
Just a word to the wise--

All the illnesses Roxy90 listed above go into remission, which makes them seem cured... for now.
There are currently no cures for those diseases.

Take all medical advice on public forums with a big grain of salt, do some reading and research on your illness, and make sure to check with an allopath to be on the safe side.

And for God's sake, use protection during sex even if you're in remission -- herpes is transmissible even if the symptoms are not present.

Best wishes and good luck.
Orume last decade
Seems like Roxy90 only posts to praise this "Beta Glucan" stuff.

I wonder if she sells it, too. ;-)
Orume last decade
No,I do not sell beta glucan.The reason why doctors say there is no cure for lichen schlerosis is because those dummies do not even know what causes it. I had to find out on my own because mine was not going into remission for the whole five years I had it
Lichen sclerosis was caused by bacterial infections which were never completley cured because I became immune to anti-biotics.The steroid creams only make it worse-they only suppress it-but they do not cure it.
I tried everything. Then a friend told me about tea tree oil. I tried that and it helped some. But when I stopped-a couple weeks later-I got a bladder infection-which I know was caused by the lichen schlerosis. So I found out about Messosilver-took that for a few days-and the bladder infection cleared up.Then I started taking the Beta glucan because that's also said to promote healthy skin growth.(and kills bacterial fungal,and viral infections.)I'm only passing on the good news to help others. But if you guys prefer to whine about it and suffer-then that's your problem. Good luck.
Roxy90 last decade
roxy mentioned she takes 10 mg three times a day. i researced and it suggests that you take 1500 if you are a 130 pound person. did she mean 1000 mg or really 10? i have lichen scherosis and it's driving me completely mad. i would definately try most anything!
sherry last decade
Hi Sherry.
I have LS too and recently decided to try the Beta Glucan. I believe mine is 200 mgs. and I must say it is working!
I'm also hoping Roxy90 will return to this website-I would like to know if this is something we need to stay on or if we can eventually stop taking Beta Glucan. I did some reading on it and it seems the brands that have the linkages 1-3,1-6 from cell wall bakers yeast work the best. Have you checked out all the interesting info on Beta Glucan?
This site sells something called Beta Vulgaris but I don't believe it is the same thing.
cyndi last decade
Hi Cyndi. I'm thrilled to hear the beta glucan is helping you. How long did it take before you saw results? I've been taking it for about a week and a half. My lichen schlerosis is HORRIBLE right now, so I am praying that this will soon help me as well. I have been taking 200mg once a day. How much are you taking?

Thank you for replying. You know... I waited until marriage to have sex and then I had a child. I developed this during pregnancy and sex has never been the same since. Very depressing. I would love to have some relief! Even for a week!

Take Care.
sherry last decade
Hi Sherry-I take 200mgs once a day. I started off with 2 a day but cut it down to one capsule a day(200 mgs). Yes LS is horrible! It gave me a bladder infection and my vaginal opening was starting to shrink. I took the Mesosilver like Roxy90 suggested and then switched to the beta glucan after bladder infection cleared up.So I don't know if I noticed faster results because of the mesosilver or not.
I also experienced light fluike symptoms(stomach upset) for about 3 days in the beginning of starting the beta glucan-it is a sign that your body is ridding itself of whatever germ or bacterium-kind of like de-toxifying itself.
I noticed results with the beta glucan within a week or so. And the Mesosilver I noticed my bladder infection was gone in 4 days-but felt releif in like 2 days.
cyndi last decade
Well, I'm taking 200mg a day and will continue to do so for at least a month. I don't see much difference, although I had noticed that I felt worse! Just as you said. My vaginal opening starting narrowing as well- just before giving birth! Yikes! I still struggle with that. I appreciate hearing from someone else that this is working. O' I have also been told that a product called Essential Woman can be extremely helpful using 2 tbs a day. You can get it at your health food store. I have started that as well. It tastes horrible, but it's better than the condition!
sherry last decade
Hi Sherry. What ingredients are in Essential Woman?
cyndi last decade
It's flaxseed oil and evening primrose oil basically. I believe it's suppose to balance the hormones. Of course, it's good for you in many many other ways.

I'm just not seeing change with the beta glucan. What is the mesosilver and what is it good for?
sherry last decade
Mesosilver is colloidal silver.

I advise against ingesting colloidal silver. I has not been shown safe or effective in any professional study.

Yes, colloidal silver kills bacteria. So does chlorine bleach and ammonia, and I wouldn't suggest ingesting either of those either.

I suggest reading about Rosemary Jacobs and argyria: http://homepages.together.net/~rjstan/rose1.html

Take care. I wish you the very best of health. :-)
Orume last decade
Hi Sherry. Yes,Mesosilver is a brand of colloidal silver mixed with deionized water. It kills fungal,bacterial,and viral infections.Alot of people who are immune to anti-biotics use this and beta glucan. I used Mesosilver for a little over a week because nothing was curing my bladder infection. I Also put a little on my vulva skin and that helped stopped the itch. Though this is something you probably shouldn't over use because many years ago doctors in Germany used to prescribe colloidal silver to their patients and there have been cases where people's skin would turn silvery. I chose Mesosilver brand because it sounded more safe than the colloidal silver powder you mix on your own. I used it untill my bladder infection was gone and then switched to the beta glucan. I also used tea tree oil topicly-that also kills fungal,bacterial and viral infections. Because it smells strong(tea tree oil) I used at bed time. Give the beta glucan a chance to work in your system. If you get mild flu like symptoms or stomach upset like diarhea that means the beta glucan is making your immune systom respond and fight off the LS.
Also-during this time-I didn't have sex-I wanted my skin to heal first and no baths-just showers. Also I only wear cotton underwear.Also I haven't been using the topical steroids as those used to make things worse for me. I hope the beta glucan starts working for you.Let me know how you're doing.
God bless,
cyndi last decade
Thank you. Could you write the exact description on your beta glucan? I'm going to need to order a new bottle and want to be sure I have the strength that you have. I meant to bring my bottle to write you what I have, so you could compare.

It seems to be worse now. At least 6 sores and the skin is so white and tough. Sometimes I think I'll go mad! I wake up itching all night! I got some SensuaOrganic lubrication to use all the time and that helps, but still not complete relief. Perhaps I should try the mesosilver for awhile? I have heard the colloidal silver is wonderful. Frankly, I keep praying that God will heal me, because nothing seems to help anymore. The steriods never helped me either and I was nervous about using them anyway.

Thanks so much for corresponding. How long have you had it?
sherry last decade
Hi Sherry. I've had LS for about 3 years. I've only had 2 white patches that I know of.And those went away when I stopped using the steroids and I had started using A&D ointment instead. Then a few months ago I heard about tea tree oil and started using that. It's possible that I felt quicker results because of the tea tree oil and then using the Mesosilver for the bladder infection before starting the beta glucan.
My brand of beta glucan is called Maximum Beta Glucan 200 mgs-60 capsules by YoungAgain. I ordered it off the internet-it was on sale from Young Again Nutrients and I made sure it had 1/3-1/6 linkages in it. The past couple days I split the capsule in half because it was making me feel a little tired-but it was really working on my LS-it's summer time and no itching. I also haven't used any A&D ointment on my skin.
About waking up at night itching-I used to use the A&D ointment or clotrimozole cream-(used for yeast infections-the brand monostate never worked good for me)I also think that the yeast infections or bacterial infections are a drug resistant strain-that's why the Mesosilver and beta glucan works good because they kill drug resistant fungal,bacterial and viral infections.
Have a happy 4th!
cyndi last decade
Well, I used the beta glucan with no success as I can see it. I would say it's worse. I am totally white with many raw sores. I guess because I can't keep myself from itching. I had really hoped to treat this naturally, but I really can't take this anymore. It's keeping me up all night and crying during the day. I can't fulfill the needs of my husband and after two years- I have to do something else. I have an appt. with a specialist in lichen schlerosis on Monday the 18th. My girlfriend, who also has LS, goes to him and has been treated very successfully for 23 years! She uses valisone cream for very short periods of time. Hers has never gotten this bad- or even close. Maybe once I can get it under control I can keep it away naturally. I'm interested in what you have taken, but since LS isn't an infection, I don't know that it would help me unless I had a bladder infection. I will try the A & D or tea tree oil though. I'm glad yours has never been this miserable! You are blessed!!! I'll let you know what the specialist has to say! Thanks Cyndi!
sherry last decade
As I went back and read the above, I see that Roxy feels that LS is the result of an infection... Is this true?
sherry last decade

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